Joseph Shatzmiller - Cultural Exchange. Jews, Christians, and Art in the Medieval Marketplace (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World) [Retail].pdf

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Cultural Exchange
Jews, Christians, and Art in the
Medieval Marketplace
Joseph Shatzmiller
Cultural ExChangE
Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the ancient to the Modern World
William Jordan, Michael Cook, and Peter Schäfer, series editors
Edited by Michael Cook, William Chester Jordan, and Peter Schäfer
a list of titles in this series appears at the back of the book.
Cultural ExChangE
Jews, Christians, and art in the
Medieval Marketplace
Joseph Shatzmiller
PrinCEton univErSity PrESS
Princeton and oxford
Copyright © 2013 by Princeton university Press
Published by Princeton university Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, new Jersey 08540
in the united Kingdom: Princeton university Press, 6 oxford Street, Woodstock, oxfordshire ox20
all rights reserved
Jacket art: “initial E: a Man receiving a Purse from a Jew in Exchange for a goblet”
(83.MQ.165.114). artist: unknown, Possible Michael lupi de Candiu, about 1290–1310.
Courtesy of the getty Museum.
library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shatzmiller, Joseph, author.
Cultural exchange : Jews, Christians, and art in the medieval marketplace / Joseph Shatzmiller.
pages cm. — (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the ancient to the modern world)
includes bibliographical references and index.
iSBn 978-0-691-15699-6 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Jews—Europe, Western—
Civilization. 2. Jews—Europe, Western—Social life and customs—to 1500. 3. Christians—
Europe, Western—Civilization. 4. Christians—Europe, Western—Social life and customs—to
1500. 5. Europe, Western—Civilization—to 1500. 6. Europe, Western—Civilization—Jewish
influences. 7. Europe, Western—Ethnic relations. i. title.
DS135.E81S53 2013
British library Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available
Publication of this book has been aided by a grant from Duke university’s history Department; the
incorporation of the illustrations has been supported by a grant from the lucius n. littauer
this book has been composed in Sabon
Printed on acid-free paper. ∞
Printed in the united States of america
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