Necromunda - The Book of Peril (2019).pdf

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Entropy gnaws like a Sumptown rat at the
foundations of Necromunda, each tiny bite
another crack in a world wrapped in a
latticework of fractures.
Hive cities were not built to endure forever.
Things of ferrite, plasteel and progress, they
reached for the stars even as the entropic
void dragged them back to the ground. Like
dead rotting teeth poking from infected gums,
whole regions of the hive cities have perished,
descending into decay and disuse, good only
for the rat, the mutant or the renegade. These
Badzones fester beneath the streets of Hive
City, reminding its citizens that all which
endures in the light will one day be claimed by
the dark. Others take a more pragmatic view,
sinking down into the depths of the Badzones
and accepting that a long rusting night is coming
to Necromunda, and only those who embrace it
will survive.
With each cycle, the Badzones creep closer
to the gates of Hive City; and each cycle the
balance between entropy and progress tips
towards oblivion.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Welcome to the Badzones
The Great Web of Necromunda............................6
The Merchants Guild
Mercator Pyros
Mercator Nautica
Mercator Pallidus..............................................8
Mercator Sanguis
Mercator Gelt
Mercator Lux
Mercator Temperium
Mercator Munda................................................9
‘Venator’ Bounty Hunter Gangs
Gang composition
Venators in Campaigns..................................14
‘Venator’ Bounty Hunter Gangs
Making an Alliance
Guild Allies
Water Guild......................................................25
Promethium Guild
Corpse Guild
Slave Guild
Guild of Coin
Iron Guild.........................................................30
Guild Representatives.........................................33
Nautican Syphoning Delegation
Pyromantic Conclave
Corpse Harvesting Party................................36
Slaver Entourage
Toll Collectors
Badzones Trading Post.......................................42
Special Ammunition
Badzones Battlefields
Generating Events..........................................50
Badzones Terrain.................................................64
Industrial Terrain.............................................66
Hive Ruins
Carnivorous Plants.........................................74
Badzones Scenarios
Escape the Badzone
Manufactorum Raid
The Conveyer..................................................82
Fungal Horror..................................................84
Toll Bridge
Badzones Weapons Reference Chart................89
Weapon Traits
Dramatis Personae
Kal Jericho
Freikstorn Strix
Shadows of Catallus
Mortanna Shroud
Apollus Kage...................................................49
Thaetos 23-2....................................................62
Rex Spires
Vorgen ‘Gunner’ Mortz
Necromunda © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2019. Necromunda, GW, Games Workshop,
Citadel and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations,
weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or
© Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of
the publishers.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to
real people or incidents is purely coincidental. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this
book is available from the British Library.
978 1 78826 626 0
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Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
“Travel from one underhive settlement to another is never easy. You can always take the
shortest route, but there is a reason they call it the beaten path – because if you use it then
you are likely to take a beating!”
Gavel Wall-eye, Dust Falls Road Warden
Hive City dominates the bulk of Hive Primus, and is
the collective term for thousands of districts, domes
and manufactorums; a chaotic press of billions of
souls all working ceaselessly for the nobles above. As
hellish as life on the streets of Hive City is, however,
transit within it remains relatively safe and easy, the
millions of industrial helots going about their daily
labours heedless of the horrors that beset those who
live below the Wall. Not so in the underhive. Among
the ruined foundations of the hive settlements are
beacons of light and relative safety among collapsed
domes, abandoned industries and rubble-choked
wastelands. Beyond their walls, starving predators
prowl the shadows and ancient machines rumble
like dying gods in the dark. These are the Badzones.
Travellers crossing these regions keep to well-used
routes watchful for bandits and monsters, or else
take backways and risk sludge rivers, toxic pits and
carnivorous fungi. Only Guilder caravans can cross
the Badzones with any degree of certainty, hiring local
gangs or itinerant Bounty Hunters to ensure the trade
roads are kept open. Settlements rely upon these
trade routes and the Guilders for their survival, each
one a gossamer thread across the wastes and lifeline
to the inhabitants of the underhive.
Necromunda: The Book of Peril
explores the perilous
wastes between the more established zones of
the underhive. While gangs might fight for the fate
of settlements, or become masters of prosperous
holesteads and scrapyards, sometimes their constant
turf wars take them into the desolate Badzones.
Necromunda: The Book of Peril,
players will
find a wealth of additional content for their games
of Necromunda, allowing them to add hazardous
environmental effects to their games, fight battles over
toxic jungles and sludge seas, or have rat swarms
and Mutie raiders complicate their encounters.
Necromunda: The Book of Peril
also introduces rules
for making alliances with the Merchants Guild, giving
gangs access to unique warriors and equipment, but
at a price. Included are a collection of new Dramatis
Personae Bounty Hunters for gangs to hire, along
with new Badzones-specific equipment to further
expand the Trading Post. Finally, this book includes a
collection of five new scenarios which plunge gangs
into the most hazardous areas of the underhive.
Necromunda is a detailed skirmish game with lots
of options and actions for players to explore – and
Necromunda: The Book of Peril
adds even more!
As an introduction to the Badzones, players might
like to start by playing the Badzones scenarios
as these have been designed to work with both
the Badzones Environments and Events, and the
Underhive Badzones terrain rules. Once they
have become familiar with the way these new
rules work, they can then apply them to existing
scenarios – perhaps hunting Guilder caravans
through fungal jungles or laying a deadly ambush
on the gantries suspended above a toxic
sump sea!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
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