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middle age skirmish
Small-scale tactical wargame rules
By Ádám Tilinger. Version 1.0e
rogan anxiously peered out from behind the tree - for the tenth time during
the last five minutes. He finally saw what he was waiting for: They come –
murmured the bandit, and prepared himself. Mild excitement flowed through his
body, even though this was not the first time he put his life to stakes.
He participated in twenty or thirty raids, ever since he left Shrewsbury. After Wallis
- their former leader – was caught he personally schemed about ten of those, and he
was the one who led his men during those ambushes. He had no desire for being the
boss though. Right now, he is here to collect all the equipment needed to free
Wallis, and to get rid of this burden...
The marching party on the road came closer and closer every second. Brogan looked
out again, making sure that it was indeed the tax collector and his bodyguards
approaching. As he was reassured, he made the signal. The whistle did not imitate
any bird whistle, it could not have mislead anyone, but that was not the purpose.
Suddenly eight or ten gray outlaw raised from the bushes a few steps north of the
road, with bows drawn. They released their arrows. None but two of the missiles hit
their target, with only one causing actually any damage.
Good guys, just a little inexperienced – he thought, as they were hasting to load their
bows and shoot again. Since the king is in captivity, the country is groaning under
the weight of the taxes due to the tremendous ransom. More and more people are
forced outlaw: bakers, blacksmiths, farmers... None of them are real fighter materiel.
Another whistle sounded, and a mighty tree fell on the road.
In just a few moments, the group stuck on the road seemed to gather their lines. A
knight led the soldiers: the crossbowmen set the attackers under fire, while two
teams of men-at-arms approached them from both sides slowly from cover to cover.
They were just a few steps away as the third – final – whistle was blown. The
ambushers turned into a sudden retreat. They’ve been exploring the wilderness for a
week now, knew most of its dangers, thus could move on swiftly. Much faster than
their shield- and armour-clad pursuers.
A minute passed and the bluster of the chase wasn no longer heard. The small group
of guards on the road listened uptight. There was no more whistle. Just a lone arrow
piercing through the air, straight into the nape of a remaining guardsman. Brogan
reloaded, while three of his buddies also appeared, and shot. By the time the guards
would have regrouped, only two of them remained. The four rogues charged down
the road, and quickly gained the upper hand on them.
Brogan stepped to the shaky tax collector, and opened his mouth to speak.
Then suddenly, he felt a short blow to his neck. His vision went black, all his power
flew out of his body and collapsed helplessly. He still heard the crude voice of the
sheriff though:
- Brogan Twofingers, we’ve been expecting you. Welcome to Nottingham!
Climbing terrain ......................................... 26
rules........................................................ 27
skirmishes ...................................................5
do you need to play? ........................................6
of a warrior .........................................7
Class .............................................................7
Characteristics ..............................................7
Characteristic tests........................................7
the game .......................................................9
Direction and visibility .................................9
Random direction .......................................10
The turn ......................................................10
Game workflow ..........................................11
Mounts ....................................................... 27
Advanced weapon rules ............................. 27
Sidequests................................................... 27
Weather ...................................................... 28
Time of day ................................................ 29
Patrol mode ................................................ 29
Advanced campaign rules .......................... 29
More than two players................................ 30
House rules................................................. 30
................................................................. 31
Special, out of sequence actions .................13
On ground...................................................15
Out of action ...............................................15
Panic ...........................................................15
Weapons .....................................................16
Defensive equipment ..................................16
Other equipment .........................................16
and hindrances ...............................................18
Choosing a scenario ................................... 31
Setting up the game .................................... 31
Deployment ................................................ 33
Playing the game ........................................ 33
Creating your own scenarios ...................... 33
Brawl .......................................................... 34
Kill Bill ...................................................... 35
King of the Hill .......................................... 36
Capture the Flag ......................................... 37
A Damsel in Distress.................................. 38
Honey Trap................................................. 39
Breakthrough.............................................. 40
Street Fight ................................................. 41
Carnival Carnage........................................ 42
Tax Attack.................................................. 43
Gingerbread................................................ 44
Deadly desires ............................................ 45
The Silver Arrow........................................ 46
It’s Christmastime!..................................... 47
................................................................ 48
Factions ......................................................22
Heroes and henchmen.................................22
Faction lists.................................................22
Creating your own warriors ........................24
Obstacles ....................................................25
Broken terrain.............................................25
Buildings ....................................................25
Heavy objects .............................................25
Lakes and ponds .........................................25
Rivers and streams......................................26
Starting a campaign.................................... 48
Playing a campaign .................................... 48
Exploration................................................. 48
Character advancement .............................. 49
Winning a campaign................................... 49
....................................................................... 50
warbands .................................................... 52
reference sheet .............................................. 53
roster sheet............................................... 54
In a game of Nottingham your tabletop changes into the
forests, villages or castles of middle age Britannia. Small
warbands of ten to twenty miniatures fight out
skirmishes against each other there. Each model
represents a single warrior with unique characteristics
and skills.
The goal of the game is to defeat your opponent which
will require cunning tactics and eventually a good deal of
luck too.
It is advised to play a few independent skirmishes at first,
to become acquainted with the rules of play and with the
warband of your choice. The book also contains rules for
playing campaigns, where your warband may develop
continuously. With every skirmish suvived, your
warriors become more experienced, their attributes may
inrease and may even learn deadly new skills. Rookies
might turn into mighty heroes, heroes might raise their
skills to nearly superhuman. The warband may also
become more wealthy which will allow recruiting new
members or buying more advanced equipment. Your
goal is – after countless adventures – to become a legend.
In addition to this rulebook you will need the following
to play the game:
An opponent
These rules were written for two players, thus you will
need an opponent to play.
Both players will need miniature figures to represent
their warriors on the battlefield. A warband will usually
contain ten to twenty miniatures.
The rules were designed for 25-28 mm miniatures. This
is the advised scale, but Nottingham can naturaly be
played at other scales as well by proportionally inreasing
or decreasing the distances defined in the book.
All the miniatures are based on separate bases, the shape
and size of which is not bound, but preferably unified
through both warbands. Advised is a quadratic base with
15-20 mm sides (for 25 and 28 mm miniatures
respectively), or a circular one with the same size.
The rules might call the player to measure the distance
from a miniature. Do this by measuring the distance from
the closest point of the base of that figurine. The distance
between two miniatures is thus the distance between the
closest points of their bases.
The outcome of the engagement will partially depend on
luck. Luck in this game is determined by rolling of dice.
These rules use six sided dice for all the rolls without
These dice will function as markers throughout the game,
so both players will need ten to twenty of them
(depending on the size of the warband).
There are three commonly used terms in the rulebook
regarding dice:
Free dice:
These are the dice which are free to use for
activations by the player during the game turn. You may
take some from this pool for activation, after which they
become activating dice.
Activating dice:
These are the dice used for resolving the
current action. After the actions of a warrior are resolved
they become bound dice on the model.
Bound dice:
These are dice previously used to resolve
some action of a model. They are attached to this model
(you should place them as close to the model as
possible). The more actions they perform, the more
bound dice they will recieve, and their actions more
likely fail due to weariness. Some of these dice will
return to the free dice pool at the end of each turn.
A battlefield
The players will need something to play the encounter
on. Every hard, horizontal surface will do – most tables
will suit the purpose. You can go as you please with the
dimensions of the playing area, but to avoid a crowded
battlefield a minimal table size of 3’x3’ is recommended.
For a diverse, grippig game it is encouraged to fill the
battlefield with scenery as many as possible: these
skirmishes are usually not fought on bare meadows, but
in villages, forests and castles.
Tape measure
To define the movement and other ranges of your
warriors you will need something to take measurementss
between points. A flexible tape measure is recommended
for this. The rules in the book handle distances in inches
(”) and foot (’).
During the game players are allowed to
measurements between any two points, anytime.
Brogan has made two activations this round, each with
one dice, and he has now two bound dice attached (one
of which is a special bound dice for aiming, thus with six
face up).
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