Drawing the Landscape (4th Edition) - Chip Sullivan.pdf
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Drawing the
The Art of Hand Drawing and Digital Representation
Fourth Edition
Chip Sullivan
Cover design: Wiley
Cover image: courtesy of Chip Sullivan
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Sullivan, Chip.
drawing the landscape / Chip Sullivan. -- Fourth Edition.
pages cm
includes bibliographical references and index.
iSBn 978-1-118-45481-7 (pbk.), iSBn 978-1-118-79919-2 (ebk.); iSBn 978-1-118-
80832-0 (ebk.)
1. Landscape drawing--technique. i. title.
nC795.S86 2013
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To my grandfather, for giving me pencils;
to my father, for giving me determination;
and to my mother, for her faith in me
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