Germ Theory Refutation of Modern Disease.pdf

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The Germ Theory’s Explanations of Popular
Diseases Refuted and Replaced
Drake Alden Shelton, the Southern Israelite
Advised by Chris McCombs
Sponsor and Consigliere: Robert Lee Pine Jr.
Common Cold……………………………………………………………………………………5
Black Plague or the Black Death……………………………………………………………….6
Ebola…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Spanish Flu 1918 (H1N1 virus) the original Swine Flu Hoax and Typhoid Vaccine……10
Modern Swine flu………………………………………………………………………………12
Influenza –Flu…………………………………………………………………………………..28
[Heart Disease]…………………………………………………………………………38
The insidious reasons why Louis Pasteur’s ridiculous theories were selected by the
Atheist Globo-Capitalist elite are so easy to understand and obviously true only the
pathologically dishonest and those invested in lies to the point of no return deny. Almost
immediately upon Pasteur and Koch articulating the basic tenants of the Germ Theory,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in his fiction writing, engineered the theory into a potent psyop
for a criminal madman to use a biological weapon to gain power and terrorize his
enemies in
The Adventure of the Dying Detective.
Sadly, this technique would be more perfectly
wielded by Governments over their own
populations. Pasteur’s theory fit mechanistic
theories popular at the time among Atheists in
developing technocracies, put responsibility for bad
health on outside influences further feeding the
insolence of the modern Atheist hubris, put mega
corporations and Big-Pharma into perpetual
business as the great protectors of the human race
from those microbial demons. The insidiousness
though has grown quite brazen of late where it
appears our globalist masters are ready for total war
with their Coronavirus hoax! This plot is a part of
the depopulation program of the globalists.
genocidal plot of worldwide depopulation was
suggested by the most influential Atheist
Philosopher of the 20
century, Bertrand Russell:
Black Death or at least the idea of Black Death has been the winning play of our overlords
for quite some time. Their strength lies in the fact that the masses of American people are
so addicted to childish entertainment, they will never be able to figure out the biological
maze they must make it through to unmask their oppressors. Yet we happy few of the
British and Northern European Protestant tradition have some Champions who have
kept the fire of knowledge burning brightly through the last 140 years or so since the
acceptance of this unnatural and failed ideology called the Germ Theory. My last two
23 Reasons to Reject The Germ Theory of Disease
The 17 Fundamental Doctrines of
Biblical Pleomorphism
utterly destroy the Germ Theory of Disease. Yet, my work is not yet
done because the brainwashed masses will demand in a rage that we explain all the
illnesses that the Germ theory claimed to be able to explain! “How do you explain Ebola,
AIDS, and Herpes?”, they will ask! We wil get right on that. But first, let us consider that
Dr. Barry Fox admitted in Lecture 3 of his
An Introduction to Infectious Diseases
that Viruses
have no nucleus, no independent protein synthesis or generation of its own energy
supplies, no cell wall, and no growth or cell division. That creates a very serious problem
when explaining contagion: Aajonus retorts, “Without life, they cannot reproduce. If they
cannot reproduce, they cannot be contagious.” To remind the reader, we of the school of
Bechamp and Aajonus, the Pleomorphites, maintain that disease is a detox and it is
normally done through phagocytes, parasites, bacteria and fungus. But in extreme cases
the body will produce a virus or even a tumor to deal with chronic problems in the body.
Can this model explain the diseases we struggle with in 2020? Let’s find out!
Common cold
The common cold is a Bacterial detox.
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