9780521865913CDW 2.pdf
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CD/W 2.1
Kalapodi (Phokis), fragment of a battle scene from a wall of the South House, showing advancing warriors. c. 650
B.C. (Photo: DAI-Athens; photographer: W. D. Niemeier)
CD/W 2.2
Thermon, painted terracotta panel from the Temple of Apollo: three goddesses (?). c. 630–620, repainted in fourth
century. Athens, National Museum. (Photo: J. Hurwit)
CD/W 2.3
Black-figure funerary
attributed to Exekias, with mourning women and children. c. 540–530. Berlin, Staatliche
Museen 1813. (Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz / Art Resource, NY)
CD/W 2.4
Pitsa, wooden
: woman with necklace. c. 525–500. Athens, National Museum 16466. (Photo: Hellenic Ministry
of Culture and Tourism / Archaeological Receipts Fund)
CD/W 2.5
Pitsa, wooden
: three women and feline. c. 530. Athens, National Museum 16465. (Photo: Hellenic Ministry of
Culture and Tourism / Archaeological Receipts Fund)
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