
(63 KB) Pobierz
VI LSD No.127 (§102a)
M 500 properties
M 377 psychotic effect
HoCo (Deptoof
MedoSchool & Boston PsychopathoHospo;
Experimental psychiatry°
IVo Hallucinogens:
Tools in experimental
DisoNervoSysto 16, 229 (1955).
This group of investigators began a study of experimentally
mental phenomena in 1949o Observations on the effects of LSD have
already been published (RINKEL et alo, LSD NooI2, I_D Noo67, LSD
Noo93; DESHON et alo LSD Nool2a; HOAGLAND et alo LSD Noo69). -
The studies carried out o_ more than i00 normal volunteers (most of
"om were given l_g/kg LSD)indicated that it is predominantly the
a_renaline cycle and the pituitary-adrenocortical
adaptation system
which are involved in the causation of the clinical and physiochemi-
cal phenomena° It was assumed that LSD may interfere with the normal
course of adrenaline metabolism and bring about the formation of a
noxious metabolite; this metabolite might possibly be the actual
cause of the mental phenomena observed in the reaction to LSDo Ex-
periments on the distribution and excretion of 14C-labelled LSD and
non-labelled LSD in mice and rats are at present in progress° The
results, which seem promising, may well provide further evidence
for assuming that a new noxious agent results from LSD administra-
tion° - Reference is made to the investigations of HOFFER et alo on
adrenochrome and of HEIRMAN et alo on adrenoxineo The similarity of
the effects of adrenoxine, LSD and mescaline may warrant the study
of the effects of adrenoxine in man°
COMMENT: See RINKEL et alo (LSD Noo67) regarding the chemical con-
pt of psychosis, HOAGLA/_D et alo (LSD Noo69) regarding LSD and
the adrenocortical system and STOLL et alo (LSD Noo126) regarding
studies on radioactive
w6 (E 8174)
NKT/lk 1255
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