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DBM: Middle-Earth Army Lists
Middle-Earth Army Lists for DBM
Luke Ueda-Sarson
Version 4.5, December 28, 2000
Lists included:
(Grey-Elves) including Ossiriand, Lorien and Mirkwood
- the forces of Morgoth
(Deep-Elves) including Nargothrond and Lindon, but not Gondolin
- including the Wainriders, Khand and the Balchoth
- the forces of Sauron
and the Southron Kingdoms
- including Arnor and Gondor before the end of the second Age
and Woodmen
of Rhovanion
in the third age
and its successors, Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur
- the forces of the Witch King
and early Eotheod
and later northern Rhovanion
- the forces of Saruman the White
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DBM: Middle-Earth Army Lists
These lists are arranged in chronological order, but because of the peculiar dating difficulties associated with
the First Age in particular, exact starting and terminating dates for each list have not been given. The Second
Age is herein abbreviated 2A, and the Third Age 3A.
As Tolkien wrote his works over a considerable number of years, there are often large conceptual differences
between the ideas he presented as first conceived, as published, and as he intended them to be in the future.
Following his son when editing the Silmarillion, I have taken into account only the (latest) published
versions, rather than trying to guess future items. Conversely, when a fuller, but earlier version of a work
exists, I have ignored it in favour of an extent, but briefer and later published work, in any details that in any
way conflict with the later version, since such later works are both more developed, consistent and realistic.
For instance, the military organisation of Gondolin, as outlined in Unfinished Tales, is much later, more
developed and realistic, though less detailed and finished, than that presented in 'The Fall of Gondolin'
written in Tolkien's youth, which would see Noldor armed with clubs and slings among other things, clearly
in opposition to later ideas about the Noldor being technically advanced. Likewise, the 12 volumes of the
History of Middle-Earth are not used as evidence for these lists - they add little to the published works in
terms of army list details, since they are mostly concerend wth the development of the narrative,
developments which were, after all, discarded.
The lists are designed to work with the DBM rules as they stand, without modification. The only real
requirement that the DBM historical rules are lacking as far as Middle-Earth goes is rules for dealing with
aerial forces. Having said that, aerial forces were not in fact a common component of Mddle-Earth armies. In
the lists, aerial foces are listed as Irr LH (S) so that they can be used against 'normal' opponents without
special rules. If you want to use a more realistic set of rules to cover aerial forces (and such aerial forces
should not be allowed in competition-style battles), then click
here for my suggestions.
There are no lists included for the likes of the Teleri of Alqualonde, or the forces of Aman during the War of
Wrath. Little information is presented about them and in any case they do not belong to 'Middle-Earth', which
being a translation of Endor specifically excludes Aman (Numeneorean forces are included, since all the wars
they fought were in Middle-earth, where they established their military bases).
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DBM: Middle-Earth Army Lists
Trolls, balrogs and ettens double-based with Irr Ps (O) have the back-ranks costed at only 1 AP, as per the
rules, although since the DBM historical army lists do not allow Ps to be compulsorily double-based, it isn't
sure if these should be allowed (the regular equivalent would have the Ps for free!). However, I think this is
OK, since such double-based elements cannot get rear support from another blade against Kn because of the
Ps in the way.
Having troops double-based with differring depths for the front and back elements in this manner means their
groups break up quite easily - which seems appropriate for slightly dull-witted creatures like trolls. Since
when recoiling the double-element won't be moving back exactly half its base distance (according to the rules
on p10, last paragraph, first sentence), it is harder to judge how far back to go. I would embellish the base
slightly with say a 1mm wide whitish rock on each side of the base at the 15mm mark (assuming 15mm scale
figures here, it would be 20mm for 25mm scale figures) - tiny enough to be unnoticeable but large enough to
be spotted when looked for.
I have now included my notes on army-list justifications:
Sindar army list notes
Khazad army list notes
Angband army list notes
Noldor army list notes
Gondolin army list notes
Easterlings army list notes
Goblins army list notes
Mordor army list notes
Harad army list notes
Numenor army list notes
Dunlendings army list notes
Northmen army list notes
Gondor army list notes
Arnor army list notes
Angmar army list notes
Rohan army list notes
Dale army list notes
Orthanc army list notes
These can also be reached from within each army list.
Page references within these notes refer to the Unwin paperback editions: The Hobbit (Hob), The Fellowship
of the Ring (FotR), The Two Towers (TT), The Return of the King (RotK), The Silmarillion (Sil), and
Unfinished tales (UT), all from the 1983 reprints.
While these lists are designed with the standard DBM rules in mind, you might like to try a little
experimentation. In particular, a dragon isn't really exactly like a Khmer elephant with a bolt-shooter
mounted on the back! A better dragon representation would be something like an El (X), except that its
shooting range would be only 200p, not 500p; however it would not be killed by light troops by merely being
beaten, it would have to be doubled. I would also suggest that Bd get a + 1 tactical factor against them as they
were at their most vulnerable to being stabbed from below, and their armour wasn't fully proof against the
best axes. Another approach, perhaps better still, would be to count a dragon as sme sort of WWg (S) that
could contact enemy any enemy, in the same way that (under DBM v3.0) WWg (X) can.
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DBM: Middle-Earth Army Lists
Similarly, Ents aren't quite like El (O) - I would modify them so that they don't take a -2 CF in RGo or DGo,
but that they count as (I) against Bd.
If you feel elements with 'heroes' amongst the troops aren't heroic enough for your tastes, I suggest the
following: a heroic element adds another +1 tactical factor in ALL situations, and counts as an extra 2
element equivalents for all purposes except determining the sizes of commands for deployment purposes.
Any heroic element destoys any other heroic element, regradless of type, if it beats it in close combat. An
heroic element costs an extra 50% of the normal element cost, PLUS another 3 AP more. E.g. an heroic Irr
Kn (F) sub-general costs 27 AP, and not 19. Personally, I feel heroic qualities are adequately represented by
the standard general's +1, and the occasional 6-1 combat result, but others will disagree.
Why aren't Orcs Wb?
People just keep asking me. Well, because in Tolkien, goblins/Orcs do not engage in an 'impetuous and
ferocious collective charge to sweep away enemy foot' that the rules demand troops classified as Wb do.
They just aren't brave, willing, or even plain large enough to do it. See the
Goblins army list notes
for more
on this, and also the passage (UT, 362) describing how Goblins are unsuited to fighting shield-walls, which in
DBM Wb are the ideal troop for!
Why aren't Elves Ax?
James Anderson says according to my lists "[they] suffered heavily in open battle...[but] excelled at forest
warfare", yet I then populate their list with troop types that fight better in the open than in woods. Why not
use Irr Ax(O) or (S)? It seems that this troop type, in combination with fewer Bd and Sp, would reflect
Sindarin battlefield behavior/characteristics better than the list as published.
My reply: I think I've confused you with 'open battle'. I mean 'open battle' to mean not a skirmish, or not a
seige, or not an ambush, etc, and NOT a 'battle IN the open'.
Most historical societies that excelled in forest warfare - such Amazonian Indians, have troop types that are
not very good in DBM for 'open battles' (which is what DBM is all about), even those battles fought in close
terrain like their native forests - Bw (I) in their case, just like many Sindar, since their style of warfare isn't
dictated by the needs of open battles, but by ambushes, skirmishes, and the like.
Tolkien's Sindar are never described as skirmishers for instance, unless bow-armed, and anyway, they just
don't have what it takes to be Ax.
For instance, at the Battle of the Five Armies, it's Bard, a man, who commands those who scale the rocky
heights (although admittedly some elves were there too) - if the Elves were Ax in DBM, we'd expect them to
be doing the job.
Also, when the Sindar advanced without orders at Dagorlad at the end of the 2rd age, they were defeated
because they had little armour. An Irr Sp element that follows up recoiling or breaking-off enemy can be
tempted to advance without orders, whereas Ax won't. The Sindar spearmen behaved similarly at the Battle
of the Five Armies.
I would also note that Reg Bd (O), such as 1st age Sindar are, are just a good a troop type in a Wd as Ax (O)
Orcs are, so can hardly be claimed to be badly-off (and Ax (O) are the better Orcs!)
Why isn't there a list for the Hobbits of the Shire?
Because they never put together an 'army' large enough to qualify as a DBM-sized force. DBM is De Bellis
Multitudinis: 'Of massed warfare', and The Bullroarer defeating a few hundred Goblins with a few hundred
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DBM: Middle-Earth Army Lists
Hobbits is just a minor skirmish in the long annals in the history of Middle-Earth... (however, see here for
HotT Hobbit
Similarly, Ents never engaged in an open-battle on their own account: they fought (in their one documented
case) in conjunction with Elves in the 1st age, and the only actions they undertook when fighting Saruman
without the Rohirrim being present were confined to beseiging Isengard - and DBM isn't about seige warfare,
but battles.
Likewise while the Eagles never fought any 'battles' on their own account, they could turn up in battles aiding
other armies, hence the Eagle allied contingents allowed.
So there you are! Anyone else with similar questions should feel free to ask me.
here are some pictures
of some of my Middle-Earth troops in 15mm scale...
There are now commercials sets of rules coming out for fantasy games based on the DBx family of rules, one
such is
their web-site can be found
web site
has pictures of his Gonodrian forces amongst other things of interest for Middle-earth
See here for my Middle-Earth army lists for
Hordes of the Things.
This page last modified 24 January, 2001.
Return to my
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