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Andrew Wilson’s
The Bomb and the Computer
The History of Professional Wargaming 1780-
Edited by John Curry
Copyright © 2014 John Curry and Andrew Wilson
This book was first published as
The Bomb and the Computer
in 1968 and
then reprinted as
War Gaming
in 1970.
The rights of John Curry and Andew Wilson to be identified as Authors of
this Work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise without the prior written permission of authors.
Books edited by John Curry as part of the History of Wargaming Project
Peter Perla's Art of Wargaming book, A guide for professionals and
Thomas Allen's War Games professional wargaming
Innovations in Wargaming Vol 1, Developments in hobby and
professional wargames
Army Wargames: Staff College Exercises 1870-1980.
Contact! The Restricted Canadian Army Tactical Wargame (1980)
Dunn Kempf: the Tactical Wargame of the American Army (1977-1997)
The British Army War Game (1956)
The British Army Desert War Game (1978) MOD Wargaming Rules
The Wargaming Pioneers Including Little Wars by H.G. Wells, The War
Game for Boy Scouts and The War Game by Captain Sachs
1898-1940 Early Wargames Vol. 1
The British Kriegsspiel (1872) Including RUSI's Polemos (1888) Early
Wargames Volume 2
More Wargaming Pioneers Ancient and World War II Battle and Skirmish
Rules by Tony Bath, Lionel Tarr and Michael Korns Early Wargames Vol.
The History of Wargaming Project
at for other
Cover photograph, by Tim Price, of the entrance corridor of a UK
government bunker somewhere underground.
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