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The Stafford Library – Volume III
The Fortunate
The Lunar List of the Emperors
of Dara Happa
By Greg Stafford
and Friends
The Stafford Library: Volume III
The Fortunate Succession
The Fortunate
Translated from the Gloranthan by Greg Stafford
Copyright © 2013 by Greg Stafford
Page 1
The Fortunate Succession
The Stafford Library: Volume III
This is a copy of my current notes of a Work In Progress.
This is not a final publication, nor is it intended to provide
information which is fascinating to the general reader. It is,
in fact, documentary Gloranthan material which I have
compiled as deep background for one or more Gloranthan
I would like to give special thanks to three individuals
who have contributed directly to this work under the very
difficult circumstances of working with me. First, to Nick
Brooke, who compiled the bones of the Carmanian material
given here (and more). Secondly, to Oliver Dickinson, who
corrected some Latinish errors (remaining errors are mine).
And finally to Dan Barker, for the art.
This is the First Edition of this work, originally released
at RuneQuest Con 2, January 1995. Similar material was in a
previous work. All Contents Copyright © 2013 by Greg
Stafford. All Rights Reserved. No permission is granted to
copy this book in any form whatsoever. The Red Goddess
Protects this Book. Rob it at your risk!
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................. 2  
Map 1: Peloria ............................................................... 3  
The Fortunate Succession .......................................... 4  
The Dynasties ............................................................... 4  
The Yelm Dynasty ....................................................... 5  
The Ovosto Dynasty ................................................... 6  
Map 2 Dara Happa ca. 100,201 to 103,215 ........... 7  
The Anaxial Dynasty ................................................... 8  
Map 3 Peloria, Ruling ca. 111,000 to 111,050 ....... 11  
Jenarong Dynasty ....................................................... 12  
Map 4 Peloria ca. 111,000 to 111,050 .................... 13  
Map 5 Peloria ca. 111,200 to 111,250 ................. 16  
Khordavu Dynasty..................................................... 17  
Map 6 Peloria ca.111,350 to 111,375 ..................... 19  
Nysalor ........................................................................ 22  
Ordanestyu, The Great Advisor .............................. 23  
Erzanestyu Dynasty ................................................... 24  
Map 7 Peloria ca.111,500 ......................................... 25  
Denesiod Dynasty ...................................................... 29  
Map 8 Peloria c. 111,700 ......................................... 30  
Map 9 Peloria c. 111,750 to 111,800 ...................... 32  
Map 10 Peloria c. 111,800 to 111,850 ................... 34  
Map 11 Peloria c. 111,850 to 111,900 ................... 35  
The Dragon Sun ......................................................... 36  
Karvanyar Dynasty .................................................... 37  
Map 12 Peloria c. 111,900 to 111,950 ................... 38  
Map 13 Peloria c. 112,050 to 112,100 ................... 40  
Map 14 Peloria c. 112,100 to 112,150 ................... 42  
Map 15 Peloria c. 112,150 to 112,200 ................... 44  
Carmanian Lords ....................................................... 45  
Map 16 Peloria c. 112,200 to 112,220 ................... 46  
New Solar Dynasty .................................................... 47  
77. The Red Emperor ............................................... 49  
Map 17 Peloria c. 112,220 to 112,250 ................... 50  
Early "Outlaw Emperors" ........................................ 52  
Later "Outlaw Emperors" ........................................ 52  
The Red Emperor ...................................................... 53  
The New Empire ....................................................... 60  
Dara Happan Religion .............................................. 64  
The Cult and Worship of Yelm ............................... 65  
Illumination ................................................................ 71  
Low Dara Happan Religion ..................................... 75  
Appendix A: Dara Happan Emperor Lists ........... 77  
Appendix B:  Elmexdros Notes ............................... 81  
Appendix C: Carmanian Sources ............................ 86  
Appendix D. Misc. Art Comments ......................... 92  
Appendix E: Dara Happan Sacred Alphabet ........ 93  
Sacred Alphabet ......................................................... 94  
INDEX ....................................................................... 95  
A Moon Design Publication
3450 Wooddale Ct, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Page 2
copyright © 2013 by Greg Stafford
The Stafford Library: Volume III
Map 1: Peloria
Geographic Features
The Fortunate Succession
Copyright © 2013 by Greg Stafford
Page 3
The Fortunate Succession
The Stafford Library: Volume III
The Fortunate
The Lunar List of the Emperors of Dara Happa
December 25,1994 Revision
Greg Sez:
This is also often incorrectly called
In fact, the real
Yelmgatha’s List
was made shortly
The Fortunate Succession,
and was named after the
emperor who ordered it to be made during the Lunar Zero
Wane (c. 112,450 YS)
In addition to
Yelmgatha’s List, The Fortunate
includes parts of several other earlier lists of
emperors. The tradition of Emperor Lists was ancient,
having begun with
The Glorious ReAscent of Yelm
111260 YS. It was also widespread, as witnessed by the
Book of Kings
and extensive barbarian
These various sources often conflicted with each other.
In fact,
Yelmgatha’s List
was written specifically to cleanse
Dara Happa of the earlier corrupt lists. Emperor Yelmgatha
was eager to purge his newly liberated land of all
Carmanian traces and re-establish his traditional Solar way
He convinced the priests of the Temple of Yelm in Alkoth
to reveal their original copy of
Glorious ReAscent of
Alkoth had never been plundered, and thus
contained many very ancient works which could not be
disputed. So armed, Yelmgatha's scholars created the work
which bears his name.
Yelmgatha was the last Solar Emperor. He died
without male heirs, and subsequent attempts by rebellious
to elect one of their own to the Imperial Throne
all failed, proving their fraudulence. The true heir, of course,
was Takenegi, who passed all tests and has remained secure
since then as the Emperor. The Emperor then decreed
Fortunate Succession
to be the official list.
Later, in the Fifth Wane,
The Fortunate Succession
was used as part of a longer book,
She Blesses W ho Reads
This era saw a new wave of literacy as part of the
post-Sheng Seleris recovery. Many new writings were made
and old ones copied to educate and entertain the public.
Blesses Who Reads This
is one compilation which has
survived, though most of it is not included in this
This document also does not include the original's
Introduction, nor attempt to replicate the whole of the Dara
Happan document, nor to seriously reproduce the language
of the era. I have also left out information on the earliest
emperors, who are covered adequately in
The Glorious
ReAscent of Yelm.
The Dynasties
The Fortunate Succession
is the Complete and Official
the Dara Happan Emperors, as decreed by the Lord
Takenegi, the seventy-seventh living god to sit upon the
immortal throne, in the seventh year of his reign
Since the beginning of existence, 77 emperors have
ruled the land of Dara Happa. The rulers are grouped
together by dynasties as follows:
Yelm Dynasty (3)
Ovosto Dynasty (3)
Anaxial Dynasty (7)
Jenarong Dynasty (12)
Khordavu Dynasty (9)
Erzanestyu Dynasty (11)
Denesiod Dynasty (10)
Karvanyar Dynasty (16)
Carmanian Dynasty (3)
Solar Dynasty (2)
Red Emperor (I)
There are some years in which there was no active,
acknowledged Emperor of Dara Happa.
Carmanian "Book of Kings" is called, in its language,
newly rediscovered by his adventures upon
Mythic Planes
See page XX
seventh year of his reign. Specifically 112,257
or 1/7
1257 ST (barbaric)
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copyright © 2013 by Greg Stafford
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