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Chronicles of Blood
Solo Adventure Game
Solo War Game
Mark Melero (order #2771454)
Chronicles of Blood
Shane Garvey
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Chronicles of Blood
is copyright Crystal Star Games, 2011. Photos copyright Mantic Games and are used with
permission. All names and places are completely fictional and are not meant to represent any location or person, living
or dead.
Mark Melero (order #2771454)
The world of Arax is a world filled with blood and
battle, magic and monsters, slaughter and sorcery. It is
a world where the weak are crushed and the strong
survive, where those who are bigger and more
powerful bully those who are weaker and more
vulnerable. It is a world at war, with armies clashing
violently on the fields of battle. A great general is
needed to lead these armies, and that general is you!
Chronicles of Blood
is a game where you, the reader,
takes on the role of an army commander in the world
of Arax. It is your job to fight lead your troops to glory,
destroying the enemy and either saving or conquering
the world, depending on the army you choose.
Arax is a dark and dangerous world and a time of
reckoning is approaching. The ancient empires of men,
dwarfs and elves are crumbling, beset on all sides by
the dark hordes of the orcs, goblins, demons and the
The once magnificent elven forests, at one time
beautiful, green and lush, are now withering and
dying, the magically-crafted towers and wondrous tree-
cities that lie within broken and shattered. Only the
elven talent at manipulating mana, the magical force
that permeates Arax, has stopped their race from being
wiped out.
The dwarven fortresses built high in the mountains of
Arax are now overrun with goblins, who burrowed up
through the earth and attacked from within the
otherwise impenetrable fortress walls. One by one the
fortresses fall and, although the dwarven courage and
skill with weapons is legendary, even they find
themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of
goblins pouring in to their homes.
And humanity find themselves sorely pressed on all
sides, their cities and towns constantly raided and
besieged. The barbaric orc tribes march down from the
north, pillaging everything in their path. The
necromantic legions from the southern desert
kingdoms shamble forward, unrelenting in their march
towards the human lands. Some humans even turn
against their own, worshipping demonic powers in
secret and plotting the downfall of their race from
The final battles that will decide the fate of Arax are
fast approaching. Soldiers line up on opposite sides of
the battlefield, ready to lay down their lives in service
to their commander. Will you lead your troops to
ultimate victory, or will you fail in your leadership and
suffer humiliating, crushing defeat?
Mark Melero (order #2771454)
What You Need To Play
There are a few things you will need to have handy in
order to play the game. First and foremost is a copy of
these rules. You may print these rules for your own use,
and even give them to friends and family if you want.
You will need a set of polyhedral dice. This means you
need a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 (check out the
glossary if you are not sure what this means).
You will also need something to represent the
regiments of soldiers that make up your army. The
cheapest, easiest way to do this is to cut out pieces of
paper or cardboard, each one 10cm by 5cm, then
simply write the name of the regiment on them.
Of course, the best-looking way to do this is to use
miniature figures to represent your regiments.
Companies such as Mantic Games
( make wonderful figures that
would fit right in with
Chronicles of Blood,
and their
range is expanding all the time (the pictures of
miniatures in this game are all by Mantic Games). If
you use miniatures, use as many or as few as you need,
as long as the total size of the regiment is around 10cm
by 5cm.
Model scenery will also enhance your game, though
again you can use cardboard cutouts to represent
these. Use different colours to differentiate between
different types of terrain: green for woods, brown for
hills, blue for rivers and lakes, and so on.
Obviously, you will also need somewhere to play. A
table 120cm by 120cm will suffice. You can go bigger
than this, but you won’t want to go much smaller.
Finally, you may wish to purchase some premium
content for
Chronicles of Blood.
This content, available
for $1 each, includes things like new Armies and
regiments and new Scenarios for you to play. All of this
is optional however; you can play the game simply
with these rules!
Mark Melero (order #2771454)
The Army
Chronicles of Blood
you take on
the roll of a general of one of two
mighty armies. These two forces are
vying for control of the world of
The Golden Alliance is trying to
defend their homes from the
invading forces of evil. It consists of
soldiers from the human kingdoms,
the woodland realms of the elves
and the dwarven strongholds, as
well as the angelic beings from the
Island of the Sun.
Or you could command the
Unholy Blight, the armies of evil
made up of the orcish tribes, goblins,
demonic legions and the undead empire.
Each army is made up of many regiments. Each one of
these regiments has a set of Battle Stats that allow us to
differentiate between them. Battle Stats show us at a
glance how good a regiment is at different aspects of
war and will be used a lot throughout the game.
There are six different Battle Stats.
A regiment’s Armour stat shows how much protection
they have against enemy damage. A regiment wearing
no armour into battle would have an Armour stat of 0.
Most regiments would have an Armour stat of 1 or 2.
The Morale battle stat measures a regiment’s courage
and bravery. Morale is also measured in a die type,
with again the average being d6.
Speed measures how far a regiment can move in one
turn. This Battle Stat is measured in centimetres. An
average Speed score is 15cm.
Fight is a measure of how well the unit can battle
against the enemy. This is measured in a die type, with
the average being a d6.
Finally, the Wounds stat shows how much damage a
regiment can take before they are destroyed. This is 5
for a normal regiment, with tougher regiments having
6, 7, or even more.
If a regiment ever has 0 Wounds, it is removed from
the table.
Damage is another Battle Stat measured with a die
type. This one determines how hard the regiment hits
in battle and how many opponents the will kill if they
win a turn of battle. An average Damage score is d6.
Mark Melero (order #2771454)
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