D&D5e - Faerie Fire.pdf

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Shannon Campbell
Dillon MacPherson, Malcolm Wilson
Graphic Designers
Kathleen Jacques, Dillon MacPherson, Conley Presler
Cover Illustration
Yuko Ota
Interior Illustrations
Guadalupe Aguilar, Aspen Eyes, Kory Bing, Haley Boros, Ron Chan, Elaine Chen,
Ursula Decay, Max Dlabick, Brianne Drouhard, Daisy Ein, Elemei, Olivia F, Amy Falcone, Cat Farris, Nico Figueroa,
Jess Fink, CM Ford, Ashanti Fortson, Christianne Gillenardo-Goudreau, Becky Glendining, Ale González, Shauna
J. Grant, Abby Howard, Tait Howard, Priya Huq, Lindsay Ishihiro, Jeph Jacques, Jaimonster, JBass, Sam Kalensky,
Amanda Lafrenais, Hannako Lambert, Jade Feng Lee, Regina Legaspi, Sloane Leong, Kate Leth, Little Corvus, Janice
Liu, Nilah Magruder, Leyla Mamedova, Nina Matsumoto, Kel McDonald, Keegan Kaya McGee, Dylan Meconis,
Monarobot, Sfé R. Monster, Vanessa Morales, Renée Nault, Molly Nemecek, Yuko Ota, Papayaya, Alina Pete, Carey
Pietsch, Conley Presler, Tessa Joyce Riecken, Desirae Salmark, Jemma Salume, Ashe Samuels, Morgan Shandro,
Alexa Sharpe, Shivana Sookdeo, Olivia Stephens, Christina “Steenz” Stewart, Tuna, Jesse Turner, Laura Verdin, Kat
Verhoeven, Leira Zamfirescu, Daniella Zeman, and Toni Zhang
Damon Hines, Sam Logan, David Malki
Kickstarter Fulfillment
Make That Thing
The cover font is Pure Heart by Greg Nicholls; the spine font and interior header font is Thunderstorm by Aiyari Design.
ISBN: 978-1-939768-05-6
First printed in May 2018
Made with the support of 1,865 backers on Kickstarter in February 2018. Thank you for your
passion, playfulness, feedback.
Disclaimer: Astrolago Press accepts no responsibility for the safety and health of adventurers once they have entered the Wilds. Lawful characters are
advised to proceed with caution. Side effects include dizziness, light-headedness, intense euphoria, intense paranoia, extreme makeovers, whirlwind
romance, arcane terrors, and blossoming bicuriosity. At all times should you follow the medical and spiritual advice of your cleric, unless they are not your
cleric at all but merely a fey doppelganger, in which case you’re on your own.
Open Game Content:
This book is made under the the Open Gaming License (henceforth referred to as the OGL). The content of this book
that falls under the OGL includes the monster names, statistics, and spell names and effects. No other portion of this work may be reproduced
in any form without permission.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e),
and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story
elements, locations, characters, artwork, graphics, sidebars, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game
Content are not included in this declaration.)
A fey supplemental for Fifth Edition
Astrolago Press
ie Fire
Part 1: Creatures
The Fey Court
................................................................................................................... 8
The Monarch
........................................................................................................... 9
............................................................................................................. 12
Antigone Wynne
.................................................................................................... 14
The Blisterbeast
...................................................................................................... 16
Bosca, Lord of Wildfire
.......................................................................................... 18
Doctor Myriati
....................................................................................................... 20
Keighton, Haunt of Auldermere
............................................................................. 22
Kra Calamor
.......................................................................................................... 24
Pox & Pilfer
........................................................................................................... 26
The Rystrad
........................................................................................................... 28
Sepal, Archwarden of Blossoms
.............................................................................. 30
Tallisin Vos
............................................................................................................ 32
Volm & Armadie
.................................................................................................... 34
Servants of the Court
............................................................................................. 37
The Primal Beasts
......................................................................................................... 42
...................................................................................................................... 49
............................................................................................................................... 63
Character Sheet
........................................................................................................... 96
Character Races
........................................................................................................... 97
................................................................................................................... 102
.............................................................................................................................. 110
Items of Legend
............................................................................................................ 120
Part 2: Character Options
Part 3: Items
Part 4: Palace of Shade, A Stand-alone Adventure
............................................................................................................... 136
Fey Patrons
.................................................................................................................. 147
Open Game Content License
.................................................................................... 149
............................................................................................................................. 150
Welcome to the Wilds
ou can’t trust the stories: the Wilds are
dangerous than you’d expect, more breathtaking than
you’d believe.
Adventurers who’ve traveled to the Wilds find their
experiences lost in translation. No eyewitness account
will suffice because the Wilds defy the accounting.
Stories don’t keep: they stifle in the mouth and
evaporate from memory.
If you want to know what the Wilds are like, you’ll
simply have to go there yourself.
You can get there in the usual way, though it’s much
easier when you’re not trying. Like cats and adventure
and most things both disagreeable and marvelous, the
Wilds seem to be wherever they’re most unwanted.
They’re a living, breathing country, full of young
growth and acrid earth. The creatures there are larger,
deadlier, more magical, more useful. The colors are more
vibrant, though it’s difficult to explain why that might
be the case. Life is bigger and messier in the Wilds—
but then, death is bigger and messier too.
Adventurers who trip over its borders (either by
happenstance or design—theirs, or someone else’s) find
themselves in the thick of the uncanny: the creatures
there are unlike anything seen in the mortal world, or
any of the realms above or below.
It would take a fey lifetime to document the
many wonders in the Wilds: rocks that live and
breathe, lights that catch at your skin and claw at
your eyes. Even the friendlier creatures can prove
dangerous, their strength too great and their magic too
strange; they’ll kill you with kindness, and that’s not
even the grimmest fate that might await you.
And while there is a court, occasionally capable of
reason and compassion, the laws of the land are
inconstant, and the fey who keep those laws are difficult
to please and dangerous to cross. Fairy bureaucracy is
brief, and fairy justice is sudden. You don’t want to fall
on the wrong side of either.
Nevertheless, there are wonders within the Wilds,
and a cunning adventurer can find treasure and allies
alike, if they can keep their head—something easier
said than done once fey magic is involved.
4 || Introduction
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