Amazing Grace - Complete [enjugroup][Kindle_LNWNCentral].pdf

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Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 0
It's all a lie. I see no light. It's a deception.
If God really does exist, why am I going through this?
My life has no meaning.
So why didn't I end it and get it over with?
I had more than enough chances to.
It's easy to guess why I didn't.
I was afraid of dying.
If I died, everything would disappear. It would become nothing.
That's why he told me to believe in God.
Because we wouldn't have to be afraid as long as we believed that we were
going to see God when we died.
But those are just pretty words. That guy gets on my nerves. He acts like he
knows everything, even though he doesn't. And he says stupid things, like that
he loves me.
I figured he was probably just looking for sex. I told him he could fuck me
whenever he wanted. When I told him that, he held me close, and told me again
that he loved me. He would love me in God's place, he said.
I hate him.
But whenever I hear that song being played on the church organ, the back of
my eyes start to sting.
Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see.
Chapter 1
"What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"
Masatake Kuji responded to the question by shifting his gaze from the ceiling
to the towering man on top of him. His angular jaw had a rugged sprinkling of
stubble; the bridge of his nose was thick and bent, and beast-like eyes glittered
from within deep sockets. Ruining his whole look was the head of tightly-
permed hair that adorned his head like a cute cloud. Kuji always came close to
laughing at the sight.
"Not much."
The man deftly switched positions as he began thrusting into him from
behind. The walls were thin in this cheap hotel in the outskirts of town. From
the room next door, they could hear muffled moans and the sounds of a bed
Kuji pressed his face against the sheets and suppressed his voice. The man's
hand reached for his groin and began to rub his half-flaccid penis.
"You're high maintenance, you know that?"
"Why don't you just go ahead and come, Nango?"
"Won't do," said Nango as he pumped harder. "I like that squeeze I get when
you come."
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