9780521865913CDW 3.pdf
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CD/W 3.1
Cerveteri, Tomb of the Painted Lions, right
chamber: rear wall with Potnios Theron and right wall with two
lions and palmettes. Third quarter of seventh century B.C. (Photo: S. Moretti,
42 [1955], Tav. 2)
CD/W 3.2
Veii, Campana Tomb, front chamber: rear wall with vegetal motifs, animals, and figural scenes. End of seventh cen-
tury B.C. (Photo: L. Canina,
L’antica città di Veii
[1847], Tav. 31)
CD/W 3.3
Magliano in Toscana, Tomb of Sant’Andrea: detail of winged lion. End of seventh century B.C. (Photo: Author)
CD/W 3.4
Tarquinia, Tomb of the Panthers: detail of the rear wall with two panthers. Beginning of sixth century B.C. (Photo:
CD/W 3.5
Tarquinia, Tomb of the Hut, rear wall with false door. Second quarter of sixth century B.C. (Photo: DAI, Rome, S.
Steingräber and H. Schwanke)
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