Monster of the Week - Tome of Mysteries.pdf

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Michael Sands
Matthew Aaron, Aaron Burkett, Kane Cathain, Sean Clancy, Jason D'Angelo,
Bruno Dias, Felix Girke, Marek Golonka, Luke Green, Bryanna Hitchcock,
Sophie Lagacé, Zed Lopez, Paul McBride, Arturo Martinez, Jamie Sands,
Michael Sands, Daniel Steadman, Jacob Steele, Chris Stone-Bush,
Chloe Sutherland, Mark Tygart
Michał Werder
Steve Hickey
Quentin Bourne,
Kurt Komoda, Juan Ochoa
Carly Onofrio
Interior Art
Project Management
Mark Tygart
Sean Nittner
Fred Hicks
Steve Hickey
Matt Sloan
Juan Ochoa
Cover Art
Sensitivity reading
An Evil Hat Productions Publication
in partnership with Michael Sands •
@EvilHatOfficial on Twitter
Monster of the Week Revised Edition
EHP0046 • ISBN 978-1-61317-171-4
Text and artwork are copyright © 2018-2019 Michael Sands,
Generic Games, Evil Hat Productions, LLC
and their respective creators.
All rights reserved.
First published in 2019 by Evil Hat Productions, LLC.
10125 Colesville Rd #318, Silver Spring, MD 20901.
Evil Hat Productions and the Evil Hat logo are trademarks
owned by Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior express permission of the publisher.
That said, if you’re doing it for personal use, knock yourself out.
That’s not only allowed, we encourage you to do it.
For those working at a copy shop and not at all sure
if this means the person standing at your counter
can make copies of this thing, they can.
This is “express permission.” Carry on.
This is a game where people make up stories about wonderful,
terrible, impossible, glorious things. All the characters and events
portrayed in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to real
people, real terrors, real monsters, or other horrifying realities of
your home dimension is purely coincidental, but kinda hilarious.
Matthew Aaron:
I would like to thank Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters,
Howlin’ Wolf and all the blues greats who put their pain to song and
gave us something truly beautiful.
Bryanna Hitchcock:
To Sean Nittner and Big Bad Con for giving people
like me a safe place to run and play
Monster of the Week
in person.
Paul Mcbride:
Dedicated to Connor, Shylee, Gavin and everyone who
The Circles.
Michael Sands:
To my family, Amanda & Zelda. Also the Monday Crew
for putting up with all my gaming whims for so many years.
Chloe Sutherland:
To all those at the Battle of Arcadia, and to another
8,000 years.
Mark Tygart:
To some of my favorite people: Emily Tygart, Amy Caul-
field, Josh “Lopez” Caulfield, Molly Caulfield, Bridget Caulfield, David
“the profiler” Schniepp, “real life actor” David Dalton and our own
“President for Life” Gregg M. Schwenk. This is also dedicated in fond
memory of my late “spiritual advisor” Christian Slyvas, R.I.P.
Aaron Burkett:
I’d like to give thanks to my best friend and partner,
Kane Cathain:
Thank you to Jim Robinson, Carly Onofrio, Denis Carey,
Keegan Fink, Lauren McEwen, Dan Kobza, Justin Gray, and Salvatore
Giorgi for playtesting and support.
Sean Clancy:
To Enan Granbery, Eric Loucks, and Paul Spears (aka
Frank the Wronged, Pelagius the Expert, and Bob the Professional) for
playtesting “Special Snowflake.”
Felix Girke:
I want to thank the wonderful players who hunted an
efreet at “The Kraken—A Gaming Retreat”—Kris, Christine, Foggy,
and Jason-Dirk.
Marek Golonka:
To the playtesters of Pity the Cat: Zuza, Maciek, Alfred,
and Michał; and to Aga, Beata, Piotrek, Olek, Rolnik, Adam, and Michał,
with whom I have gone Gothic with flair and style uncountable times.
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