The Enemy Within - Developer Diary #5.pdf

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Welcome to the fifth edition of our Dev Diary!
A new PC has joined the party.
We are delighted to introduce Pádraig Murphy, Cubicle 7’s new Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
producer. Warhammer had a formative impact on Pádraig’s love of gaming, and while wargaming
and boardgaming have always held his interest, RPGs are his most enduring passion, Warhammer
a loaded crossbow to hand, and he hasn’t looked back since.
in particular. His first time GMing taught him the necessity of every barkeep in the Old World having
With over 14 years working in the publishing and print industry, alongside his project management
and graphic design experience, Pádraig’s expertise is a real boon to the company. His experience
Society of NUI Galway, combined with Pádraig’s love of gaming and RPG knowledge has already
created an impact on the team. He also helped write the first Irish language RPG scenario!
on the committee that set up Itzacon, a gaming convention run by the Fantasy and Science Fiction
Pádraig Murphy
Hi All,
I’ve been involved with Roleplaying games since I was 14, playing out of a dinghy scavenged room after
it had to be punched and rebound in a school binder. I have very fond memories of the game, and was
Dominic and the team absolutely delivered.
hours in school. My very first game? A copy of the first edition of WFRP, the pages so read and reread that
blown away by Cubicle 7’s release of the fourth edition — it’s not often that reality lives up to nostalgia, but
Imagine my enthusiasm then when the chance to work on WFRP came up! I’ve worked on print at just
about every level: everything from flyers to international magazines so when the opportunity arose to
combine my love of RPG with my industry background, I couldn’t resist. I am really delighted to be joining
the team, and look forward to working closely with Graeme Davis and many of our talented RPG writers. I
hope that through these Dev diaries I can share a little bit of my own excitement to highlight what’s been
going on behind the scenes and also provide a glimpse of what is coming down the line. As you know,
Enemy in Shadows, the first PDF of The Enemy Within, was released last month to great acclaim. The
tremendous response and positive feedback from the community has been crucial with finalising the print
version of the book. This will be winging its way to our printers shortly. The current PDF release will be
updated as well.
The Enemy in Shadows companion book is well underway, with a PDF release imminent.The companion
Within whilst maintaining classic WFRP humour. There are a selection of new NPCs to help keep the
books contain a distillation of many years of wisdom, optional rules, and advice for running the The Enemy
Characters on track, or to absolutely ruin their plans if they’ve been having a little too much success. We
We’ve even managed to include a couple of extra classic scenarios and encounters in there!
delve more deeply into travel in the old world, and take another look at a certain cult we all know and love.
What else is on the horizon for WFRP? Taking centre stage is Death on the Reik, the next book in The
Enemy Within series. The first art commissions have started to roll in; doing a fantastic job of bringing
Graeme Davis’s excellent writing to life. Working with such talented artists is a treat. Check out Dev Diary
fantastic Ubersreik Adventure on the way — so watch this space. Those of you asking for a print version
of these entertaining adventures might just get your wish — more on that soon.
#4 for more on two of our in-house artists, Jonathan O’Donoghue and Sam Manley. We also have another
With that, I’ll sign off and get back to work! I’m very aware of the huge promise and expectations that go
hand-in-hand with Warhammer Fantasy, and I am passionate about making the line the best that it can
possibly be. Luckily for me, excellent foundations have already been laid, and a host of unbelievably
talented artists and writers are contributing their work every day. Dominic McDowall, CEO of Cubicle 7 and
co-designer of WFRP, will also be continuing to provide his valuable input. (His desk is right across the
office, he can’t possibly escape me.)
The Jabberslythe
Art Sneak Peek!
Among the most terrible of beasts to haunt the forests of the Old World, it’s said that all those who gaze
choose to paint one…
upon a Jabberslythe invariably lose their minds. Given that, you have to wonder what sort of artist would
Destinations & Directions
An unfortunate disagreement on naming rights between the villages of Delbren and Delberz left two dozen
locals dead, and the aftermath has confused travellers ever since.
Art by Sam Manley
Cover Design for Enemy Within
Rachael Macken joined the Cubicle 7 team earlier this year as a Graphic Designer focusing on
Warhammer. With years of experience in branding, design and print combined with an amazing
imagination and a love of games, Rachael has made a great addition to our growing team. Her
creativity, detailed research and imaginative flair really shines through in these striking covers.
Hi All,
I have always loved art, even as I was a child, I loved to draw and paint. As a teen, I found myself drawn
to darker fantasy art, such as skulls, dragons and demons. In my spare time I doodled tattoo-style art and
monochrome designs. I love to learn new things, especially if they have an artistic element. I studied Web
Development and Graphic Design in college. In my first year I got an intro in Gaming and loved it. Since
took an instant liking to the WFRP style. Skulls, spikes and fantasy, what’s not to love!
Enemy in Shadows Book Cover design:
I was really excited to finish the design for this book, to work on a skull moon is not something I’ve done
main brief was to simplify the design, using the concept of tarot cards, and create on a different colour
palette that would complement both book covers (Enemy in Shadows and Enemy in Shadows
then, I’ve always wanted to get into the industry. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity with C7, and
before — so bring it on! The artwork was beautiful, however, it was too detailed for foil-print finishing. The
Companion). Having ‘fresh eyes’ on these designs was a great advantage, in my mind, as I was able to
look at it from a realistic point-of-view, while maintaining the fantasy element. My main aim was to limit the
amount of colours, focus the eye on the artwork and away from the border. The cool tones of the purple
perfectly complement the warmer hues in the sickly-green and golden-yellow.
Part 1: Enemy in Shadow: Morrslieb
As a WFRP novice, I didn’t know much about the Chaos Moon and what ‘it’ represented. I went through
old and new books, and bombarded the team with questions, as well as fan-pages for references on
Morrslieb. I discovered that Morrslieb is one of two moons. It’s made of warpstone hence the sickly-green
colour. It’s the dark twin of Mannslieb with an erratic cycle. Sometimes a skull crater like face appears on
the moon — a portent to misfortune.
While reading these dark and fascinating facts, my mind was exploding with crazy designs (some a bit
too crazy as usual), but one that would be amazing for this book cover. I liked elements of the Chaos
moon from version 1, so I created this evil skull face, with a sickly warm-green colour with lights and darks
shades, to create depth without too much detail. For the valley, I used various natural landscapes, such as
the Canadian Rockies, etc. I wanted to show the sharp coldness in the mountains (in a cooler purple) with
an almost natural-looking ‘glow’ from the Chaos Moon for where these rituals happen.
Part 2: Enemy in Shadow: Ace of Hammers
Ace of Hammers, the Enemy in Shadows Companion cover, was particularly interesting for me to work on.
This weapon was originally a dwarfen hammer that was gifted to Sigmar in a battle against Orcs. (Huh?
well, that statement went completely over my head.) To understand how to best illustrate this ‘dwarfen
hammer’, I needed to continue my in-depth research. (Again annoying the team with hundreds of
history behind the barbarian king.
questions.) This involved many questions on the hammer’s provenance; a quick course on Sigmar, and the
Armed with new information and my new-found knowledge that Sigmar is basically the ‘Good Guy’, and
my understanding that this special hammer was to signify the triumph over ‘bad’ or ‘evil’. So, I decided to
make the hammer the star of the show. I chose a golden-yellow colour (makes sense, right?) and the cool
purple from EiS to ‘tie’ the covers together.
For the valley, what I had in mind was the ‘Blackfire Pass’. After the victory, there was almost an alliance
give a settled feeling to the image. But I thought, if there is blackness in the sky, how would you see the
alright, let’s WFRP this moon… More skulls? Yes, please!
between Sigmar and Dwarfs, so, was it peaceful? I thought the lake surrounded by trees and rocks would
lake? Hence the moon’s position over the lake. Using this concept, along with the team’s help, I thought
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