Starting Strength - Rippetoe, Mark (3rd Edition).pdf

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Starting Strength
Basic Barbell Training
3rd Edition
Mark Rippetoe
with Stef Bradford
The Aasgaard Company
Wichita Falls, Texas
Got Feedback?
Third edition.
Copyright © 2011 by The Aasgaard Company.
First edition published 2005. Second edition 2007.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in a form by means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise
without the prior written consent of the publisher.
The authors and publisher disclaim any
responsibility for any adverse effects or
consequences from the misapplication or
injudicious use of the information presented in this
Editor – Catherine E. Oliver, Plain English
Layout & Proof – Stef Bradford
ISBN-13: 978-0-982-5227-4-5 (cloth)
ISBN-13: 978-0-982-5227-3-8 (paper)
ISBN-13: 978-0-982-5227-2-1 (epub)
ISBN-10: 0-982-52274-6 (cloth)
ISBN-10: 0-982-52273-8 (paper)
ISBN-10: 0-982-52272-X (epub)
Published in the United States of America
The Aasgaard Company
3118 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls TX 76308, USA
Title & Copyright
In the Gym : Quic k Referenc e
Chapter 1 - S trength: W hy and How
Why Barbells
Chapter 2 - T he S quat
Loaded Human Movement
Squat Depth - Safety and Importance
Learning to Squat
Leverage and Moment - The Basis of Barbell Training
Common Problems Everyone Should Know How to Solve
The Master Cue
Spotting the Squat
Personal Equipment
Coaching Cues
Chapter 3 - T he P res s
Learning to Press
Faults and Corrections
Chapter 4 - T he Deadlift
Learning to Deadlift
Back Position
Pulling Mechanics
The Little Details
Chapter 5 - T he B enc h P res s
Learning to Bench Press
Common Problems Everyone Should Know How to Solve
Racking Errors
Chapter 6 - T he P ower Clean
The Neuromuscular System
Power, Force Production, and Velocity
Learning the Power Clean
Correcting Problems
The Power Snatch
Chapter 7 - Us eful A s s is tanc e E xerc is es
Partial Movements
Squat Variations
Bench Press Variations
Deadlift Variations
Press Variations
Ancillary Exercises
Barbell Training: There's Just No Substitute
Chapter 8 - P rogram m ing
Learning the Lifts
Nutrition and Bodyweight
Soreness and Injuries
Barbell Training for Kids
A uthors
Feedbac k
Damned if things haven’t changed in the four years since the 2nd edition of
Starting Strength
was written.
The Aasgaard Company has changed personnel, I have met lots of people who have taught me many things, and
we have had enormous success with what I thought was going to be a book ignored by the industry, academe, and
the exercising public. I was right about the fitness industry and the folks with tenured positions, but I was wrong
about you. Since 2007 we have taught several thousand people how to do these five lifts in our weekend seminars,
and the 2nd edition has sold more than 80,000 copies, making it one of the best-selling books about weight
training in publishing history. Thanks.
Now that we’ve learned some things from you guys – the ones we’ve been busy teaching for four years – the
previous material in the 2nd edition is screaming for an update. Some of it is stale, incomplete, or just plain
wrong, and it can’t just lay there like a bureaucrat, badly needing something useful to do but making money
anyway. This effort is not just the culmination of a top-to-bottom, year-long rewrite. It is the product of an
intensive four-year testing program with many of you serving as the experimental population, one which has
improved the teaching method for the five lifts, with an extra one thrown in.
It has also been a four-year school for me, as I have tried to find better ways to explain what I know to be
true in terms that are understandable, logical, and, most importantly, correct. Much of this material is not in print
anywhere else; hopefully,
doesn’t make it wrong. But you’re pretty bright, so you can decide for yourself.
The book needed a new look, too. Our hope is that you enjoy the illustrations by Jason Kelly, in a different
style than usually found in a fat messy textbook, and that you appreciate Stef’s Herculean efforts to make this a
better-looking example of the bookmaker’s art than the previous edition.
Many people deserve thanks for their contributions. In no particular order (certainly not alphabetical):
Dustin Laurence, Dr. Dennis Carter, Dr. Philip Colee, Dr. Matt Lorig, Stephen Hill, Juli Peterson, Mary Conover, Catherine Oliver, Bill Starr, Tommy
Suggs, Mark Tucker, Thomas Campitelli, Ryan Huseman, Maj. Ryan Long, Maj. Damon Wells, Andrea Wells, John Welbourn, Brian Davis, Justin Ball,
Nathan Davey Travis Shepard, Paul and Becca Steinman, Mike and Donna Manning, Gregg Arsenuk, Michael Street and Carrie Klumpar, Skip and Jodi
Miller, Ahmik Jones, Heidi Ziegele, Lynne Pitts, Kelly Moore, Eva Twardokens, Tara Muccilli, Dan Duane, Shane Hamman, Jim Wendler, Dan John, Jim
Steel, Matt Reynolds, Charles Staley Maj. Ryan Whittemore, John Sheaffer, Will Morris, Andy Baker, T.J. Cooper, Doug Lane, Simma Park, Myles
Kantor, Phil Hammarberg, Barry Vinson, Gant Grimes, Josh Wells, Shelley Hancock, Terry Young, Ronnie Hamilton, Anil Koganti, MD, Rufus-dog, Ursa-
dog, and Mr. Biggles.
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