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Silent Legions
by Kevin Crawford
Nikola Avramovic
Luigi Castellani
Earl Geier
Illustrations By
David L. Johnson
Joyce Maureira
Miguel Santos
ISBN 978-1-936673-59-9
©2015, Sine Nomine Publishing
Table of Contents
Creating a Character ......................................... 3
Heroes for a Desperate Hour
The Rules of the Game ....................................... 21
Soldiers In a Lost Cause
Sorcery .................................................................... 33
Arcane Rituals and Eldritch Arts
Creating Your Mythos ..................................... 53
Summoning Up the Damnable Powers
Building Your World ....................................... 89
Creating Dark Circumstances
Cults ........................................................................ 135
Sicknesses That Never Sleep
The Bestiary ......................................................... 147
Creatures of Bleak Dreams
Game Master Resources ................................. 166
Red Rags and Shards of Bone
....................................................................... 182
A Nightmare Beneath the Skin
The world is broken in hidden ways. The truth is concealed for the
sake of mortal minds. The unendurable reality that boils behind the
stars is veiled by the pleasant blindness that human sanity requires. Yet
every comforting shroud must fall in time, and for these investigators,
that time is now.
Human survival is lit by the flame of combusting minds. Someone must
go forth into the dark, to pry up the secrets and expunge the hidden
things, to sacrifice their own lives and sanity that humanity’s safety
might endure another hour. To deal with these horrors for long is to
embrace a fate worse than any common death, but there are always
a few, always so very few, that are willing to pay this price. Some act
out of love, others out of courage, some for the sake of unquenchable
curiosity, and a few cannot even name their own cause. But they act
and they suffer and they die, and by their blood is purchased a little
more time for those who remain.
Silent Legions
is a game of modern-day Lovecraftian horror, one
designed to allow courageous investigators and luckless would-be
victims to strike back against the horrors of an encroaching darkness.
Where the ineffable abominations of foreign realities bleed into our
world, these heroes are ready to do what they must to drive them back.
When terrible truths and forbidden sorcery boil up from hidden places,
they break the cults and stifle the black revelations that madmen would
force on an unwilling world. Most of these heroes die in the process;
some suffer worse fates. A very few live to be examples to those who
will come after.
Silent Legions
is different from many existing Lovecraftian games in
that it is designed as a sandbox toolkit for the Game Master. Entirely
new gods, aliens, entities, and other components of a new Mythos
can be created, plunging the perhaps-too-familiar denizens of the
conventional Cthulhu Mythos into a fresh and satisfying mystery.
Many of the tools within these pages are designed to be used with any
role-playing game of enigmatic horror, and you should feel free to pick
and pluck from them to serve your own purposes.
Creating a Character
you’ll learn how to make a suitable investigator
for the dark days to come. These brave men and women may have
come from ordinary circumstances and commonplace lives, but they
are soon to be plunged into the darkness of a new world. Choose their
skills and particular aptitudes and arm your hero as best you can against
the nightmares they are soon to encounter.
The Rules of the Game
relate the basic mechanics for playing
While the framework of the system is drawn from certain
classic role-playing games of the seventies and early eighties, you’ll
find these systems compatible with
Stars Without Number, Other
Spears of the Dawn,
all Sine Nomine games that provide
additional options for your evening’s gaming.
speaks of magic both black and gray, enchantments that can
be used without hopelessly damning the sorcerers soul and those for
wizards with fewer compunctions. Daring investigators might unearth
the secret grimoires and hidden teachers of these arts and enlist them
for their own ends. Game Masters might find equal use in this chapter
in building fresh sorcerous evils for the heroes to confront. Those who
favor other gaming systems can use the tools in this chapter to build
horrific spells for their evil high priests and malevolent liches.
Creating Your Mythos
is half of the heart of
Silent Legions,
the tools
you need to build an entirely new Lovecraftian Mythos for your own
campaign. Conjure fresh powers, new aliens, and unheard-of cults to
baffle and blight the heroes, presenting them with horrors that have
not been cataloged in countless other works.
Building Your World
is the second half of the game’s true focus. The
location tags and adventure templates here are designed to allow for
fast sandbox content creation, setting up a framework before play that
will allow a Game Master to quickly and easily creative investigative
adventures when the heroes decide to leave the beaten track of a
preexisting plot. By fabricating a campaign region with the guidelines
given here, a reader can smoothly slot a rough adventure outline into
the specifics of a particular place and create a night’s adventure with
no more than a few strokes of polish and detail.
are part of any Lovecraftian world, but all too often they lie
dormant and unmoving until the PCs impinge on their plans. The
guidelines here are adapted from the Faction rules of Stars
and help the GM to create background activity among the
nefarious powers of their setting. Malevolent cults do not play nicely
with each other, and the vigorous interplay of violence, sorcery,
betrayal, and grasping acquisition between them can leave many cracks
in their concealment. The outcomes of cult squabbling can make for
easy hooks for PC adventures, and the framework can also be used to
support PC-led organizations dedicated to better ends.
The Bestiary
is written to support GMs who want something fresh for
their nameless abominations. While a few classic monstrous examples
are provided, much of the text is devoted toward building new horrific
creatures and providing them with appropriately terrifying traits. Given
the classic gaming system used in
Silent Legions,
vast numbers of
old-school fantasy monsters can be smoothly imported into your own
game, with a few little tweaks to provide extra squamousity in play.
Finally, the Game Master Resources are provided to give a few
generally-useful tools, such as guidelines for converting material
from other systems, a Lovecraftian name generator, and the creative
organizations, frameworks, and tweaks offered by the ingenuity of ten
heroic Kickstart backers who nobly supported this game’s creation.
Silent Legions
is built to be a solid, smooth, fast-running game of
supernatural horror. You’ll find everything you need to unleash the
monstrous evils of the outer dark on an unwitting world within these
pages. For extra prospects of atrocity, you can import material from
other Sine Nomine games, with classes, foes, and adventure tags
compatible with everything given in this book.
The world is in darkness, but you will fashion what lies behind the veil.
The heroes fashioned here may not live long and their deeds may be
forgotten beneath a shroud of secrets, but the truth of their heroism
will remain. Turn the page, then, and see what awaits you…
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