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Misfit Studios Presents
The Deep Wilder
prestige class
Steven Trustrum
Shawn Richter
R equir e m e n ts
Base Attack Bonus:
Codes of Honor:
You can keep your so-called
Endurance, Track
tion. I’ve found more nobility in these
wilds than may be found in all your gilded
Knowledge (Geography) 6 ranks, Profession
(Hunter) 6 ranks, Survival 8 ranks
The race’s favored class must be either
Even amongst the most reclusive barbarians and barbarian or borderer
borderers, there are stories of men that have walked
Must have the Favored Terrain class ability
into the deepest, darkest wilds to escape civilization.
Although not feral, these self-imposed pariahs have
become savage – they have tossed aside the protocols
Cl ass Ski l l s
and ways of man by embracing the land and its bounty.
The deep wilder’s class skills (and the key ability
With their shedding of
civilization’s cloak, for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft
the deep wilder has come to
learn the land like (Herbalism) (Int), Craft (Any mundane that deals with
few others. They can move
through it and raw resources of nature) (Int), Handle Animal (Cha),
sustain themselves upon it
with startling Jump (Str), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge
intimacy. The terrain is a
friend to be (Local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),
embraced in times of peace
wielded Profession (Hunter) (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis),
like a weapon when the cry
of battle barks Survival (Wis.)
forth. The wild is friend,
Skill Points At Each Level:
4 + Int modifier.
sanctuary to the deep
wilders, even
if most other men would
call them mad
because of it.
Campaign U se
No matter how benevolent the
group’s intentions or cooperative
their deeds towards each other
may be, the deep wilder will
always choose to remain on
the outside. Even a small
band of adventurers remains
a group of people who cling
to civilization more than the
character will be comfortable
with. The deep wilder should have
a good reason for staying with his
companions, seeing as how wealth
is not the driving force behind his
Hit Die:
Cl ass F e atu re s
All of the following are class features of the deep
wilder prestige class.
We a p o n a n d Ar m o r P ro f i c i e nc y
The deep wilder is proficient with all simple
weapons, two-weapon combat, light armor and
F avo re d Ter r a i n
The deep wilder’s class levels add to
previous class levels for the sake of determining
when Favored Terrain ability bonuses increase.
To calculate when Favored Terrain bonuses
increase or when a new form of Favored
Terrain is gained, add the character’s deep
wilder level to that of the previous class
that granted Favored Terrain and use the
tally as the effective class level to compare
to the other class’ abilities.
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Savag e
A deep wilder has truly turned his back on the
trappings of civilization, granting a +2 competence
bonus to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks
when dealing with others with the Barbaric Code of
Honor, and +2 to Intimidate and Bluff checks against
others with the Civilized Code of Honor.
Unfortunately, this same savagery imposes a -2
penalty to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge
(Geography), Knowledge (Local) and Perform checks
concerning civilization and/or people with the Civilized
Code of Honor.
Bonus Feat
At levels 2, 5 and 8, the deep wilder may select a
bonus feat, taken from the following list so long as all
prerequisites are met: Brawl, Diehard, Eyes of the Cat,
Fleet-Footed, Toughness, Great Fortitude, Lightning
Reflexes, Dodge, Out Of Thin Air, Self-Sufficient,
Stealthy, Alertness and Run.
Wi l d C o m b at S ty le
At 3rd level, a deep wilder may select a combat
style influenced by the wilds from among the following.
Normally, a style may only be selected once.
By successfully remaining hidden in his first
favored terrain so as to create a surprise attack that
denies his target their dodge or parry bonus, the deep
wilder may use this ability after studying the target
from hiding for at least (5 – Wisdom modifier) rounds.
Treat a result of 0 as a standard action and any negative
number as a free action.
Meeting the conditions for an ambush allows the
deep wilder to double his initial attack’s threat range
and increases the attack’s critical multiplier by 1. These
bonuses only last until the deep wilder’s first attack has
been made or until the target regains its dodge or parry
bonus, whichever comes first.
Stealth Strike:
While in his first favored terrain, the
deep wilder gains the ability to make +1D6 sneak
attacks. To make a sneak attack, the deep wilder must
meet the same conditions required of a thief.
Declaration of Open Game Content
All text pertaining to game mechanics and statistics, along with the
class’ name, is declared Open Game Content. All graphics, logos and
trade dress are Product Identity and the property of Misfit Studios™
and cannot be used without written permission.
The Deep Wilder
Favored Terrain, Savage
Bonus Feat
Wild Combat Style
Living Off The Land
Bonus Feat
Wild Combat Style
Lost In The Wilds
Bonus Feat
Wild Combat Style
Beast Speaker
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Unlike the other wild combat styles, stealth strike
may be selected more than once with each additional
instance increasing the sneak attack damage by another
This stacks with a thief’s sneak attack damage.
Terrain Mastery:
So long as the deep wilder is within his
first favored terrain, he may add his Wisdom modifier
as a bonus to his attack rolls against any targets who do
not also have that terrain as their first favored terrain
class ability.
Although the combat style is called
“tree-fighting,” it actually refers to combat within any
high and/or awkward obstacles or features native to
the character’s first favored terrain. The character is
always considered to be taking 10 at no extra cost of
time whenever making a Balance or Climb check in such
obstacles. He can also move at his normal movement
and does not suffer any attack roll penalties typical to
such positioning.
Wild Step:
While within his first favored terrain, the
deep wilder is immune to attacks of opportunity so long
as he has at least one adjacent square either unoccupied,
or occupied by friendly creatures.
Select a new wild combat style at levels 6 and 9.
L i ve O f f th e L a nd
A 4th level deep wilder is so familiar with his first
favored terrain that all Survival checks not related to
tracking are automatically considered to be taking 20,
regardless of circumstance or distraction, while only
taking the normal amount of time for the task.
L o st I n T he Wi l ds
A 7th level deep wilder is so accustomed to moving
with the wilds rather than through them that any
attempt to track him automatically has its DC increased
by +5 unless the deep wilder purposely wants to leave
a trail.
B ea st Sp ea k e r
The 10th level deep wilder is so familiar with
the beasts of his first favored terrain that they will
not consider him a threat or prey under neutral
circumstances. Furthermore, the character gains a +2
competence bonus to Bluff, Handle Animal, Intimidate,
Knowledge and Spot checks involving such beasts.
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Open Game License v1.0a
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the
Cost, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles
Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes,
Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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trademarks of Conan Properties International LLC unless otherwise
noted. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized
OGL BARBARIAN: The Deep Wilder Copyright 2005;
Author Steven Trustrum, Misfit Studios.
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