9780521865913CDW 1.pdf
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CD/W 1.1
EM II–MM II seal designs. c. 2600–1800 B.C: (a) Mochlos, EM II seal with a human figure; (b) Platanos, Tholos B:
MM IA cylinder seal with a lion procession; (c) Platanos, Tholos B: MM IA seal with ships and dolphins; (d) Phaistos, palace:
MM II seal impression with a Minoan genius; (e) Phaistos, palace: MM II seal impression with a griffin; (f) Phaistos, palace:
MM II seal impression with an
and hounds (represented by two impressions). (Drawings: A. P. Chapin after Branigan
[1970], fig. 29.4 and CMS II.1, 321a, 287b; CMS II.5, 258, 319, 322)
CD/W 1.2
Myrtos, pithos with trickle decoration. EM IIB, c. 2200 B.C. Crete, Ayios Nikolaos, Archaeological Museum.
(Drawing: E. Warren, courtesy of P. Warren)
CD/W 1.3
Petras, Spatter Ware. MM IB, c. 1900 B.C. Siteia, Archaeological Museum. (Drawing: R. Docsan, courtesy of D.
CD/W 1.4
Knossos, palace: dado designs. MM IIB, c. 1800–1700 B.C. Crete, Herakleion Museum. (Drawing: T. Fyfe)
CD/W 1.5
The Saffron Gatherer Fresco restored as a blue boy. (Drawing: É. Gilliéron, père; Harvard Art Museum 1926.32.33.
(Photo: Imaging Department © President and Fellows of Harvard College)
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