Dreadnought Baden 1883-1940.pdf
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Dreadnought Baden 1883-1940
Dreadnought Baden 1883-1940
Dreadnought Baden 1883-1940
The Corner of History
German Army Publishers 1998-2017
Dreadnought Baden 1883-1940
© German Army Publishers 1998-2017
© Gustavo Urueña A
© Photos Bundesarchiv and others internet sites
© Wikipedia
More information:
First Published: October 2013
We include aditional notes and text to clarify origi-
nal and reproduce original text as it in original book
All right reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmi-
ted in any form or by any mens, electronic, mechani-
cal, photocopyng or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the autor or publisher.
Design: German Army Publishers 1998-2017
© German Army Publishers 1998-2017
The Editors welcome all comments and observa-
Dreadnought Baden 1883-1940
This is an editorial project of German Army Publis-
hers based on 20 years of studies and works related
to Economy-Politics, GeoPolitics, Social Sciences
and the development of Military Science from its be-
ginnings with the Battle of Cannas where under Ani-
bal took place The first blitzkrieg-style confrontation
to its use in the Desert Storm Campaign and all the
political, economic, and military consequences these
events have had on the development of Humanity.
The Editor of the same came to the conclusion that
to locate in the context of any era of History is neces-
sary to have read about the political, economic and
military events of the time under study, in order to
draw the appropriate conclusions, thus, if we want
to locate ourselves in the history of Greece, Egypt,
Russia, Germany, Colombia at any time, we can not
judge those events under the magnifying glass of the
context of the XXI Century, because that will only gi-
ve us a distorted view of why events happened as
they did.
The editor
© www.thegermanarmy.org
© German Army Publishers 1998-2017
Dreadnought Baden 1883-1940
Speech by Herr Hitler at Wilhelmshaven on April
1, 1939
GERMANS! Volksgenossen und Volksgenossinnen!
Whoever wishes to estimate the decline and regene-
ration of Germany must look at the development of
a city like Wilhelmshaven. A short time ago it was a
dead spot almost without any title to existence, wit-
hout any prospect of a future; to-day it is filled again
with the hum of work and production. It is good if
one recalls again to memory this past.
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