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Operation Heracles
Getting Started
Welcome to
Operation Heracles,
the starter
set for Warpath – The Futuristic Battle Game.
In this set you will find all the miniatures,
counters and rules needed to get started with
the game. Over a series of pivotal missions,
you will learn how to play as you command
your army – either the unyielding Forge
Fathers or the mighty Enforcer Corps – and
decide the fate of the volcanic planet Triton.
What’s in the box?
forces at war there. It also has a guide to your
new models, and the battle statistics of each
Plastic Tokens
– These coloured tokens help
to keep track of in-game effects. Keep these
near the table, you’ll need them often!
Command Dice
– This is a special set of
8-sided dice, used to give Orders to your
troops using the
Command & Control
advanced rules.
Two Armies
– The box contains lots of finely
detailed miniatures that make an Enforcer
army and a Forge Father army for you to
battle with. You will need to build them before
you start playing – follow the pictures of the
armies in this book, and the assembly guide
opposite, to put them together.
Starter Rulebook
– This contains all the rules
you'll need to play the game using your new
miniatures. One end of the book contains
rules to play the mass battle game
and the other end contains rules to play the
skirmish-level game
Read This First
– This is the booklet you're
reading right now! It has information about
the conflict on Triton and the two opposing
assembling your new models
Using hobby clippers, carefully remove
the model parts from the frame.
Tidy up any rough areas and mould lines
with a hobby file so that the pieces fit
snugly together.
Glue the parts together, one at a time,
using the correct type of glue (see below)
Attach the finished model to the
appropriate round base.
You can download detailed assembly
instructions for each kit from
Important: Glue
The models in this set are made from different
materials that require the use of different
types of glue to assemble.
The Enforcer Jetbikes and all models supplied
on a plastic frame can be assembled using
Plastic Glue (sometimes called poly cement).
Any other models in your set (including any
metal upgrade parts) must be assembled with
Super Glue.
Painting your new models
Once the glue is dry, you can paint your
models using water-based acrylic paints and
a small brush. You don’t have to paint them in
order to play, but it looks really cool if you do!
The models in this book have been painted to
match the Krestürsson Forge Father Clan and
the Perseus North Enforcer Battalion. You can
follow these colour schemes, or invent your
own if you wish.
Mantic recommends the Army Painter
range of Colour Primer sprays, Warpaints,
and Quickshade Washes for painting your
Warpath models. You can find out more at
The Future Battlefield
To play a game of Warpath, you will need a
play on. This could be any flat surface, from the kitchen table
to a fully modelled gaming board, but should ideally be no
more than
48” deep
48” wide.
If you’re using a bigger
table then mark out the boundary so you know where
the ‘edge’ of the battlefield is. Your
battlefield will also need
covering it to provide cover for
your advancing troops.
But I can’t wait!
If you don’t have any gaming terrain, there is nothing wrong with using piles of
books, cups, boxes and straws to decorate your battlefield – don’t let anything stop
you from getting stuck in!
The Landscape of War
Terrain is important to any tabletop game. It helps set the scene and provides your troops with
something to fight over, manoeuvre between and take cover behind.
To help you set up your battlefield, here's a quick overview of the types of terrain you'll need to
represent the war-torn volcanic mining colony of Triton.
Impassable Ground
This should be no more than 4" long x 4" wide.
This could be a deep crevasse in the ground
or a volcanic vent filled with hissing steam or
deadly lava.
Large Defensible
This should be no more than 6” long x
6” wide, and between 2"- 6" tall. This
could be an abandoned warehouse,
ruined mine building, or a dense
rocky outcrop.
This should be no more than 6” long and 1”
wide, and up to 1" tall. This could be a row of
sandbags or cargo crates & barrels, a length
of industrial pipeline, or a low perimeter wall.
Small Impassable terrain
This should be no more than 3” long x 3”
wide, and up to 2" tall. This could be a heap
of industrial scrap, unstable rubble, or some
kind of chemical storage silo.
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