9780521865913CDW 4.pdf
24633 KB
CD/W 4.1
Attic red-figure kylix attributed to Douris, side A: deeds of Theseus. c. 490–480 B.C. London, British Museum E48.
(Photo: © Trustees of the British Museum)
CD/W 4.2
Attic red-figure kylix attributed to the Brygos Painter, side A: Iliupersis. c. 490 B.C. Paris, Musée du Louvre G152.
(Photo: Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY)
CD/W 4.3
Attic red-figure kylix attributed to Apollodoros, interior: siege scene. c. 500 B.C. Malibu, Getty Museum 84.AE.38.
(Photo: The J. Paul Getty Museum, Villa Collection, Malibu, CA)
CD/W 4.4
Attic red-figure stamnos attributed to the Siren Painter, side A: Odysseus and the Sirens. c. 475 B.C. London, British
Museum E440. (Photo: © Trustees of the British Museum)
CD/W 4.5
Plan of the Lesche of the Knidians at Delphi with features of the Iliupersis and Nekyia paintings of Polygnotos.
(Drawing: Author)
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