Richard M. Dolan, George Noory - UFOs for the 21st Century Mind - A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery (2014).pdf

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for the 21
Century Mind
A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery
Richard M. Dolan
Richard Dolan Press
Richard Dolan Press
Rochester, New York 14619
Copyright ©2014 by Richard M. Dolan
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Richard Dolan Press and logo are registered trademarks of Richard Dolan Press.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dolan, Richard Michael
UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery / by Richard M. Dolan
486 p. cm.
Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 978-1495291609
1. Unidentified Flying Objects
2. History.
I. Dolan, Richard M. II. Title
First published in the United States by Richard Dolan Press
First Printing: January 2014
Cover concept and illustration by Michelle Montany
Cover design by Mark Brabant
Back cover photo of author © by Michelle Montany
All photographs and illustrations in this book were reproduced with the kind permission of their owners, or
else are in the public domain.
Manufactured in the United States of America.
To the countless UFO researchers of the past who made this
research possible, and to the truth seekers of today and tomorrow.
Foreword by George Noory
Chapter 1. What Are UFOs?
What are UFOs?
Getting Technical
And Yet ...
What Can UFOs Be?
UFOs and the Problem of Science
Who Decides What is Proof?
Implications: What if They are Real?
Political Implications
Economic Implications
Religious Implications
Scientific Implications
Cultural Implications
Global Implications
Chapter 2. Theories of Ancient Visitation
Our Journey to Understand the Past
Ancient Images
A Lost Civilization?
Other Structures, Inexplicable and Explicable
Flying Trinkets
Ancient Writings: Vimanas
Ancient Writings: Egypt
Ancient Writings: The Bible
Ancient Astronauts
The Annunaki
More Ancient Stories
Charles Fort
Chapter 3. Into Modernity: Airships, Foo Fighters, and Flying Saucers, 1896 to
The Airships
After the Airships
World War Two
Ghost Rockets
Belgian Congo Mines
1952 and Washington, DC
Aerial Encounters and Air Space Violations
Encounters with Beings
Operation Dominic: UFO Crash in the Pacific
The Crescendo of the 1960s
Minot AFB
Malmstrom AFB
Shag Harbor
Mutilations and More
Chapter 4. UFO Secrecy and Those Who Fought It
The Early Cover-Up
1947: The Dam Breaks
1948: Estimating the Situation
The Case of James Forrestal
Unknown Objects Over Sensitive Airspace
The Crisis of 1952
Challenging the Air Force
More Sightings and A New Crisis
The Condon Committee
The End of an Era
Chapter 5. Digging Deeper—The Breakaway Civilization
UFO Crash: Roswell
UFO Crash: Aztec
UFO Crash: Kingman
UFO Crash: Brazil
UFO Crash: Las Vegas
UFO Crash: Kecksburg
UFO Crash: Bolivia
Other Crashes
Stringfield’s Leaks
Going Deeper Still: The Sarbacher-Walker Saga
Bodies, Technology, and Area 51
German Technology
The Requirements of Secrecy
The Breakaway Civilization
Paying For It All
Chapter 6. High Strangeness—UFOs from 1970 to 1990
The Delphos UFO of 1971
The Wave of 1973: Two Interesting Cases
High Strangeness in Spain
The Strange Year of 1975
Intruder Alert
A Sphere over the Canaries
Incident over Tehran
Around the World During the Late 1970s
Enter the 1980s
The Hudson Valley Sightings
Around the World and in Space
Gulf Breeze
Area 51
Soviet UFOs
Triangles over Belgium
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