Self Initiation Ritual.pdf

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--- Self Initiation Ritual ---
Here is a powerful ritual you can perform tonight, and all you need is a
quiet place where you can be alone, a Baphomet either on your person or
in front of you, and a single black candle:
Light the candle and set it before you. Sit up straight, breathe deeply and
relax. Clear your mind of all outside thoughts. As you gaze at the flame,
say in your mind or out loud,
“I am ready, oh, Dark Lord. I feel your
strength within me and wish to honor you in my life. I am one of the
Devil’s Own. Hail Satan!”
Open your mind. It will take time. You may
think you are ready, but you may still find you cannot let go right away.
Concentrate on your image of Satan and on the word “strength” and listen
to what comes up from yourself. You have answers for yourself that no
one else can give you. This is a simple way of conjuring Satan into your
life. He’ll snap you into line and tell you what you have to do to be
happy, strong, and focused and he’ll give you the stamina and courage to
push yourself to do it. The path you’ve chosen won’t be easy; sometimes
it may be a nightmare. But when you are ready to face the challenge, it
will be there. Your body and your mind are going through intense
changes. Take this time to learn all you can about yourself and about the
world around you. Explore your skills, talents, and inventiveness. Learn
to play music, paint or build a robot. Use your brain and your heart to
find out what is right, what is true, and what will make you stronger. You
are not alone. You are different; you are superior, and it’s okay for you to
feel what way.
Hail, Satan !
Meus Opus Magnus
*** High priest Horn Dopespade ***
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