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Opanuj słownictwo w
20 dni
- DZIEŃ 7 -
at the age of
- w wieku
break into
- włamać się gdzieś
change of heart
- zmiana zdania, nastawienia
do somebody good
- dobrze na kogoś
get injured
- doznawać kontuzji
interfere in
- wtrącać, ingerować w coś
it’s kind of you
- miło z Twojej strony
join the army
- wstąpić do wojska
keep a promise
- dotrzymać obietnicę
on the whole
- ogólnie, generalnie
out of the blue
- niespodziewanie, nagle
rely on
- polegać na kimś / czymś
share something with
- dzielić coś z kimś
take after somebody
- być podobnym do
take part in
- brać udział w
take something for granted
- uważać coś za
rzecz oczywistą
turn down
(np. muzykę), odrzucić
(np. zaproszenie)
uninhabited area
- niezamieszkała okolica
wear the trousers
- rządzić w domu (idiom)
what’s going on?
- co jest grane?
7. Odszukaj i popraw błędne zdania.
1. Would you mind turning up the music? It’s a bit too loud.
2. Philip joined to the army last year and he’s really satisfied.
3. Mozart died in the age of 35.
4. How many contestants are supposed to take a part in the event?
5. Stop interfering at my life! I’d rather you minded your own business.
6. On the hole, nobody agreed to contribute their own time to the project.
7. You shouldn’t have bought so many flowers. It’s so kind of your side.
8. Thousands of people got injury due to the natural disaster.
9. I was going down the street and out of the black I met my ex-boyfriend.
10. My sister has always share a room with me.
11. Who carries the trousers in this relationship?
12. While we were on holiday, someone broken into our studio flat.
13. What a change in heart! I hope your life will become better.
14. We all take water behind granted in Europe, but it’s not like that in Africa.
15. Take this medicine. Trust me, it will make you good.
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