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VI LSD Uo.85 (§102a)
M 408 test of motor performance
ABRAMSON, H.Ao,JARV[ K,M.E., HIRSCH,M.W. (Depts.of Med., Neurol.,
& Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hosp., New York City)
acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VIIo Effect upon two
of motor performance_
The effect of LSD on two tests of hand-eye coordination°
12 non-psychotic adults (6 M, 6 F). Age range 21-33.
M_/THOD: _ll subjects tested three times at intervals of at
least one week° 8 subjects were tested four times. The first
and 4th tests were after placebo° Before the 2nd and 3rd test
the subjects were given 50 and lOO/_g LSD orall_respectively.
Tests carried out approxo 2-2_ hours after administration of
LSD or placebo.
R_SULTS: There were no statistically significant differences
between the scores after placebo and after LSD, or between
the scores after 50/_g LSD and IO0_g LSDo The tendency was for
increasing impairment of performance with increasing doses.
LSD tended to interfere with the normally anticipated improve_
ment under subsequent testing with the same tests. However,
some improvement occured despite LSD and this improvement
tended to counteract the effect of LSD on test performance.
_QMMENT: The papers published by this group include: ABRAMSON,
LSD 71; ABR_TMSON et al., LSD 65, LSD 66, LSD 83, LSD 85, LSD 87,
LSD 88; JARVIK et alo_ LSD 72, LSD 84, LSD 86.
LSD: Vll. Effet sur 2 tests de fonctions motrices.
12 adultes non-psychotiques
sont soumis, apr&s ingestion
de 50 _ de LSD, lO0_ de LST ou placebos, & 2 tests concernant
la coordination de mouvements et d_impressions visuelles. I1
n'y a pas de diff4rence nette entre les r4sultats observ4s
apr_s plac4bos et LSD ou entre ceux observ@s apr&s 50 _ et 1OOg
de LSD. Mais la facult4 de coordination tend _ diminuer apr&s
des doses 41ev4es.
w 5 (K7438)
m T/OrBs/MO
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