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Collecting Toy
Soldiers in the
21st Century
Picture 2: Haffner semi-flats, Franco-Prussian War
These beautiful but well used semi-flat figures must have been made closely following
the events of the war. The wonderful set of flat tin backdrops depict a burning city
with war damaged buildings and a citadel on top of a hill firing its guns. This might be
the fortress of Sedan.
De Dic at ion
This book is, as always, dedicated to my darling wife Mary.
Picture 1: Jacket picture: The drums and fifes of the Royal Welch Fusiliers
This special paint band I bought from the Pottier-Smith collection. H.L. Pottier-Smith
was a leading member of the British Model Soldier Society from when it started in
1935, and was one of the few collectors with the desire and resources to take full
advantage of Britains offer to make up models of customer’s choice on request. It
is all very well for people to grumble that Britains did not make this or that. What
most of these people meant was that Britains did not include what they particularly
wanted in their regular range, at their regular prices, because for most of the 1930s,
1940s and 1950s Britains were perfectly happy to quote the cost of anything anyone
desired within reason. The beautiful little set, painted to an enhanced standard with
black flashes behind the neck, is both a tribute to Britains best craftsmanship and an
endorsement of the urge in collector communities to elevate quality and excellence
onto the pinnacle of value and desirability.
Picture 3, opposite: Haffner vignette, semi-flat, Franco-Prussian War
Beautiful vignettes of this type, combining a number of figures in a single setting,
became a traditional centrepiece for Best Quality flats, semi-flats and solid figures in
Germany. No one can deny they have WOW! factor. This one comes from the same
series depicted in the frontispiece.
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