Primeval Thule Adventure Anthology (5e).pdf

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Adventure Anthology
elcome to the lost land of Thule! This savage age is home to mighty beasts such as
the saber-tooth and woolly mammoth, bloody-handed barbarian reavers and sub-
human beastmen, and elder horrors lurking among haunted valleys or forbidding mountains.
Only the strongest and most determined heroes dare to meet the challenges of Thule, but
fame and fortune await those ready to face death in a thousand gruesome forms and carve
their names into the annals of this doomed age.
This anthology brings together three savage adventures created for the Primeval Thule 5e
Kickstarter campaign. In this book you will find:
Red Chains,
by Steve Winter
Watchers of Meng,
by Robert Schwalb
Secret of the Moon-Door,
by Richard Baker
Plus 4 new monsters to support these Thulean adventures
Adventure Anthology
provides the Gamemaster with an excellent cross-section of
Thulean experiences, ranging from a desperate quest in a city of slavers to a cursed treasure
in a jungle temple to a foul wizard consorting with extraterrene monsters. Adventure in a
savage age awaits you!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Red Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Watchers of Meng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Watcher of Meng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Degenerate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Secret of the Moon-Door
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
The Tcho-Tcho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Based on the Primeval Thule Campaign Setting by Richard
Baker, David Noonan, and Steve Schubert
Primeval Thule
Adventure Anthology
is published by Sasquatch
Game Studio, LLC, under the Open Game License version 1.0a
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Sasquatch Game Studio
LLC, the Sasquatch logo, and Primeval Thule are trademarks of
Sasquatch Game Studio, LLC. All characters and the distinctive
likenesses thereof are property of Sasquatch Game Studio LLC. This
material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of
America. © 2015 Sasquatch Game Studio, LLC.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as
Product Identity as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
and are not Open Content: All trademarks, proper names, dialogue,
plot, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress.
Disclaimer: Sasquatch Game Studio is an independent game
publisher. This game is not licensed, endorsed by, or authorized by
any third party.
Sasquatch Game Studio, LLC
Auburn, WA
Welcome to the Primeval Thule
Adventure An-
This book collects
Red Chains
of Meng,
the two stretch goal adventures created for
the Primeval Thule 5e Kickstarter (July 2015), and
Secret of the Moon-Door,
a bonus adventure we
added as our little way of saying thank you to our
excellent backers. After all, two adventures isn’t much
of a collection; three is a much better number.
The adventures presented in this book illustrate
some of the iconic themes and storylines from this
savage and intense campaign setting. At its heart,
Primeval Thule is an homage to the pulp fantasy
and pulp horror stories of authors such as Robert E.
Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clark Ashton Smith.
In these pages you’ll encounter the cruel Slavers of
Marg, a jungle ruin home to subhuman degener-
ates and a cursed gem, and the unholy alliance of
a Black Circle wizard and the terrible extraterrene
monsters known as moon-beasts. You’ll travel from
the streets of wicked cities to the depths of the
jungle and from ruined temples to alien worlds.
These are the types of stories that graced the pages
of magazines generations ago—and they can still
inspire great RPG adventures.
Red Chains,
by veteran designer Steve Winter,
presents the player characters with a unique chal-
lenge: rescuing one specific captive from the vile
institution of slavery. The heroes must travel to the
dangerous city of Marg, home of the feared Crimson
Slavers, in order to buy back or set free a barbarian
prince before a fate worse than death befalls him.
Clever parties can get far by negotiating and follow-
ing up on clues, but ultimately freedom must be won
at the point of a sword.
Watchers of Meng,
by the inimitable Rob Schwalb,
is a classic pulp adventure tale. The heroes find their
path leading to a forgotten ruin in the deepest,
darkest jungle of Thule, a place overrun by degenerate
savages. A rich prize lies hidden in the ruins, a great
jewel worth a king’s ransom, but it is protected by a
fearsome curse the heroes defy at their peril.
Secret of the Moon-Door,
by Primeval Thule
creator Richard Baker, begins with a mysterious
disappearance and reports of monsters terrorizing
an academy in one of Thule’s great cities. The heroes
soon discover that the missing sage was engaged in
researching tales of a legendary riddle in the temple
of a forgotten god—and a prize coveted by a wizard
of the Black Circle. The characters’ pursuit of the
kidnapped sage leads them through the Moon-Door
to confront their foe in a strange and distant realm.
With the publication of the
Adventure Anthology,
we have now created nine adventures for the
Primeval Thule setting. These include the three
from the
Campaign Setting
book, three stretch-goal
adventures from our original Kickstarter for the
Pathfinder, 4e, and 13th Age editions of the setting
(we’ll convert those to 5e as soon as possible), and
three new stretch-goal adventures created for the 5e
version of the setting. In ascending order of character
level, these are:
Tower of Black Flame
(PTCS; characters of
level 1–2)
Cavern of Golden Tears
(PTCS; level 2–4)
Red Chains
(level 4–6)
Night of the Yellow Moon
(level 4–6)
Watchers of Meng
(level 5–8)
The Scent of Jasmine
(PTCS; level 5–8)
Lost Tower of Viondor
(level 7–9)
Secret of the Moon-Door
(level 10–12)
Seraglio of the Mind
(level 10–12)
If you simply play them in order, you’ll have a fun
little Primeval Thule campaign that should keep
you busy for about five or six months and level up
your characters from 1 to 12 or so . . . but we hope
you’ll add a few adventures of your own devising
to the schedule. We’d encourage you to take a look
at the First Temple of Set, the Lost City of Tentak-
ron, or Voor Darayn as interesting sites from the
Primeval Thule
Campaign Setting
ready to be
developed into full-on adventures, or perhaps take a
look at the campaign arcs described in Chapter 5 of
the book for inspiration. You’re the best judge of your
own players’ interests, and you know which corners of
the continent—or types of stories—they’re interested
in exploring.
Adventure awaits you; travel light, go warily, and
keep your sword loose in the scabbard. You are about
to venture into the savage world of Thule!
by Steve Winter
An adventure for characters of levels 4–6
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