Western Front 1914-1916.pdf

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First published in Great Britain in 2013 by
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47 Church Street
South Yorkshire
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Copyright © Martin Mace and John Grehan, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-78159-321-9
PDF ISBN: 978-1-47382-941-1
EPUB ISBN: 978-1-47382-855-1
PRC ISBN: 978-1-47382-898-8
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List of Plates
Map of the Western Front
Sir John French’s Despatches:
7 September 1914: Mons and Le Cateau
17 September 1914 and 8 October 1914: The Retreat from Le Cateau,
the Battle of the Marne and the Battle of the Aisne
20 November 1914: The BEF’s move to Flanders, and the First Battle of
November 1914: Antwerp
2 February 1915: Visit of King George, operations during the first
winter of the war
5 April 1915: Battle of Neuve Chapelle
15 June 1915: Second Battle of Ypres, Battle of Aubers Ridge and Battle
of Festubert
8. 15 October 1915: The Battle of Loos
31 July 1916: Final stages of the Battle of Loos
Sir Douglas Haig’s Despatches:
19 May 1916: Ypres Salient, Actions at the Bluff, German Gas Attacks
and St Eloi
23 December 1916: The Battle of the Somme
31 May 1917: Battle of the Ancre and the German withdrawal to the
Hindenburg Line
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