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VI LSD No. 84 (_i02 a)
M 409 tests of recognition and recall
J.&RVIK, M.E., ABRAMSON, H.A., HIRSCH, M.Wo (Depts.of Med.,
Neurol., & Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hosp., New York City)
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VIIJ Effect upon recal L
and recognition of various stimuli.
PROBLEM: The effect of LSD on the recognition and recall of
verbal and visual stimuli.
MATERL_L: 12 non-psychotic adults (6 F, 6 M). Age range 21-33.
METH01 _ 5 visual and 4 auditory tests were used, containing
stimtul_ of varying degrees of familiarity. All 12 subjects
were tested three times and 8 were tested four times. At the
_'_st s_ssion placebo was given, at the 2nd 50/_g LSD, at the
j_ lO0/_fgLSD, at the fourth plE_ebo. There was an interval
of at least 1 week between the sessions. Tests carriedout
approx. 1 hour afte_ administralionof drug or placebo.
RESULTS: lO0/_g LSD significantly impaired recognition or
recall in 6 of 9 tests, as compared with the performance after
placebo. 50_g LSD produced an insignificant effect on recall
and recognition. Only sentence recall showed significant
improvement from pre-LSD to post-LSD placebo sessions. However,
all tests showed some improvement.
COM_fl_NT:The papers published by this group include: ABRAMSON,
LSD 71; ABRA_SON et al., LSD 65, LSD 66, LSD 83, LSD 85,
LSD 87, LSD 88_ J_RVIK et al., LSD 72, LSD 84, LSD 86.
LSD:VI. _Effet sur le souvenir et la reconnaissance de diff6rents
12 sujets adultes sont soumis _ 9 tests pour savoir s'ils
vent reconnaltre ou se rappeler les stimuli employ@s, ceci
L00 _ de LSD et d 'un placebo.
apr_s i_gestion de 50 _ de LSD,
. "
Apr&s _O0_de
LSD, cette faculte est nettement diminuee dans
6 tests s_r 9; 50 _n'ont pas d'effet significatif.
w 5(K 7437)
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