Cthulhu Invictus - The Legacy of Arrius Lurco.pdf

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his work is dedicated to fathers and sons in general,
but to four men in particular.
To Keith Herber:
a mentor who departed this world unex-
pectedly. He believed in me, and a man as close to me as a
brother. We struggle, now and always, to be worthy of that.
To Pedro Lebron:
my father-in-law, who passed away dur-
ing the writing of this book. He battled a demon raging inside
him and ultimately lost. I’m sorry we couldn’t save you.
To Oscar Rios, senior:
my father, who thankfully is still with
me in this life. We may never really understand one another,
but you have my love and I am proud to be your son.
To Zakary Rios:
my only son. We may never really under-
stand one another either, but know you are one of the greatest
joys in my life. I love you and am proud to be your father.
aliquando vicemus. To my friend, partner and publisher,
Tom Lynch, thank you for your strength, faith and reminding
me how we roll. My thanks go out to the great Scott David
Aniolowski and Kevin Ross, for their advice and inspiration.
To Ruth Downie, author of the
Gaius Petreius Ruso
series and
Mike Duncan of The History of Rome Podcast for making
the period come alive for me. And last but hardly least to my
wonderful production team: Alberto Guerra, Steff Worthing-
ton, Justin Mansfield, Andi Newton, Chad Bowser & Badger
McInnes – Thank you for passionate artistry and help in make
this project a reality.
Clear Credit
Cover and interior Illustrations are by Alberto Guerra. Maps
are by Steff Worthington. Latin and Greek translations pro-
vided by Justin Mansfield. Editing was done by Andi Newton.
Deep consultation was made with Chad Bowser, creator of the
Cthulhu Invictus setting. Cover design and countless other
things were done by Tom Lynch. Proofreaders were Chris-
topher Smith Adair and Lisa Padol. Propnomicon supplied
handouts. Badger McInnes applied his genius and vision to the
task of layout; the book’s appearance is all Badger.
Special Thanks
First to my dearest friends who went on this long and some-
times difficult journey with me: Dr. Ryan Roth, Gibel & Walter
Attridge, Joel Jackel, Matthew Higgins and Mitzi Rios, words
can never describe by deep gratitude. To the many players,
especially those attending the Double Exposure conventions,
thank you for your support and encouragement; Tandem
The Legacy of Arrius Lurco
A Campaign for Cthulhu Invictus
Oscar Rios
Cover & Interior Art By
Written by
Alberto Guerra
Maps By
Steff Worthington
Edited By
Andi Newton
Copyedited By
Christopher Smith Adair & Lisa Padol
Cover Design By
Tom Lynch
Handouts and Player Aids By
Layout & Design By
Badger McInnes
Copyright © 2011 by Oscar Rios and Miskatonic River Press, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
Except in this publication and related advertising, artwork original to
The Legacy of Arrius Lurco
remains the property of the artists,
and is copyright by them under their indiviual copyrights.
For information, contact Miskatonic River Press via their web site at
www.miskatonicriverpress.com, or via email at
Published in the United States by:
Miskatonic River Press, LLC
944 Reynolds Road, Suite 188
Lakeland, Florida 33801
ISBN 978-0-9821818-4-3
Florida, New York
Officio emitti a præfectis concupiebam
quod, pro peccatis, hospitium mihi dant.
Hoc erat optandum munus—quo munere functus,
numquam omnino post alterum habere volo.
—Oscarios Tabularius,
Apocalypsis 13.16
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