Warmachine - Forces of Warmachine - Llaelese Resistance (v1.09).pdf

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Forces of Warmachine: The Llaelese
What's going on?
In early August, I got a crazy idea to create a Forces of Warmachine
book that represented something that people have been calling for
for years: The Llaelese Resistance. What you hold in your hand is
the sum of months of work by myself, a cadre of creative gamers
from across the country, and anyone with a bright idea on the
Privateer Press Forums. This is a copy of the first installment of
The Resistance, free to take and play test. Try it out, do whatever
you want with it, just let us know what you think!
What is The Resistance?
Unlike The Highborn Covenant, which is a collection of
mercenaries hired by a couple of Llaelese nobles, The Llaelese
Resistance represents the impoverished masses in Llael fighting
with no support. From the lowest of castes to the disenfranchised
ex-officers and individual specialists, The Resistance fighters don't
fight for glory or money, they fight because they must. Bested on
all sides, they can either pick up a weapon or watch as their land
gets burned in the fires of war and their families die to bombard fire
or starvation.
What's the goal?
When I started this whole thing, I never imagined it getting this big. I
thought I'd post 15 or so entries, maybe expose some people to the
existing fluff and expand on it on my own if no one else would. What
happened was unprecedented. Within a week, people kept coming
back, over and over again, to hammer out these rules. The Fan
Creation community, which is usually tiny and often overlooked,
really got behind the project. It started being taken seriously, and
within a month it was already one of the most viewed topics in Fan
Creation History.
It started to look like a business plan rather than a fun sketch. It
started looking serious. The momentum hasn't stopped. Every day,
we're updating and discussing this. The local community and our
local game stores have expressed intense interest. What was once
a creative outlet is starting to look like a legitimate product. So
here's what we want to do:
Sell it to Privateer Press.
Not for money, mind you, but as a concept. We want to be able to tell
them that their gamer base has come together to put this entire
faction in their hands. We want to deliver our specific hopes for a
faction of our design and have them publish it. In an Insider? Sure. In
No Quarter? Even better. But why not as a fully fledged faction? If
we can do the footwork, if we can show them that hundreds of
people have play tested hundreds of games and thousands of people
support this, why shouldn't we? So that's where you come in.
How can I help?
By play testing! Although dozens of games have been run with this
army already, the more minds we get on this, the better. Play as
many games as you can with as many different army compositions as
you can. Try to break this faction, or see what it's like at its
weakest. Take notes the entire time. Then, when you've got a solid
idea, send it to us.
You can find us on the Privateer Press forums under Fan Creation -
Forces of Warmachine: The Llaelese Resistance. Or, for a more
direct line, email me at wizkid2015@msn.com
Everything you do and say will impact the final outcome of this
product, so get as involved as you can. Check out the discussion and
try out the rules as they change. Better yet, try tweaking them
yourself and tell us what you come up with. Not everyone's ideas
will make it to the final product, but they will all help steer us in
the right direction.
Sincerely, Thank you.
-Michael Murphy
Table of Contents:
Basics of the Llaelese Resistance
Tactics and Information
History of Llaelese Resistance
The Composition of the Llaelese Resistance
Theme Forces
The Llaelese Resistance army is a stand alone army made for the world of Warmachine. It
represents the poor and downtrodden, the patriots, and those trapped between a rock and a hard
place. These soldiers recieve little to no funding, and fight the entirety of the Iron Kingdoms to
keep what little they have.
A Llaelese army may hire any mercenaries who would normally work for The Highborn
Covenant. Additionally, Ashlynn d'Elyse, non-character mercenary warjacks, Anastasia DiBray,
Gorman di Wulfe, Ragman, and Taryn di la Rovissi are considered Resistance models when
taken with this army.
The Resistance is a hit and run army. Comprised of impoverished exiles and underfunded
experts, they must rely on wit and skill rather than raw power and durability.
Almost all of the force will die to a stiff breeze, so avoid AOEs. Play to their advantages; high
defense and great maneuverability. Many units like duelists and Amythest Rose Gun Mages
excel in accuracy and skill. With this army, the greatest defense is a good offense.
Thematically, The Llaelese resistance is a skirmisher army, using guarilla warfare and cover to
ambush opponents before vanishing into the ruins of their once great cities. Playing them as such
can be a great tactic as many models have both pathfinder and prowl (if not stealth). Bushwack is
also a great ability to get important models out of danger.
Llael is short on patriots. Its resistance is a dwindling few, and only the best or the lucky have
survived. The Llaelese resistance boasts some of the best models available, but at a high price.
Expect your army to be smaller than you would probably like.
History of the Llaelese Resistance
Khador invaded the western border of Llael in the winter of 604 AR, and by early spring of 605
AR, Prime Minister Archduke Deyar Glabryn had conceded and welcomed the invaders as
occupiers. Shortly after, The Protectorate of Menoth sent troops to the eastern border to harbor
safe passage for pilgrims. This eventually developed into The Northern Crusade. The absolute
desolation has left copious corpses for Cryx to harvest, And Ios's strategic positioning just to the
north lends an air of danger. While Cygnar has no direct conflict with Llael, they have removed
their token forces from the occupied lands which they'd sworn to defend.
This is the harsh reality that every Llaelese citizen must come to terms with. This is what the
Llaelese Resistance fights against. It is no simple matter of ousting the invading Khadorans, but
freeing Lleal of all occupation. Its fields are harvested by troops, and its citizens' souls are stolen
by gods, good or bad depending on your point of view.
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