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Type of unit
4 to 6 figures on
individual bases (plus
a support weapon and
a figure on an
individual base).
4 to 6 figures on
individual bases (plus
an engineer support
weapon and a figure
on an individual base).
4 to 6 figures on
individual bases.
1 weapon on an
individual base and 2
figures on individual
bases (plus an
appropriate horse-
drawn or motorized
towing vehicle).
1 armoured vehicle.
The infantry figures can be armed with a sub-machine-gun, a rifle, a light
machine-gun, or an infantry anti-tank weapon (e.g. Bazooka,
PIAT – troops so armed are also assumed to be armed with
a rifle). The support weapon is an optional extra and can be either a
heavy machine-gun or an infantry mortar.
The engineer figures can be armed with a sub-machine-gun, a rifle, a
light machine-gun, or an infantry anti-tank weapon (e.g. Bazooka,
PIAT – troops so armed are also assumed to be armed with
a rifle). Each of the members of the unit are also assumed to be
equipped with an assault demolition charge (e.g. Bangalore torpedo,
satchel charge). The support weapon is an optional extra and can be
either a flamethrower or an infantry mortar.
Infantry unit
Engineer unit
Cavalry unit
Artillery unit
Artillery units include anti-tank gun units, infantry gun units, heavy mortar
units, mountain gun units, field gun units, medium gun units, and heavy
gun units.
Armoured unit
A reconnaissance unit can be a standard infantry unit, a standard
infantry unit mounted on bicycles, a standard cavalry unit, a motorcycle
unit of two to six figures mounted on motorcycle and sidecar
combinations, or two or three light AFVs (usually armoured cars).
A motorized transport unit can carry an infantry unit, and engineer unit,
or an artillery observer, or a Commander, or tow an artillery unit; a horse-
drawn transport unit can tow an artillery unit.
Artillery observers may only direct artillery fire onto one target per turn.
Purely decorative, this figure is the player’s
alter ego
on the tabletop. If
they are in the same hex as a unit that unit’s movement is increased by
one hex and its firepower by 1D6. They also add one to any D6 thrown if
the unit’s morale is being checked.
Reconnaissance unit
Variable (see
Transport unit
Artillery observer
1 transport vehicle.
1 aircraft.
A figure on an
individual base.
A figure on an
individual base.
Units are graded as to quality. The majority of units are average; the best units (well trained, high morale, well equipped) are
graded above average; the worst units (poorly trained, low morale, obsolete equipment) are graded below average.
General Rules:
The battlefield is marked with 100mm hexes.
An infantry unit, an engineer unit, a cavalry unit, a reconnaissance unit, or a towed artillery unit can occupy more than
one hex.
More than one unit may occupy a hex it there is sufficient space within the hex for this to happen. In this case each
unit is treated as a separate unit for the purposes of activation. However any artillery hits on the hex will take effect on
all the units in the hex (i.e. a hit on one unit will count as a hit on all the units in the hex).
Units can move and then engage in combat or engage in combat and then move.
Non-artillery and anti-tank gun units may only fire at targets they can see. Units that are firing must have a clear line-
of-sight to the target, and vertical obstacles – including other units – must not obscure the line-of-sight. If either the
firing unit or the target unit are on higher terrain, vertical obstacles may not obscure the line-of-sight. In this case
common sense should determine if the line-of-sight is obscured.
Artillery units (with the exception of anti-tank gun units) may fire at targets they cannot see if a reconnaissance unit or
artillery spotter has a clear line-of-sight to the target.
Shuffle the pack of activation cards and place them face down where players can see them.
Turn the top activation card over; the division or group of assets named on the card is activated and may move and/or
engage in combat.
When that division or group of assets has completed everything that it may do, the next activation card is turned over
and the process is repeated.
This continues until every activation card has been turned over and the last division or group of assets has completed
everything that it may do. This marks the end of the turn.
The activation cards are collected together for the next turn.
Turn Sequence:
All the movement distances shown are the maximum number of hexes a unit may move during any turn.
Any ground unit moving uphill has a maximum movement distance of 1 hex.
Any ground unit making a complete move along a road increases its movement distance by 1 hex.
Any ground unit (other than an AFV unit) that enters a hex that contains barbed wire must remove the barbed wire next turn
before it can move again.
A ground unit (other than an AFV unit) must be activated by a black card (♣,
to remove barbed wire.
A ground unit must be activated by a black card (♣,
to enter or leave a mined hex.
A ground unit that enters a mined hex must stop and may not move any further this turn.
If troops inside a vehicle debus from that vehicle, the vehicle must remain stationary during the turn.
If troops embus onto a vehicle, the vehicle must remain stationary during the turn.
It takes a turn to limber or unlimber artillery.
AFV units may not move more than 1 hex per turn on hills or in woods.
Transport may not move on hills or in woods unless they have been activated by a black playing card.
Aircraft turn 60° every 2 hex if they are single engined and every 3 hex if they have two or more engines.
Type of unit
Unlimbered light artillery
Unlimbered medium and
heavy artillery
Light AFVs
Number of hexes
1 hex
1 hex
2 hexes
1 hex
May only move if towed
3 hexes
Field guns and smaller (including light anti-tank and anti-
aircraft guns).
Artillery larger than field guns (including medium and heavy
anti-tank and ant-aircraft guns).
Armoured cars, PzKpfw I, PzKpfw II, T40, T60, and self-
propelled artillery built on light AFV chassis.
PzKpfw III, PzKpfw IV, PzKpfw V Panther, T26, T34/76,
T34/85, and self-propelled artillery built on medium AFV
PzKpfw VI Tiger, KV1, KV2, and self-propelled artillery built on
heavy AFV chassis.
Horse-drawn artillery limbers and wagons.
Motorcycles, cars, trucks, half-tacks, and tracked towing
Medium AFVs
2 hexes
Heavy AFVs
1 hex
At appropriate movement
distance for the type of
2 hexes
3 hexes
1 hex
Horse-drawn transport
Motorized transport
Artillery spotter on foot
Artillery spotter in a
At appropriate vehicle
movement distance
2 hexes, if on their own;
otherwise they increase
the movement of a unit
they are with by 1 hex.
At appropriate vehicle
movement distance. N.B.
They increase the
movement of a unit they
are with by 1 hex.
Number of
hexes/Number of turns
over the battlefield
4 hexes/10
9 hexes/6
6 hexes/5
5 hexes/5
6 hexes/8
6 hexes/8
Commander on foot
Commander in a vehicle
Type of aircraft
Reconnaissance aircraft
Ground-attack aircraft
Fw189, Hs126
Bf109, Fw190, LaGG-3, La-5, La-7, MiG-1, MiG-3, I-15, I-16,
Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-7, Yak-9
Hs123, Hs129, P-39 Airacobra, Il-2
Hs123, Ju87
D.17, Do215, Do217, He111, Ju88, Il-4, Pe-2, Pe-8, SB-2, Tu-
Ju52, ANT-6, Li-2
Firing and bombing:
A unit nominates the hex it will be firing at. All firing is hex to hex.
When an activated unit engages an opposing unit – even if the opposing unit has already been activated this turn or it is
awaiting activation – both units throw a 1D6; the unit with the highest score may fire first. The exceptions to this rule are:
Dug in unit always have the right to fire first
Reconnaissance units always fire last
Enfilade units may not return fire until they are activated
This rule does not negate to right of the opposing unit to be activated later in the turn.
Only infantry anti-tank weapons, flamethrowers, assault demolition charges, artillery, tank guns, and bombs may be used
against artillery, vehicles, and tanks.
Sub-machine guns, rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns and infantry mortars may only be used against personnel.
Only anti-aircraft weapons may be used against aircraft.
Anti-aircraft weapons may be used against ground targets. When used against ground targets these weapons are treated as
being equivalent to heavy machine guns or anti-tanks guns (see below).
Dive-bombers drop their bomb loads in the hex that is directly in front of them (hex 1 on the diagrams below). Ground-attack
aircraft and other bombers drop their bomb loads in the 1D6 hex in front of the hex they are directly above (see diagrams
below); this is the bombed area.
Strafing runs by fighter aircraft always hit the hex that is 2 hexes in front of the hex they are directly above (hex 4 in the left-
hand diagram and hex 3 in the right-hand diagram).
Type of weapon
Sub-machine guns
Light machine guns
Infantry anti-tank weapons
Heavy machine guns
Infantry mortars
Assault demolition charges
Light anti-tank guns
Medium anti-tank guns
Heavy anti-tank guns
Infantry guns
Heavy mortars
Mountain guns
Field guns
Medium guns
Heavy guns
Light tank guns
Medium tank guns
Heavy tank guns
Strafing run by fighter aircraft
Type of bomb load
1 hex
2 hexes
2 hexes
1 hexes
4 hexes
4 hexes
1 hex
1 hex
4 hexes
6 hexes
8 hexes
6 hexes
6 hexes
8 hexes
12 hexes
16 hexes
20 hexes
4 hexes
6 hexes
8 hexes
2 hexes
Bombed area
2D6 per figure
1D6 per figure
2D6 per crew figure
1D6 per figure
4D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
4D6 per engineer
4D6 per figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
2D6 per crew figure
4D6 per AFV
4D6 per AFV
4D6 per AFV
4D6 per aircraft
4D6 per hex of mines
An engineer may only carry 1 charge.
May only be used 4 times.
Effectiveness against ground targets
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