Wernher von Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret.pdf

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V Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret - The US Explorer I Discovery That Cou...
Richard C. Hoagland
Part I
A half-century ago, from a windswept Florida beach, the United States finally "got back in the game" - after the
shock of the Soviet Union's Sputnik just three months earlier - and successfully launched its own satellite into an
orbit of the Earth... dubbed after launch, "Explorer I."
Unknown to anyone but a handful of civilian engineers and US Army personnel, intimately involved with the
launch that night, this would became a true "history-defining moment" - when the launch team, via Explorer I,
immediately and serendipitously made America's MOST important and overarching discovery, of all nations that
would someday ever venture off the Earth... in the entire fifty-year history of "space"...
The secret of gravity and inertia themselves... revealed as a true "anti-gravity effect" - somehow operating on
Explorer I... radically affecting its very orbit!
A seminal discovery... which - at the stroke of a White House pen - could have re-written not only the history of
science but, the destiny of the entire world...
However, this was not to be.
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V Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret - The US Explorer I Discovery That Cou...
This monumental, history-making breakthrough was immediately followed by the United States' most
far-reaching political move of this same half-century - a hurried decision, made apparently that same night, to
keep this phenomenal "anti-gravity" discovery a total secret... not only from its own civilian scientists, its own
"free press"... its own citizens and taxpayers... but, from everyone on Earth!
This is the story of the Enterprise Mission's painstaking, years-long investigation (given context in our recent
New York Times bestseller -
Dark Mission: the Secret History of NASA):
the "back-engineering," scientific and political analysis of this "world-changing, pre-NASA
discovery"... and the grave global consequences that have now evolved from the crucial decision,
made by "someone" in a position of Authority that night... to simply... "bury it."
In subsequent pages, we will detail and document "who" exactly made this amazing breakthrough, precisely
"how" it was achieved, and "what" the stunning, world-wide implications could have been... if science had been
allowed to take its natural course that night - if this unique discovery had been freely presented, freely studied
and freely discussed in the global scientific community in the ensuing years... and then, implemented as a
Earth-based "gravitational control technology."
But, most important..., we will detail how this paradigm-shattering breakthrough can now be duplicated - by any
student, in any decent high school physics laboratory... literally, anywhere on Earth!
And what that now could mean for all Humanity.
Explorer I was launched at 10:48 PM EST, January 31, 1958 - from Pad 26A, at Cape Canaveral.
The Jupiter-C rocket (C standing for "composite") that successfully launched this first US satellite into the Florida
skies (below), was actually a converted "Redstone" military ICBM - a rocket developed as a US Army
advancement over their earlier "V-2s," by
Wernher von Braun
and his imported team of "Operation
German Nazi rocket engineers to the United States, in the decade immediately following World War II.
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V Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret - The US Explorer I Discovery That Cou...
This "Jupiter-C satellite launcher" was built around a main liquid-fueled rocket stage, composed of two separate
tanks for housing liquid oxygen and the "Hydyne" hydrazine-based fuel, standing a total of 47 feet high and
weighing, fully loaded, 62,700 pounds.
Atop this "main stage" were 15 individual, much smaller solid propellant rockets, arranged in three additional
"stages" (weighing a total of 1380 pounds), consisting of 11, 3 - and finally, 1 - topped, at 71 feet above the
ground, by the ~31-lb, bullet-shaped Explorer I satellite itself (below) - literally bolted to the fnal "solid" stage
beneath it.
Explorer I's best-known, unclassified contribution to space science was the discovery of the famed “Van Allen”
radiation belts - named for the University of Iowa physicist,
James van Allen,
who first found (via his radiation
detectors aboard Explorer I, confirmed by the two successor Explorer III and IV spacecraft) the high-energy
“donuts” of charged particles circling the Earth, trapped by its "dipole" magnetic field (below).
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V Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret - The US Explorer I Discovery That Cou...
Van Allen went on to win the equivalent of the “Nobel space physics prize” for this fundamental space discovery
- which was eventually found to be a basic feature of ALL planets in (and outside) the solar system exhibiting
similar magnetic fields.
He even made it to the cover of TIME magazine.
By stark contrast, the ultimately far more significant (literally "physics-shattering" - as you shall see) anomalous
orbital dynamics exhibited by this same satellite, and, on its very first orbit that night...
That, Explorer I’s actual trajectory, unambiguously (and most disturbingly) seemed to violate two basic laws of
20 Century Physics, immediately after launch..., have received NO scientific acknowledgements, prizes, or
peer-reviewed discussions even fifty years after their totally unexpected discovery...
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V Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret - The US Explorer I Discovery That Cou...
So, "who" made this remarkable discovery... and then (as the evidence will prove...) actively participated in its
subsequent, deliberate, decades-long (and still on-going) cover-up?
Why - none other than
Wernher von Braun,
To fully understand the extraordinary technical and political significance of what "mystifyingly" occurred that
January night in 1958, one has to go back to the events themselves, swirling around this "super-charged, US
Army launch attempt by von Braun and his German team..." - a desperate effort for the US to "catch up" in a
space race it was clearly still losing to the Soviets at that point - and compare what was expected to happen
with Explorer I's launch... with what actually happened.
Because of the extremely primitive status of the "global satellite tracking network" in 1958, required to follow a
satellite in orbit, the number of "stations" up and running the night Explorer I was finally launched was "few and
far between".
The portion of this Mercator-projection map (below) NOT shaded, is the latitude coverage straddling the equator
dictated by the planned inclination of the first US satellites - Vanguard and Explorer - designed for orbits
between "latitudes 40 degrees north and south."
As you can see, most of the existing ground stations were concentrated along a band running raggedly north
and south, mostly in the Americas - heavily favoring one side of the planet but leaving the rest of the world
"dark" (the scattering of stations seen in other parts of the world - such as the one in central Australia - did not
yet have the proper equipment to detect Explorer I's radio frequencies, having been originally planned to support
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