Battletech - Technical Readout 3145 - Mercenaries.pdf

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technical readout 3145
The great experiment
that was the Republic
of the Sphere has
failed. Withdrawn
behind the Fortress
walls, the once-
great power has
become a silent,
opaque remnant
of its former glory.
Without its influence,
old hatreds have risen
anew. As war once
more rages across
the Inner Sphere,
new equipment
strides across
ancient battlefields.
Technology, once
stagnated by trade
restrictions and
peace treaties, now
surges forward again,
testing these new
machines in the fierce
crucible of war.
Technical Readout:
introduces the
wave of new battle
armor, vehicle, ‘Mech,
and aerospace units
appearing across
the Inner Sphere in
the Dark Age era.
Featuring new and
matured technology,
and presented in
this series of faction-
specific PDFs, these
combat units will add
excitement and variety
to any game table.
For use with
BattleTech, Total
Warfare, Tactical
Strategic Operations.
Johannes Heidler
Ken’ Horner
Daniel Isberner
Kevin Killiany
Aaron Pollyea
Christopher Purnell
Craig Reed
Luke Robertson
Jason Schmetzer
Adam Sherwood
Joel Steverson
Geoff Swift
Andreas Zuber
Product Development
Jason Schmetzer
Development Assistance
Herbert A. Beas II
Product Editing
Jason Schmetzer
BattleTech Line Developer
Herb A. Beas II
Assistant Line Developer
Ben H. Rome
Production Staff
Art Director
Brent Evans
Assistant Art Director
Ray Arrastia
Cover Art
Anthony Scroggins
Layout & Cover Design
Ray Arrastia
Matt Plog
Unit Stats and Record Sheets
Herbert A. Beas II
Sebastian Brocks
Brent Evans
Jason Hansa
John Haward
Johannes Heidler
Ken’ Horner
Jan Prowell
Luke Robertson
Paul Sjardijn
Dan Sweikata
Patrick Wynne
Chris Wheeler
Proofers and Fact Checkers
Roy Carl, Rich Cencarik, Stephen A. Frabartolo, Joshua
Franklin, William Gauthier, Keith Hann, Johannes Heidler,
Iain MacLeod, Jason Paulley, Jan Prowell, Luke Robertson,
Andreas Rudolph, Eric Salzman, Mike Timbers, Øystein
Tvedten, Elliotte Want, Chris Wheeler, Matt Wilsbacher,
Patrick Wynne
©2013 The Topps Company Inc. All Rights Reserved. BattleTech Technical Readout: 3145
(Mercenaries), Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/
or trademarks of The Topps Company Inc. in the United States and/ or other countries. Catalyst
Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC.
Even from the clearest, most wholesome dreams, one must always wake up.
The ten years since Exarch Levin enacted Fortress Republic have been some of the most conflict-filled years since the Succession Wars. Without access to the leavening influence
of Terra and the Republic government, the Inner Sphere’s ancient powers have returned to conquest as their favored policy, as if the golden years of Devlin Stone’s Republic had
never been. Cut off from Terra, the former Prefectures I-IX have fragmented and been gobbled up by the surrounding states.
In preparation for the inevitable, SIS and RAF intelligence have been building dossiers on notable military figures, orders of battle for known and newly-organized military units
and white papers on the probable intentions of the nearby politicians. In this collection of material, organized to identify and demonstrate the use of equipment and materiel in
prominent campaigns heavy with the use of mercenaries, Republic officers will find a wealth of situational information.
Though the BattleMech has reigned supreme since its introduction more than 600 years ago, the last century has more than demonstrated the capabilities of other combat
arms. The militaries of the Successor States took this lesson to heart shortly after the coming of the Clans, and the trend has only continued since the feverish rearmament of the
3130s and ‘40s. The haphazard conversion of IndustrialMechs into armed ’MechMODs has given way to reopened factories for full-up BattleMechs. New factories have brought to
market new combat vehicles and aerospace fighters, and infantry weapons and battlesuits proliferate as ever.
Of course, the Successor States have been working in secret much longer than we have. And the Clans… who’s to say the Clans ever really stopped? Certainly the Sea Foxes have
always made their fortune from the sale of arms to all factions. With the recent frenzy to rearm, the Foxes are selling more than ever to more customers than ever.
Mercenaries have been a staple of the battlefield since long before the BattleMech, and the unrest and disquiet of the Blackout brought a resurgence in the mercenary trade
that is both startling and disheartening. There is much to admire about the professional soldier—his courage, his determination, and his single-minded discipline to the mission and
his word—but not all mercenaries are professional. Some, like the stereotype, are loyal not to their last coin but the highest coin.
As the lifeblood of a realm transfers from the hand of the citizen to the hand of the soldier-for-hire, it’s important that the RAF be prepared to face the new equipment these
mercenaries are likely to field. Some of it is being sold to them directly; some, they will no doubt claim in salvage or capture in battle; some they will steal, as the less-honorable of
that sort always do.
The soldiers of the RAF must be ready.
The Republic demands no less.
—Paladin Janella Lakewood
12 October 3145
GamE noTES
Technical Readout: 3145 (Mercenaries)
covers a wide breadth of units and equipment. To understand how these various units plug into the core
rulebooks, it’s useful
to cover how the various rulebooks interact.
Standard Rules
Total Warfare
(TW) and
(TM) rulebooks present the core game and construction rules for
(BT), otherwise referred to as the standard rules. In addition, to reflect
the advancement and proliferation of new technologies, several Advanced Rules items from
Tactical Operations
have been reclassified as Standard Rules items for games set in the Dark Age era.
Advanced Rules
Beyond the standard rules a legion of advanced rules exists, allowing players to expand their games in any direction they desire. In an effort to bring these rules to players in
the most logical form possible, the advanced rules are contained in three “staging” core rulebooks, each one staging up and building off of the previous rules set.
Tactical Operations
(TO) is the first in the “staging” advanced rulebooks. Its focus is on special situations and advanced terrain during game play, and applies directly to a game
as it unfolds on a world in the
Strategic Operations
(SO) is the second “staging” advanced rulebook. It stages a player up to the next logical area of play, focusing on “in a solar system” and multi-game play.
Interstellar Operations
(IO) is the third and final “staging” advanced rulebook. Players are staged up to the final level of play, where they can assume the roles of a House lord
or Clan Khan and dominate the galaxy.
Complete rules for using ’Mechs, vehicles, infantry, battle armor, fighters, and DropShips in
game play can be found in
Total Warfare,
while the rules for their construction can
be found in
some equipment is detailed in
Tactical Operations.
The rules for using JumpShips and WarShips, as well as their construction rules, can be found in
Strategic Operations.
The following three definitions are used to clarify the various types of equipment that appear in
Technical Readout: 3145 (Mercenaries)
and are presented in the standard and
advanced rulebooks.
most of these work with
Total Warfare
rules only, but some Advanced rules items may be present, requiring
Tactical Operations
for full effect.
Any equipment mass produced “in universe”; must have
Tactical Operations
Strategic Operations,
in addition to
Total Warfare,
to use.
Experimental Rules:
Any equipment not mass produced “in universe” because it is prohibitively expensive, extraordinarily sophisticated, exceedingly difficult to maintain or
simply deemed too unreliable or restrictive for widespread deployment; must have
Tactical Operations
Strategic Operations,
in addition to
Total Warfare,
to use.
Design Quirks
Every unit described in
Technical Readout: 3145 (Mercenaries)
may have one or more listed positive and/or negative Design Quirks (see p. 193,
and p. 204,
TRO: Prototypes).
These quirks are included to give each design a unique flavor. Use of these quirks is optional and should be agreed upon by all players before play begins.
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