Savage Worlds - Titan Effect - One Sheet - Outbreak.pdf

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A One-Sheet Adventure for
Titan Effect RPG
or infected themselves and the situation went totally out of
control. On top of this, TransHelix shut down all communications
to and from the city.
By the time the operatives arrive at Necedah, the city has
been torn up. It looks like a riot has taken place: several cars are
flipped over, vehicles and buildings are burning throughout
the downtown area. A dozen infected are wandering in the
city center when the operatives arrive. Depending on whether
the operatives try to remain undetected or attack them, other
infected in the city might be attracted by the noise.
Due to a lab accident in a remote TYPHON research facility,
a small town is infected with a virus that causes sudden and
drastic mutations in the town’s inhabitants. The team must go in,
contain the situation, and recover any notes or destroy leftovers
from TYPHON’s research.
The Mission
The small rural community of Necedah, Wisconsin, was home
to a research facility which the SPEAR suspected may have had
connections to TYPHON. This facility operated under the cover
of a cosmetics testing laboratory called Personal Care Products
until two days ago, when a sudden containment breach in one of
the labs caused the facility to be evacuated. Within twelve hours
of the evacuation, the town’s residents began flooding the local
hospital, exhibiting bizarre symptoms including unidentifiable
boils, growths, and lesions.
Fortunately, Aldus Oxford, an agent of the SPEAR’s Intelligence
division was working toward infiltrating Personal Care Products
and was present at the start of the outbreak. Suspecting that
these symptoms were tied to some form of TYPHON biotech
research, Oxford sent a preliminary report to the SPEAR about
the situation. Unfortunately, Oxford has not been heard from
since requesting assistance.
Given the lack of available information, the agents are tasked
with the following:
Discover the nature of the threat presented by the Necedah
Outbreak, sanitize the area if necessary.
Discover the location and state of Agent Oxford. If possible,
rescue him.
Gather all notes and information on TYPHON’s work from
Personal Care Products.
Jayce’s General Store
About 100 of the town’s residents have hunkered down in
the general store in the center of town. They have managed
to barricade themselves inside and have fought off a couple
of waves of the infected. About thirty of the townsfolk are
armed, but have nearly run out of ammo, having only 15 rounds
between them all. These are everyday folks with no experience
in dealing with eugenics threats. The fact that they have survived
is remarkable. The party will need to decide the best way to deal
with these survivors.
Personal Care Products
The Personal Care Products facility is open and the inside is
trashed. Approximately a dozen infected are wandering inside
the facility, wreaking havoc and destroying equipment and
furniture. The laboratory contains a broken canister and the
corpse of a heavily altered infected. A successful Notice roll
indicates that this hyper-infected smashed the canister in a fit of
rage. The inside of the canister is covered in a sickly green film
which is exuding a noxious odor. Use
Contracting Diseases,
Savage Worlds
core rules), for any operatives who
enter the room without breathing protection. Once infected
and after 1d6 hours, the operative starts suffering lesions and
he starts to show signs of aggressivity and will attack anyone he
sees, including his teammates. The only way to contain the virus
is to activate the UVC lights in the lab (Knowledge (Computers)).
After the party has been in the laboratory for a few minutes,
Agent Oxford drops out of the ceiling and begins attacking
everyone in the area. Agent Oxford is heavily mutated and
beyond reason. He will fight to the death. Characters who
succeed on a Notice check realize that Agent Oxford is fighting
to try and keep the party away from the canister.
If the party further investigates the facility, they will find a
server room which holds data on the TYPHON’s experiment to
Necedah, Wisconsin is a small town with a population of
approximately 900. When the outbreak first hit, about 60
residents were infected. While the majority of them went to the
hospital for treatment, a few stragglers stayed home for various
reasons (underestimation of symptoms, no insurance; Necedah
is not a wealthy town, with the median income being well below
the national poverty line).
When the first infected started to show abnormalities, the local
authorities, bribed by TYPHON, quarantined the city in order to
buy some time and keep meddlers away, in the hope that they
could deal with the situation before the CDC and the federal
authorities stepped in. Unfortunately, they were quickly overrun
weaponize a new strain of the SOMA virus. The data is intact
and can be copied with enough time, and access to storage
equipment. Alternatively, the party could simply take the server
and sift through the data later.
Agent Oxford
Agent Oxford was the SPEAR’s Intelligence operative
in Necedah. When the evacuation began, he ran into the
facility, hoping to locate and contain the problem. His heroism
was rewarded with mutation and madness. Unlike the other
infected, Oxford had a direct exposure to the virus and the
effects have been amplified. He is twisted and broken by his
mutation, barely recognizable as once human. His mind has
been reduced to an animal state and he treats everyone who
isn’t infected as a threat.
Agility d6, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d10,
Vigor d10
Athletics d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Investigation d6,
Knowledge (Computers) d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8
9 (2)
Combat Reflexes
Special Abilities:
Armor +2:
Most of Oxford’s skin has been replaced by
strong reptilian scales.
Oxford can change his skin colour to blend
with his surroundings. If he moves at half his Pace or less,
he gains +4 to Stealth rolls, or +2 if he moves up to his Pace.
Wall Walker:
Oxford can adhere and move at his full Pace
on any surface.
Super Powers (ESP):
Awareness (3):
Extrasensory perception.
Aura Reading (2):
True sight.
Danger Sense (2):
Extrasensory perception.
Uncanny Reflexes (4):
–2 to hit. (Enhanced danger sense).
Once the infected have been put down or incapacitated and
the canister disposed of, the party will need to figure out what
they will do about the townsfolk. The outbreak in Necedah
represents a very difficult predicament and an intense moral
quandary. How will the agents react? How will they face this
challenge? If the operatives notify their unit about the situation,
the SPEAR will send helicopters to recover the survivors. They
will be treated, but their memory will be completely erased.
With TYPHON’s data, the SPEAR Research division will be
able to produce quickly an antiviral to reverse the effects of
SOMA on those who have been slightly infected. Oxford’s state
is too advanced to hope saving him. If the operatives manage
to capture him, he will die shortly from a cancer caused by his
The infected have developed various tumors and reptilian
features, due to the exposure to the SOMA virus. Hideous to
behold, these poor souls are largely incapable of reason or
higher thought as they are driven by pain, fear and agony.
Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Notice d4, Stealth d4
Special Abilities:
Wall Walker:
Oxford can adhere and move at his full Pace
on any surface.
©2018 Knight Errant Media.
Titan Effect RPG,
and all related marks and logos are trademarks of
Knight Errant Media.
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment
Group at
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights
of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or
warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
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