Call of Cthulhu - 7th Ed Starter Set - Player Handouts and Character Sheets.pdf

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Dear Friends
night in my youth, I have seen
ars after the nightmarish events of tha
In the ye
grasp the truth of reality, and the
strange things. Only now do I begin
e tried, in my small way, to combat
e of what is happening in the world. I
g one to our plane of existence.
and make amends for my part in bringi
the horrors
h I have, I will put to good use in
have left to offer, what riches and wealt
What I
t is the very least this old coward can do.
dealing with these abominations. I
t little farmhouse and put those events to
could never make myself go back to tha
nd I loosed upon this countryside.
too gravely feared that which my friends
rights. I
ith my death I fear the bonds will be
g of consequence has yet taken place, but
s it pleases. Lives not yet taken already
en and that horror freed to come and go
weigh heavy on my conscience.
is world is still in that accursed
method of delivering the thing out of
om the book, De Vermiis Mysteriis.
e—the translations made by Marion
task, but I have hope that you are. I
was never strong enough to take on the
soul from Hell. For I fear that
e world of this, perhaps you will save m
ridding th
lease me from this heavy burden.
my deeds have not been enough to re
forgiveness for what I ask of you.
I do not expect your
Rupert Merriweather
Handout: Edge 1
February 27th, 1877
Marion Allen has acquired an artifact, purportedly Egyptian. It
appears to be a small
sarcophagus of gold. Inside is a large piece of amber, which ent
raps a specimen of some
unknown species of arthropod. Allen is very excited, as the box cor
responds to a description he
found in an ordinary reference volume in the university’s Orne Li
brary. Allen says that, in
another book—De Vermiis Mysteriis—is an explanation of
the powers of the box. The
text says the small animal trapped in the amber is actually the hos
t to a bound djinn, a guide
to the spirit world. Allen says the tome mentions that orig
inally, there were four such pieces of
amber contained in the box. There is no mention what happened to
the other three.
We are agreed and a date has been set to conduct a ceremony inte
nded to summon the
djinn, which Allen assures us will be friendly. We have chosen
the night of Saturday 18
March—the night before the New Moon.
Handout: Edge 2 (part 1)
March 19th, 1877
We began the ceremony as Allen instructed, according to that des
cribed in De Vermiis
Mysteriis. A fire is set in the fireplace and a pentagram chalked
on the floor, marked with
appropriate symbols and illuminated by two black tapers placed
near the center, flanking
the piece of amber with its entrapped spirit. The others sit in a circ
le while I, the designated
“watcher” who guards for malevolent spirits, sit in the corner of the
room. At least I get the
comfort of a chair, while the others can look forward to sitting on the
floor for hours.
Allen throws a handful of powder in the fire, producing an evil
-smelling smoke and
dampening the flames, which now burn a sputtering green and bro
wn. Those seated on the
floor begin the Latin chant Allen has transcribed from his book.
After nearly two hours I see a trail of smoke circling up from the
piece of amber. Its
surface seems to be bubbling and melting! Can this be? Have we
finally achieved success? I
can see a form…
Handout: Edge 2 (part 2)
March 20th, 1877
h our plans and have sworn a pact never to speak of what happened
We have finished wit
e manner the
e have satisfactorily explained the death of poor Robert, and in som
last night. W
e sheriff accepts the explanation of a carriage accident—we planne
madness of Harold. Th
d on a rock
t’s neck was broken in the fall, we told him. Harold struck his hea
it well. Rober
ke and the carriage rolled. Would it be that it was only that. For
when the horse’s leg bro
te down the
will be forever changed by what we experienced last night. I will wri
rest of us, we
true events, so they are not lost completely.
isible. Its
formed in the center of the pentagram, shapeless and nearly inv
The thing
given us a clue, but we were so foolish. It spoke, then Allen cast
terrible voice should have
that’s when
powder on the djinn, the “Dust of Ibn-Ghazi” he calls it, and
that damned
we could all see it clearly.
ws. It roiled and
ords cannot adequately describe the faceless thing with a thousand ma
s frozen
y revealing itself at any one time. So terrifying was its aspect that I wa
bubbled, never full
my nerveless fingers. Cecil and Allen seemed as lifeless as myself,
in place, my pen falling from
feet, and
rp cry issued from Crawford’s mouth. Robert, however, rose to his
while a short, sha
e guest.
one could stop him, stepped forward as though to embrace our horribl
before any
or those appendages that seemed most like arms, it took hold of
With its arms,
corpse was then
and twisted his head around as though he was a doll. The lifeless
arold’s lap, and that’s when he began that damnable shrieking
thrown back in H
riff’s men.
that hasn’t stopped since, even after we handed him over to the she
t our wits, we
l had a chance, apparently. Allen now believes that if we had kep
We stil
summoning and forced the creature back to wherever it came from.
could have reversed the
re, reached
d panicked and, mistakenly believing that it would dispel the creatu
But Crawfor
part of the pentagram, breaking the seal and ending its effectiveness
forward and destroyed
y have been
m that binding symbol, the thing, with a screech that could onl
Released fro
s ejected from the house—disappearing out the window as a roarin
unholy satisfaction, wa
screaming wind of boiling colors.
March 24th, 1877
Allen intends to leave Arkham and travel to find a solution to this
crisis. He said that he
intends to seek out occult scholars in New Orleans. I pray he is suc
cessful, but my hopes are
not high at this point. He insisted that I be custodian of the gold sar
cophagus, and not show
it to anyone. What’s even more odd is that he instructed me to not
visit or even live in Boston.
I can only guess as to why, as he will not tell me his reasoning, apa
rt from his insistence that
it is for my own safety.
Marion still thinks that the thing could yet be destroyed, or at least
dispelled, but none of
us who remain have the stomach for such an undertaking. I hope he
can find a way to safely
banish it without another of us falling to its malevolent grip.
March 26th, 1877
We now believe that the spell we cast to summon it inextricably bound
the thing to the house.
Allen went back this morning to retrieve some of our belongings, and sto
re our ritual accouterments.
He says that he heard it bumping around in the attic over his head, cur
sing him all the while. He
said that it also told him that it only has to wait us out. When we wh
o were present are all dead,
it will roam the Earth freely, slaughtering and feasting. Thankfully,
the warding signs carved by
Allen during better times, times that seem so long ago now, apparently
are effective and bar the
thing entry except into the attic of the farm house. I might be able
to sleep a few hours tonight
knowing it is bound to the attic and cannot harm anyone else.
I am hopeful for the first time since we stupidly released it from the
amber. If it told him
the truth, then we have time to seek the answer. God be with you in
your search, my friend.
Handout: Edge 2 (part 3)
October 14th, 1877
s now.
d that Marion Allen is dead, and has been dead for some month
I just discovere
spoke to the wrong
s murdered in New Orleans this past August. I suspect that he
He wa
ns the
the things he has seen, and they killed him. The newspaper mentio
sort of people about
sarcophagus, so they may have been after the gold.
us gone now. I must do something. I’ve already begun ancient history
That is three of
e in that manner.
sity, so I believe I will try to research the problem at the farmhous
at univer
over an ancient secret of how to rid our world of that beast in my own
Perhaps I will unc
Robert Menkin, Marc
h 1877
Harold Copley, Augu
st 1877
Marion Allen, August
Crawford Harris, Jan
uary 1910
Cecil Jones, March 19
Rupert Merriweather
Handout: Edge 2 (part 4)
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