WH AoS Soulbound - Shadows in the Mist Campaign - 04 - Petrified Wood.pdf

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Elaine Lithgow
Christopher Walz
Emmet Byrne
Damien Mammoliti
Sam Manley, Clara-Marie Morin, JG O’Donohue, Rafael Teruel
Graphic Design and Layout:
Rory McCormack
Lynne M. Meyer
Cubicle 7 Business Support:
Anthony Burke, Elaine Connolly, Donna King, Eileen Murphy and Kieran Murphy
Cubicle 7 Creative Team:
Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Dave Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck,
Cat Evans, Runesael Flynn, Dániel Kovács, Elaine Lithgow, TS Luikart, Rachael Macken, Rory McCormack,
Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue,
Síne Quinn, and Christopher Walz
Dominic McDowall
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Designed by
Emmet Byrne and Dominic McDowall
Special thanks to
Games Workshop
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Last Updated: 9th March 2021
Petrified Wood
sees a party of Soulbound heroes tasked with
investigating the murder of one of the Sylvaneth that dwell
in Anvilgard. This is the forth adventure in the
in the Mist
campaign, a sprawling six-part adventure that
will see the party explore the city of Anvilgard and the
surrounding lands. In
Shadows in the Mist,
the party are
tasked by Lord-Castellant Ephrem Vanhelm of the Anvils
of the Heldenhammer with rooting out corruption in the
city and exposing the mysterious Blackscale Coil — an
organisation made up of members of the Darkling Covens,
Scourge Privateers, and other Aelven outcasts.
Readers who are familiar with the
Warhammer Age of
battlegame will know that the Blackscale Coil, led
by the High Oracle of Khaine Morathi, have already made
their move on Anvilgard. The events of this attack are
detailed in the
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Realms: Morathi.
We will not spoil the story here, but it is
safe to say that Morathi’s attack on Anvilgard will forever
change the city.
Shadows in the Mist
campaign takes place before
Morathi’s attack, and gives players and GMs a chance
to explore the City of Scales and meet some key figures
who will be important in upcoming events. For players
and GMs who want insight into what happens to
Anvilgard after the events of
Broken Realms Morathi,
the complete
Shadows in the Mist
campaign book will
have a section dedicated to the events and ramifications
of that story.
The party encounter the scene of a horrifying murder
in the city streets. Not far from the Sylvaneth haven of
Spireroot, a Kurnoth Hunter stands petrified, shrouded
in Anvilgard’s mists. After investigating the crime scene
and uncovering clues, the party can visit a number of key
locations: Spireroot, to talk to the coven of Branchwyches
that care for Sylvaneth in Anvilgard, either the prison of
Dum Duraz or the home of Irina Heiksdotr, depending on
where she currently resides, and the Defoliant Production
Facility to uncover the cause of the petrification.
The Spireroot coven believes that the concentrated
defoliant deployed in the wake of
Rotten to the Core
responsible for this crime. They voice their increasing
hatred of the defoliant and the Grand Conclave’s lack of
care for Sylvaneth living in the city. It is heavily implied
that if the culprit isn’t found soon, the Sylvaneth will enact
their revenge on Anvilgard.
Following clues from the crime scene, the party can also
return to the Defoliant Production Facility and discover
that the Kurnoth Hunter was affected by some form of
highly altered defoliant. This defoliant was not produced
at the facility, but several barrels were never recovered
from the Blackscale Coil’s warehouse (see
Rotten to the
so the culprit could be anywhere.
At this point, the party discovers they are being followed
by some mysterious strangers. Through ambushing them
or chasing them through the streets of Anvilgard, the
party manage to trace the culprits to a hidden laboratory,
where stolen defoliant is being used to create a new
form of weapon — ‘Defilement Cannons’ for use against
After investigating the laboratory and clashing with the
Skaven leader Uzeek Smoulderhide, the party discovers
that a large-scale test of their new weapon is underway
— an all-out assault on Spireroot. The party must race to
Spireroot to stop the attack and save the Sylvaneth before
it’s too late. Their success or failure will shape the future of
the Sylvaneth in Anvilgard.
The Sylvaneth of Spireroot are a reclusive and
unsettling presence in the city. Nobody knows why they
have chosen to make an embassy in a city cloaked in
choking defoliant.
The Sylvaneth have remained aloof and isolationist,
rarely leaving Spireroot. The area around their grove
has been abandoned, as the people grow fearful of the
Sylvaneth’s intentions and agitated by troublesome Spites
invading in their homes.
A Kurnoth Hunter known as ‘Redleaf ’ was found
murdered, their towering form petrified on the spot in the
middle of the streets. The Sylvaneth are furious and are
looking to enact vengeance for their fallen kin.
At various points throughout
Petrified Wood,
the party
can come into contact with the twisted creation of Uzeek
Smoulderhide (see page 22), the Defilement Toxin. This
brown-green liquid is a concentrated and corrupted
version of the Anvilgard defoliant, designed to be toxic to
all life and especially devastating to the Sylvaneth. Contact
with the toxin brings about instant nausea, sickness, and
excruciating pain in all living creatures. Sylvaneth feel
these effects even more, as their bark petrifies and rots
away before their eyes. The exact effects of the Defilement
Toxin depends on the amount of exposure a character has
to it, and whether the unfortunate character is Sylvaneth.
The adventure highlights points where different doses may
be encountered.
Small Dose:
Characters must make a
DN 6:1 Body
Test or be
until the end of their
turn, as waves of crippling nausea and vomiting
wash over them. In addition, a Sylvaneth character’s
Natural Armour is reduced by 1 until they complete
a Rest
Medium Dose:
Characters suffer three points of
Damage which ignores Armour and are
until the end of their next turn. In addition, a
Sylvaneth character’s Natural Armour is reduced by
2 until they complete a Rest.
Large Dose:
Characters suffer five points of Damage
which ignores Armour and are
until the
end of their next turn. In addition, a Sylvaneth
character suffers a Major Wound, regardless of their
remaining Toughness.
If a Sylvaneth becomes Mortally Wounded as a result
of damage from Defilement Toxin, the Difficulty of
Death Tests increases by 1. Uzeek Smoulderhide has also
developed a number of weaponised methods of delivering
Defilement Toxin.
Defilement Glass Globe:
These crude weapons are
simply fragile glass orbs filled with Defilement Toxin.
As an Action, make a Ranged Attack. If successful,
the target suffers a Medium Dose of Defilement
Toxin. On a miss, all creatures in the Zone suffer a
Small Dose of Defilement Toxin.
Defilement Cannon:
These modified warpfire
throwers spray devastating streams of Defilement
Toxin across the battlefield. As an Action, choose a
Zone within Medium Range. Each creature in that
Zone must make a
DN 6:1 Body (Reflexes)
Test or
suffer from a Medium Dose of Defilement Toxin.
Needless to say, the Defilement Toxin is incredibly deadly
towards Sylvaneth characters. Be sure to convey this as
clearly as possible to any Sylvaneth players in your group.
This adventure begins when one or more of the party
stumble across the murder scene moments after the
crime has occurred. This could take place at the end of an
Endeavour period or catch a party member by surprise
as they return from a period of drinking or shopping. It
could even interrupt another adventure, provided that
Rotten to the Core has been completed. But if you cannot
find a seamless way to place your party at the scene of the
crime, they can instead be alerted shortly after the murder
by a relevant contact with interests in seeking out the
culprit. This could be Morgan Kassan or another friendly
member of the Grand Conclave. This contact should bring
the party to the crime scene as soon as possible.
Read aloud or paraphrase the following to the players:
The roiling green mists are thick in the harbour tonight.
So thick your every breath burns in your lungs and your
footsteps are muffled whispers on the pavement. You can
barely see your own hands in front of your face, but even
through the sense-damping mists, there is no mistaking the
shrill cry of shocked horror that fills the air around you.
The characters can easily track the source of the screams
through the mist. When they arrive, read aloud or
paraphrase the following:
You track the bouncing screams through the dockside
mists until a vast shape emerges from the haze. Before
you stands a towering Kurnoth Hunter, seemingly
unmoving. As you get closer, you see its bark has turned
a sickly white and they are frozen in place.
When the party arrive, they find an Aelven woman
standing before the petrified Kurnoth Hunter, one hand
over her mouth in shock. Though the party do not know
it yet, this Kurnoth Hunter is the first Sylvaneth victim
in Anvilgard to be exposed to Uzeek Smoulderhide’s
Defilement Toxin, in a calculated assault by Uzeek’s Skryre
Acolytes wielding Defilement Globes.
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