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A___st_r _an_d_ le card
VI LSL No.83 (_102a)
M 409 tests of spatial orientation
ABR_SO!_, H.A., JfuRVIK, H.E., HIRSCH, M.W., EWALD, A.T. (Depts.
of Med., Neurol., & Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hosp., New York
c ty)
acid diethylamide
V. Effect
on spatial re-
(19 5).
The effects of LSD on 2 tests of spatial relations
(_he Thurstone Hand Test and the revised Hinnesota Paper Form
Bioard Test (MPFB).
MATERIAL: 12 _non-psychotic
adults (6 F, 6 M), age range 21-33.
& _ETHOD: Each subject was tested three times and 8 were
sted 4 times with at least one week between the experiments.
• first time placebos was 61ven_:".0/_g LSD was given the 2nd
time, lO0_g
LSD the third time and placebos the 4th time. The
2 testswere carried out approximately
1 3/4 hours after the
LSD tested to impair the subject's scores in tests of
spatial relationship
but only some of the changes were signifi-
aant. In both forms of the Thu_stone Hand Test there was signi-
ficant impairment
only between the scores after placebo and
after I00/,_ LSD. In the I_PFB the only significant
change was
between the 2 doses of LSD. On subsequent testing without LSD
the subjects performed more proficiently
than at the first
The papers published by this group include: ABR_SON,
LSD 71; ABRA_NON et al., LSD 65, LSD 66, LSD 83, LSD 85, LSD 87,
LSD 88; JARVI_" et al., LSD 72, LSD 84, LSD 86.
LSD: V. Effet sur l'appr4ciation
de relations spatiales.)
Chez des adultes non-psychotiques,
2 tests concernant
elation des relations
de divers oh jets sont ex4cut4s
apr_s ingestion de 50_ de LSD, lO0_'de LSD et apr_s p!ac_bos.
Sous LSD, l'aptidude y relative est diminu4e_ foals cette dimi-
nution est rarement
w 6
(K 7431)
_[KT/DrBs/_!O 555
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