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Model Soldiers
WY Carman
Collecting model soldiers, like collecting
dolls, has a two-fold appeal to the collector.
Not only is he acquiring antiques or future
antiques, which are of historical and socio¬
logical interest, but he is also building up a
collection of objects of considerable emotive
impact—and this quality is particularly strong
for the collector who is also a war-gamer.
This book, however, is intended more for
the ‘non-combatant’ collector and, therefore,
includes a preponderance of the older antique
and potentially antique figures. The author
does, however, have a strong awareness and
appreciation of the modern connoisseur
figures; pieces painstakingly produced today
to a very high standard of artistry. The histori¬
cal development is, therefore, traced up until
the present day, both in the introduction and
in the comprehensive range of figures—taken
almost entirely from the author’s own collec¬
tion-used in the colour plates.
W. Y. Carman,
F.R.Hist.s., before join¬
ing the staff of a military museum in 1950,
had engaged in military uniform research as
well as the commercial production of flat tin
soldiers and the larger solid historical figures,
and in 1935 helped found the British Model
Soldier Society, of which he is a life Vice-
(For other titles in this series see back flap)
Jacket: King Caractacus (O. Gottstein) c. 1936: British
general officer (Stadden) c. 1960. (See page 15.)
Designed by: Kenneth Farnhill
ISBN: 0-529-04684-9
Model Soldiers
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