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Special thanks to
Justin Jackson for creating the illustration.
Atom for play testing with me and being patient.
MagicJuggler for giving me the inspiration to continue.
About Me & The Goal
Young man age of 23 who has been reading wargames since I was around 11. So pretty much 15 years.
When I was 10 I made up my own rules before I even knew what wargaming was. It was really
simplistic. Depending on whatever weapon your unit had you’d get a certain amount of dice and needed
to get over 3. Each success count as a hit and your opponent needed to roll for each hit.
Roll 2 dice and add any bonuses from your weapon. I of course used army men since I was a young
child and would make terrain out of paper, flash cards, cardboard, and whatever I could make shift
and get my hands on.
When I got my hands on the internet well it opened me up to the world of wargaming as a whole. Ever
since then I tried many freeware rules for all sorts of settings, timelines, and figurines. Each one I’d
always use my trusty army men. I had them for pretty much every setting I can think of. Medieval,
Prehistoric, Modern, and future. When I got a job at the age of 15 I bought a blood raven army to
play wh40k at a hobby store.
I’ve always been interested in making my own wargame/board game and although I made many
homebrews and tweaked rules for the better usually, I've never made a full fledged rulebook. I’ve tried
to make many table top games and I have a lot of things I'd like to get back to and work on to this
very day.
The biggest inspiration to this rulebook are from the love I have for these green plastic men, and the
love I have for the army men series that’s pretty much discontinued for eons I know many people
have good found memory for these toys and the series I mention a moment ago. I wanted to start
my venture into creating tabletop games with the toy that started it all, and give it a proper full
fledged rules and story these cheap little figurines deserve.
Banja Wars
The Great Confusion
The Home Wars
Races and Commanders Bio
The Home
Current Climate
Setup & Army Building
Scenarios and Victory points
Activating troops, Vehicles, & troop type
Personal Armor
Infantry Weapons
Vehicle Weapons
Turns, activating, & Moving
Firing, Suppression, and Vehicle Damage
Assault, Morale, Disembark/Embark
Bail out, Races, Officers, and Special units.
Expansions Ideas
: Pg 1
: Pg 2
: Pg 5
:Pg 6
:Pg 8
:Pg 19
:Pg 20
:Pg 20
:Pg 22
:Pg 23
:Pg 24
:Pg 25
:Pg 26
:Pg 27
:Pg 28
:Pg 29
:Pg 30
:Pg 31
:Pg 32
:Pg 33
:Pg 34
:Pg 42
Armboxia is homed to a species called Army men. Split into 4 parts that battle one
another for superiority over time. Tensions are always high in Armboxia due to the small land they
reside in being only the size of a large island. Hence why civil dispute are rare and physical ones are
constant. The 4 parts of the island are homed to a different race reflecting there environment.
The Sly Tan, The Intellectual Turquoise, The Strong Brown, and The Resilient Green. Each housing a
different leader that have there own goals and means of leading his men.
The Creation
It was just a normal grassland area filled with trees and wild life. Then suddenly 2 different
colored army men. Green and Turquoise arose from thin air. They started out friendly with one
another expanding there lands and exploring with one another. After an entire year certain members of
both groups where upset with the nations certain means of living. Splinter groups of both Nations
split off and began founding nations. This caused a chain reaction that led to war.
The past wars
There are 3 major wars that shaped the nations and current climate of the nations. The Banja war,
The great confusion, and The Home War. The Banja war took place in Armboxia and shaped the nations
as they are now. It formed the Sly tan and The Strong Brown. The great confusion was mostly taking
place in Armboxia but then a sudden attack on the blue nation testing out a new weapon collided with
a tans grenade that was also new to the battle. It then lead to the discovery of The Home. Last but
not least the home war took place in the home when random teleportation caused certain members
of the nations to be cut off from Armboxia creating split factions. It’s been years since the
separation and many wars have taken place ever since.
The Banja War
The Banja war ended 5 years ago and lasted 2 years. This was the first war and started when the
green splinter group decided to fire upon a green scout group that were on the lookout for the lost
splinter group in the Green nation. The green nation scout group suffered a beating with only 5
members of there 30 man scout squad left standing.. 20 Lost and 5 captured. After that the leader of
the green nation John Owen decided that the splinter group cannot be reasoned with and ordered a
search and destroy order to his Infantry and Armor Division named Scorched Earth.
Scorched earth found the where about of the splinter group and find them in the earshy swamp with
over 6 Division of infantry and 3 armor. They were creating more men and apparently siding with the
Blues splinter group to steal armor and resources from both nations. Unfortunately the Scorched
earth Division reported that the splinter group was apart of the blue nation making it seem as if the
blues were siding with the Splinter group. When John heard of this he asked the current blue nations
leader Abrian what is the meaning of this. Abrian told him that they also have a splinter group and he
must of find them. He asked for the coordinates of there where about but due to the fact that john
did not trust the blue nation so he didn’t tell him. Young Abrian took it personally shattering both
nations peace and basically started the Banja War by threatening the green nation if they do not reveal
the where about of the green splinter group.
The green nation went head to head with the blues unleashing a number of tactics they were saving
for a rainy day when peace finally ended. Denting both powers to a considerable degree. The greens
where so surprised of the technical prowess the blue nations had. They possess tanks that could
move faster and great penetration for it’s size.. The greens may have had a technical disadvantage but
they definitely had a number tactical advantage. The greens versatility lent many outright loses to a
near perfect victory. Neither side let up and both took heavy loses and near perfect victory in one
battle or another.
While the blood thickens in both lands and numbers and resources starting to dwindle from the
splinter groups stealing resources from both nations and the war. 4 months after the start of Banja
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