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CD/W 9.1
Castel Gandolfo, Villa of Domitian: detail of stucco frieze in corridor of theatre. c. A.D. 81–96. (Photo: R. J. Ling,
CD/W 9.2
Ostia, House of the Muses, room IX, south-east and south-west walls. After A.D. 125. (Photo: Michael Larvey)
CD/W 9.3
Ostia, House of Jupiter and Ganymede, room IV (“
”), looking east. c. A.D. 180–190. (Photo: Michael
CD/W 9.4
Rome, Caserma dei Vigili: paintings in entrance archway of shrine (nineteenth-century photograph). Before A.D.
215. (Photo: Parker 641)
CD/W 9.5
Dover (Kent, Britain), Painted House, room 2: paintings of south wall (partial reconstruction). End of second or
beginning of third century A.C. (Drawing: R. J. Ling)
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