Agent Ramirez - Playbook Playing a Gatekeeper Rules.pdf

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This supplement contains story elements,
which the MC may wish to use in your game.
To avoid spoiling the mystery, check with the
MC what parts of the chapter are spoiler-free
before reading on.
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The Gatekeepers are the shadow
organization behind the Mist. They
are responsible for maintaining the
Mist; mainly, keeping the Sleeper
population asleep and sealing off
Rifts, especially those who pose an
active threat to the integrity of the
Mist. Reminiscent of a federal agen-
cy (and often mistaken for one), the
Gatekeepers are a massive organiza-
tion with hundreds of teams of every
size and function, extensive funding,
state-of-the-art facilities, and - most
importantly - almost absolute free-
dom to operate in the City, as few
ever remember seeing them or inter-
acting with them.
One or more of the lead characters can become a
Gatekeeper during play or even begin the game
as a Gatekeeper (like the KS-Exclusive character
shown below, Agent Ramirez). A Gatekeeper may
have many reasons to continue working with her
crew, for example:
• Operating undercover
• Assigned to collaborate with the crew to avert a
greater threat to the Mist
• Attempting to recruits crew members
• Remaining attached to the crew (emotionally,
socially, legally, or even magically)
• Etc.
It is important to note that some pragmatic Gate-
keepers do work with Rifts, whether as expendable
instruments or simply because they cannot beat
them and thus try to influence them instead.
When a Touched player character loses her last
Mythos theme, the player may choose to become
a Gatekeeper. The character then does not become
a Sleeper; she continues to be able to see partial-
ly through the Mist, but her connection with her
Mythos is lost (at least for now). Soon thereafter,
the character is approached by a Gatekeeper re-
cruitment agent with an offer to join the Gatekeep-
ers. The agent displays intimate knowledge of the
character’s life and will leverage recent events that
have caused the character to forego her Mythos
while trying to recruit her. For example, if the
character thinks ill of the Mythoi and their power,
the Gatekeeper will offer her to help fight against
them; if she has lost her powers but still wants to
stay in the game, the agent will offer a way to stay
relevant, etc.
If the character accepts the offer to train as a Gate-
keeper, she disappears for a period of at least one
downtime and returns as a low-ranking Gatekeeper
agent having received Gatekeeper training (time
moves differently on the other side of the Mist).
• The player adds the Mist theme card Shrouding.
• The player may choose to replace any of his
existing three Logos themes with other Logos
themes representing the mundane benefits of his
Gatekeeper status, such as:
Field Agent (Routine)
Urban Warfare (Training)
Standard-Issue Gear (Possessions)
Mist themes represent the character’s ability
to manipulate the Mist. Like Mythos and Logos
themes, Mist themes have three power tags and
one weakness tag in their complete form (although
more tags can be added at character creation or as
improvements) or one power tag and one weakness
tag in their nascent form.
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Instead of adding to the character’s Mythos or
Logos ratings, Mist themes add to the character’s
Mist rating. The player can use his character’s Mist
rating instead of a Mythos rating when using the
Look Beyond the Mist,
although the infor-
mation the character garners from this move now
comes from her training and ability to manipulate
the Mist, not from her Mythos. A character with a
Mist theme can still
Stop. Holding. Back,
effects that stem from her mystical Mist-shaping
The number of Mist themes a character has affects
her rank within the Gatekeepers’ organization.
A character with just one Gatekeeper theme
(Shrouding, see below) is a low-ranking agent.
Players should phrase their Directives accordingly.
A low-ranking agent’s Directive should usually
involve a specific assignment, such as “Locate and
retrieve the Tuning Fork”. Characters with addi-
tional Gatekeeper themes are higher-ranking and
their Directives are broader: “Establish an ongoing
surveillance presence in Justin’s turf”.
Every Mist theme has a Directive, phrased as an
imperative order (“Find out who is undermining
the Mist in the Old Quarter.”). The character must
abide by her Directive in the same way she must
abide by her Identities. A player can invoke the
Make a Hard Choice
by having his character
take actions that are opposed to her Directive or
by ignoring leads related to her Directive. In such
cases, the player marks a Strike the same way he
would mark Crack. The same applies when the
characters sacrifices something in order to abide by
her Directive: the character may gain Attention on
her Mist theme.
If a character hits three Strikes, the Mist theme is
replaced with a Logos theme, unless she has lost
her last Mist theme (all the rules for replacing a
theme apply, including Nemesis and Build-Up).
If the character has lost her last Mist theme,
she effectively loses her Gatekeeper status and
privileges and is again at a point where she can
choose whether to become a Sleeper or reawaken
her Mythos. The character still retains her Logos
themes related to her Gatekeeper training.
A character who has chosen to become a Gatekeep-
er must forego her Mythos completely. Therefore,
a character cannot have both Mythos and Mist
themes (unless the MC approves it due to special
circumstances, e.g. a renegade Gatekeeper). When
a character with a Mist theme loses a Logos theme,
she gains an additional Mist theme instead of a
Mythos theme. This represents the character’s
ordinary life growing less important and her work
with the Gatekeepers taking a more dominant role
in her life.
In all other ways, a Mist theme works similarly to
Mythos and Logos themes: it can gain Attention
using the regular methods, it offers the same types
of improvements (choose a power tag, choose an
improvement, reset Strikes, etc.) and so on.
Shrouding is the basic mystical skill taught to all
Gatekeeper agents which allows them to manip-
ulate the Mist and mend it. The Shrouding theme
represents the character’s basic Shrouding train-
When a character becomes a Gatekeeper,
her first theme is always a Shrouding theme.
Memory wipe sigil:
When you burn
memory wipe
for Power to Hit
With All You’ve Got,
“Get them good” increases the tier of the status you
cause by 2. If your move is Dynamite!, choosing “Hit
them hard” increases the tier by 3. The final status
you inflict (after applying your targets’ defenses, if
any) cannot exceed
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