Agata Pyzik - Poor but Sexy. Culture Clashes in Europe East and West (2014).pdf

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First published by Zero Books, 2014
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Text copyright: Agata Pyzik 2013
ISBN: 978 1 78099 394 2
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book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the
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1. Welcome to the House of Fear
Introducing the New Europe
The “Polish Miracle”
The new middle classes and their Bible
A Tale of Two Cities, or On The Real Meaning of Borders
The strange silence of liberal Poland
Communist Ghosts in the Closet
Post-politics of nostalgia
Toxic Ruins
You can scream here
Sexy and Unsexy Countries
Post-transitional cruelty
Dark art for dark times
New architecture of memory, memory as a Commodity
2. Ashes and Brocade
Berlinism, Bowie, Postpunk, New Romantics and Pop-Culture in the
Second Cold War
Drang nach Osten
Berlin as capital of Post-DDR melancholia
I could make a transformation
Oh we can beat them, forever and ever
Fear in the Western World
A Totalitarian Musical
Stilyagi of the New Era
They walked in line
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