Princes of Ulthuan 1.2.pdf

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Hail, future prince of Ulthuan and presumed fan of the High Elves! Within this unofficial
rule supplement you will find expanded rules for playing High Elves in Warhammer
Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition. Such as new careers, expanded regional backgrounds and
new equipment! Princes of Ulthuan is written with the premise about adventuring in the
Old World and is focused on such. It can of course be used for adventures in Ulthuan
itself but it is primarily written with the Old World as presented in the 4th edition core
rulebook as primary setting. To use this you will need a copy of the Warhammer Fantasy
Roleplay 4th edition Rulebook, as this document is intended as a supplement to the rules
presented in the core rulebook. Furthermore, it is intentionally left sparse in fluff to not
repeat that which is already present in the core rulebook or the armybooks. However, a
suggested reading list will be given below to inspire your own path to bringing glory to
the Asur.
The Armybooks:
Of course, this forms the basis of the expansion upon the core
rulebook that is presented here. With the 6th and 7th editions being favored due to the
authors preferences in fluff.
Black Library:
Several series of Black Library books about the High Elves exist such as
the the Sons of Ellyrion, Defenders of Ulthuan and Tyrion & Teclis series and more.
Elric of Melniboné:
Without Games Workshops liberal ripping off of Moorcocks Elric
series there would be no Warhammer. While the Melnibonéans are most similar to the
Dark Elves they have obviously influenced the High Elves as well.
Lord of the Rings:
It’d be criminal of me if I didn’t recommend it. The
Silmarillion in particular portrays elves with all their passions, pride, hubris
and hamartia that Warhammer elves have.
The Classical Near East:
Ancient history can obviously be seen as a clear
and direct influence in the High Elves aesthetics. Particularly the Hellenic
world, as Ulthuan in many ways can be compared to Atlantis and their
pantheon bears many similarities with the Hellenic pantheon. Though
their inspirations go far beyond just the Hellenes as Egypt and
Mesopotamia too are wells the High Elves draw upon.
New High Elf Backgrounds
The core rulebook presents a ’generic’ High Elf you might encounter in the Old World,
with none of Ulthuans ten kingdoms specified as origin. This is likely for simplicities sake
to save page count as it represents the typical High Elf on business in the Old Worl fairly
well. But as there is significant enough difference between the Asur of the ten kingdoms
they are not properly represented by the generic High Elf in the corebook. Below you will
find a list of Skills and Talents for High Elves from each of the ten kingdoms. To use
them simply replace the High Elf skills and talent list in the core rulebook with the skills
and talent list of your choice and create a High Elf character as normal.
The Inner Kingdoms, set within the twilit ring of the Annulii, are shielded from contact
with the outer world by the mountains that surround them and the buffer states of the
Outer Kingdoms. Many of the inhabitants of the inner lands are introverted and dreamy.
They make scholars, mystics and sorcerers without peer, but all too often are affected by a
languor that means they rarely bestir themselves except for the most pressing and dire of
Eataine & Lothern
The Asur of Eataine and the current capitol of Lothern are urbane and worldwise, the
maritime trade of the High Elves centered in the Phoenix Kings shining seat of power in
Lothern. They are mariners, diplomats, traders and explorers with very few peers among
the Asur. The Asur of Eataine are represented in the core rulebook, simply use the skills
and talents for High Elves on p.36 to play them.
The proud Caledorians live in the thinly populated
volcanic mountains to the west of Eataine. Once it was
the seat of the greatest of the Phoenix Kings and one
of Ulthuans greatest kingdoms for one reason
Dragons. But the volcanoes of the Dragonspine
mountains have cooled and the dragons have become
increasingly hard to rouse from their slumber and the
power of Caledors Dragon Princes have waned.
Despite this, the Caledorians are still a proud people,
the Dragon Princes themselves known as the most
arrogant of all Asur and rightfully so.
Climb, Cool, Entertain (Sing), Evaluate,
Language (Eltharin), Leadership, Lore (Dragons),
Melee (Basic), Navigation, Perception, Play (any one),
Ranged (Bow)
Acute Sense (Sight), Commanding Presence
Warrior Born, Night Vision, Second Sight
Sense, Read/Write
A land of gentle summers and mild winters, where herds of Elven steeds
thunder across sweeping plains. Ellyrion is a land of rolling plains
and tall grasses where the greatest horses in all of Ulthuan are bred
by the Ellyrian Horsemasters. A people as close to born into the
saddle as any elf. The Reaver Knights of Ellyrion is perhaps the
greatest light cavalry in the world. The people of Ellyrion are a
dauntless and daring breed, the most energetic of the Asur of
the Inner Kingdoms whose fame as horsemen is well
Animal Care, Cool, Entertain (Sing), Evaluate,
Language (Eltharin), Leadership, Melee (Basic),
Navigation, Perception, Play (any one), Ranged (Bow),
Ride (Horse)
Acute Sense (Sight), Trickrider
Night Vision, Second Sight
Sixth Sense, Read/Write
North-east of Ellyrion, across the river Arduil, lies the great Forest of Avelorn, most
ancient of all the Elven realms. Upon its tangled groves ancient glamours lie, and under
its eaves creatures of legend still walk. Treemen tend the wild gardens of oak and suntree.
Great Eagles nest in enchanted hills and Unicorns walk in its sun-dappled glades. Summer
lies eternal on Avelorn’s enchanted glades and it is also the realm where the Everqueen
holds court. The Asur that live here are a strange, fey breed who share much in common
with the Wood Elves of Athel Loren. Courtly intrigue is second nature to these elves, as
their carefree surface hides bitter rivalry and competition for prestige and positions in the
Charm, Cool, Entertain (Sing), Gossip, Language (Eltharin), Leadership, Melee
(Basic), Perception, Play (any one), Ranged (Bow), Outdoor Survival, Stealth (Rural)
Acute Sense (Sight), Suave
Schemer, Night Vision, Second Sight
Sense, Read/Write
South and east of Avelorn, on the shores of the Sea of Dreams, lies Saphery, the land of
wizardry. The heart of Saphery is the Tower of Hoeth, the shrine of the God of Wisdom.
This is the greatest repository of magical knowledge in the world, compiled down the
centuries by High Elf mages and scholars, many of whom still dedicate their lives to the
accumulation of magical lore. The Asur of Saphery are contemplative and introverted
folk, prone to loosing themselves in their studies or duties more so than other Asur of the
Inner Kingdoms. Magic also permeates Saphery more than any other kingdom and even
the humblest of farmers and craftsmen know simple petty magic.
Cool, Entertain (Sing), Evaluate, Language (Eltharin), Leadership, Lore (Any),
Melee (Basic), Navigation, Perception, Play (any one), Ranged (Bow), Research
Acute Sense (Sight), Petty Magic
Savvy, Night Vision, Second Sight
Sense, Read/Write
The Outer Kingdoms, set on the outside of the ring of the Annulii mountains are wartorn
and harsh lands compared to the idyllic Inner Kingdoms. Many of its lands where ravaged
by the Sundering and they are subject to raids from the evil Druchii and those few
incursions from the lesser races who manage to land on Ulthuans shores. This has made
the Asur of the Outer Kingdoms embittered and harsh. They make for Ulthuans greatest
warriors, commanders and sailors and unlike their kin in the Inner Kingdoms are rarely
struck by the ennui that often affects the Asur.
Tiranoc is the westernmost realm of Ulthuan. Once it was the fairest of the Elf lands.
Majestic snow-capped peaks towered over sweeping flower-strewn plains. The people
were great sailors who colonized much of the eastern New World. Wealth flowed from
these colonies and the charioteers of Tiranoc, famed throughout the land for their skill
and daring, raced between their white marble cities. But during the Sundering Tiranoc
suffered grievously and much of it was lost beneath the sea. Tiranoc today has largely
been rebuilt, but its people have not forgotten and they are among the first to take up
arms when the Dark Elves are sighted along Ulthuans shores and their hearts burn with a
hatred of their dark kin second only to the Asur of the Shadowlands.
Animal Care, Cool, Drive, Entertain (Sing), Evaluate, Language (Eltharin),
Leadership, Melee (Basic), Navigation, Perception, Play (any one), Ranged (Bow)
Acute Sense (Sight), Crack the Whip
Hatred (Dark Elves), Night Vision,
Second Sight
Sixth Sense, Read/Write
The Shadowlands
The Shadowlands are a dark and desolate region, but was
once part of a mighty Elven kingdom called Nagarythe.
Here, the first Phoenix King once held court, and it was
here that the greatest battles against Daemonkind were
won. That desperate struggle hardened and embittered
the folk of Nagarythe, so that other Elves came to regard
them as a cruel and bloodthirsty people. After Aenarion’s
death his son Malekith inherited the kingdom. When
Malekith rose against the the rightful Phoenix king he led
his warriors in a savage and destructive war where
Nagarythe in the end was sunk beneath the waves in the
Sundering. Malekith and his warriors fled to Naggaroth
and became the Druchii, the Dark Elves. Those few
Nagarythi that stayed behind became the Shadow
Warriors, a nomadic breed of Asur with hard hearts, warlike demeanours and a ruthless
pride that makes other Asur view them with distrust.
Cool, Endurance, Intuition, Intimidate, Language (Eltharin), Melee (Basic),
Navigation, Perception, Ranged (Bow), Stealth (Rural), Outdoor Survival, Track
Acute Sense (Sight), Hatred (Dark Elves), Night Vision, Second Sight
Sense, Read/Write
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