CT STP02 - Starports.pdf

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STP 002
Supplement STP-002:
Science-Fiction Adventure
in Unknown Space
StarTraveller Productions
MK- 002
Supplement MK-002:
Science-Fiction Adventure
in Unknown Space
A starports book needs to excite the player. The material needs to be interesting,
fun, and useful.
- Marc Miller on Starports
- Starport Design
- Expanded encounter tables: in port and startown
- Details of starport classes, facilities, tech and purpose variations
- Planetary interdiction and smuggling
- Ship encounters and ships in port
- Vehicles: shuttles, tugs, rescue craft, security/patrol craft
- Installations: ship tender, small orbital dock, interdiction satellite
There are many people who contributed to this document:
Rob Eaglestone
Bruce Allen Macintosh
Leonard Erickson
Thad Coons
Ernest N Rowland
Simon Early
Michael Kent
Ian Whitchurch
Jeff Cornish
Marc Miller
Kenneth Bearden
Erwin Fritz
James Kundert
George Herbert
Mark Clark
Jeff Zeitlin
Bryan Borich
Andrew Moffatt-Vallance <a.vallance@netaccess.co.nz>
Michael Koehne
Stewart Eyres
The Port Authority Handbook
The Compleat Starport (Judges’ Guild)
Miscellaneous JTAS articles
® Traveller copyright by and trademark of Far Future Enterprises. In addition,
all content herein cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the
author who contributed it.
Marc Miller on Starports
Attached is what I know about starports.
- Marc Miller
tHe sitUAtiON iNsYsteM
A star system is composed of a primary star and one or more stellar
companions. Orbiting these stars are a variety of planets, planetoid belts, and gas
giants. Orbiting planets and gas giants are a variety of satellites. But the focus is
one world... the mainworld... which is the overall best planet or satellite in the
The mainworld has a starport which, for all practical purposes, is the destination
of interstellar traffic entering the system. Starports vary in their capabilities and
facilities, depending on the details of the world itself.
CLAssiFiCAtiON OF stArPOrts
Starports are classified by their location and by their capabilities.
A starport may be located on a world surface, or it may be in orbit above the
A starport may be located on a world surface. If so, the starport is most
frequently referred to by the world name followed by the word Down. Thus, Sylea
Down is the main world surface starport for the world of Sylea.
Why a surface port? Landing close to the market is convenient for all
concerned. If the environment is at all tolerable, then life support and labor costs
are minimized.
A starport may be located in orbit above a world. If so, it is most
frequently referred to by the world name followed by Highport. Thus, Sylea
Highport is the main orbital starport for Sylea. A highport maintains scheduled
links by shuttle with the world surface (if there is no surface starport, then with
an air transport hub).
Why a highport? Many very large ships never land on a world surface; the
cargo they carry is off-loaded in orbit and shuttled down. Some worlds are
naturally inhospitable (bad surface weather, a water world, fluid oceans, or
perhaps government type D or E) and ship owners prefer not to risk their
equipment venturing down to the surface. Class A and B starports for worlds with
Atmosphere + generally have a Highport. Class A, B, or C starports at worlds
with Atmosphere B+, or Hydrographics A, or Government D or E can b expected
to have a Highport.
There is typically one major starport in a star system. Other
facilities, especially those on smaller, less important worlds in a system, are
called spaceports. They are established primarily to foster in-system travel.
Good spaceports are often established in support of farming projects, mining
projects, or small colonies.
stArPOrt tYPe
Starport type is based on a simple letter classification system (ranging from A
to E) which details their basic facilities.
A. Excellent quality facility with refined and unrefined fuel available on
site. Facilities include capability to perform annual overhaul and new starship
construction (TNAS certified designs). A naval base may be present. A scout base
is usually not present. A surface installation is present. A highport may be present
(generally if the world atmosphere is +).
B. Good quality starport with refined and unrefined fuel available on site.
Facilities include capability to perform annual overhaul and new spacecraft
construction (TNAS certified designs). A naval base may be present. A scout
base may be present. A surface installation is present. A highport may be present
(generally if the world atmosphere is +).
C. Routine quality starport with unrefined fuel available on site. Facilities
include some capability for repair (primarily replacement of TNAS-certified parts).
A naval base is usually not present. A scout base may be present. A surface
installation is present. A highport is usually not present.
D. Poor quality starport with unrefined fuel available on site or closeby. It has
no repair or construction facilities. A naval base is not present. A scout base may
be present. A surface installation is present. A highport is not present.
E. Frontier starport. With no facilities, the installation is little more than a flat
expanse of bedrock and a sign. This designation effectively means there is no
starport, but there have been previous landings and that location is indicated in
X. No spaceport or starport. The world has no indigenous space access
Worlds other than the mainworld in a system may also have spaceports.
F. Routine quality spaceport with unrefined fuel available on site and minor
repair facilities. A system defense field may be present. A military base may be
present. A surface installation is present. There is no highport. This designation is
a poor cousin to starport type B.
G. Poor quality installation with unrefined fuel available nearby. No repair
facilities are available. A system defense field may be present. A military base
may be present. A surface installation is present. There is no highport. This
designation is a poor cousin to starport type C.
H. Primitive quality installation with no facilities beyond a beacon identifying
the location. Unrefined fuel may be available nearby. This is a surface installation;
there is no highport. A system defense field may be present. A military base may
be present. This designation is a poor cousin to starport type D.
Y. No spaceport or starport. The world has no indigenous space access
tHe eLeMeNts OF tHe stArPOrt
A starport at its simplest is a bare spot of bedrock capable of supporting a ship
which wants to land. The remaining elements of a starport are added later to
support and maintain the traffic that passes through the port.
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