13. Joseph C. Williams - Architecture of Disjuncture. Mediterranean Trade and Cathedral Building in a New Diocese (11th-13th Centuries) (Architectura Medii Aevi, Book 13) [Retail].pdf

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Architecture of Disjuncture
Architectura Medii Aevi
Series Editor
Prof. Thomas Coomans (University of Leuven, Department of Architecture)
Advisory Board
Prof. em. Caroline Bruzelius (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina)
Prof. Christian Freigang (Freie Universität Berlin, Kunsthistorisches Institut)
Dr Zoë Opačić (University of London, Birkbeck College, Department of History of Art)
Prof. Dany Sandron (Université de Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV)
Prof. em. Paul Crossley (The Courtauld Institute of Art, London)
Architecture of Disjuncture
Mediterranean Trade and Cathedral Building
in a New Diocese (11th - 13th Centuries)
Joseph C. Williams
Cover image: Molfetta, S. Corrado. Detail of north flank. Photo: author.
© 2020, Brepols Publishers n.v., Turnhout, Belgium.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of
the publisher.
ISBN 978-2-503-58108-8
E-ISBN 978-2-503-58109-5
DOI 10.1484/M.AMA.EB.5.115880
ISSN 2031-4817
E-ISSN 2565-9227
Printed in the EU on acid-free paper.
This book is dedicated to the memory and legacy of Professor Pina Belli D’Elia.
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