Mutant Chronicles 3e- Core Rulebook {MUH050001}.pdf

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2d20 Lead Game desiGn
Jay LittLe
nathan doWdeLL, Chris BirCh, miChaL e. Cross, Benn Beaton, John dunn
nathan doWdeLL, Chris BirCh, misCha thomas, gunnar roxen, daVe aLLen,
tom mCgrenery, Chris Lites, Josh Vogt, aLex Bund, Bastian soiJer
Laura hutChinson
edited by
Graphic desiGn by
mutant chronicLes written by
additionaL desiGn and deveLopment by
mattheW ComBen
artwork by
cover artwork by
sCott sChLomBurg
PauL Bonner, Christian rodrigo Quinot, Jeff Porter, Peter Bergting, toma feizo gas,
dominik kasPrzyCki, riChard hanushek, WitoLd trzCionka, miChaeL WoLmaran, Lorenzo mastriani,
emiLien franCois, aLex innoCenti, Johan fredriksson, Piotr noWoJeWski
Jared BLando, mattheW ComBen,
gunnar roxen
prooFreadinG by
cartoGraphy by
mutant chronicLes
3rd edition & updated
Factions LoGos by
community manaGers
aLex Bund
zarina kadyLBek, John dodd
nathan doWdeLL, Benn Beaton, ariC Wieder and our BaCkers!
thanks to:
Chris BirCh, misCha thomas, gunnar roxen
produced and art directed by
Joakim zetterBerg & fredrik maLmBerg at CaBinet LiCensing, LesLie BuhLer, miChaL Cross, aLex Bund, rita kokhna,
the fans Who haVe kePt mutant ChroniCLes aLiVe and the BaCkers of the mutant ChroniCLes 3rd edition kiCkstarter!
Published by: Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. 35 Turneville Road, London, W14 9PS.
Find out more about Mutant Chronicles at, and
Modiphius Entertainment Product Number: MUH050001. ISBN: 978-1-910132-16-6
The 2d20 system and Modiphius Logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment
Ltd 2015. All 2d20 system text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Any
unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal. Any trademarked names are
used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended.
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or
present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and
events described in an historical context.
MUTANT CHRONICLES and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive
likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mutant
Chronicles International Inc. All rights reserved. Artwork and graphics © Mutant
Chronicles International Inc, except the Modiphius Logo which is © Modiphius
Entertainment Ltd. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and
events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those
people and events described in an historical context.
Mutant chronicles
table of contents
chapter 01
Decision Three, Status .............................. 39
Decision Four, Environment ...................... 40
Decision Five, Education ........................... 42
Decision Six, Primary Career ..................... 50
Decision Seven, Iconic Careers ................. 57
Decision Eight, Final Customisation.......... 70
Optional Rules ........................................... 71
Character Creation Example ..................... 72
WeLCome to mutant ChroniCLes ....08
....................................................... 08
........................................................... 08
Paper and Pencils
...................................... 09
Tokens, Beads, or Poker Chips
.................. 09
What is Mutant Chronicles?
....................... 10
..................................................... 10
................................................... 10
The Opposition
......................................... 11
The Setting
................................................ 11
Combat Positioning
and Abstract Movement ......................... 127
Distances ................................................. 128
Movement and Terrain ............................ 129
chapter 12
damage, Wounds & heaLing .......... 132
chapter 06
chapter 02
exPerienCe and
gamePLay reWards ......................... 74
Short Term Rewards .................................. 74
Long Term Rewards .................................. 74
mutant ChroniCLes faCtions ..........12
The Corporations.......................................
The Other Factions
.................................... 12
Weapon Damage .................................... 132
Hit Locations ........................................... 133
Armour and Cover................................... 133
Damage and Wounds ............................. 135
Critical Injury Table ................................. 135
Status Effects ........................................... 136
Diseases and Poisons .............................. 137
Healing Options ...................................... 138
chapter 07
skiLLs and taLents ......................... 76
chapter 03
Difficulty Zero Tests .................................. 79
Skill Descriptions ....................................... 83
Hostile Environments .............................. 104
chapter 13
mentaL strain & madness .............140
the time Line ...................................14
Early History .............................................. 14
The Exodus ................................................ 15
Mankind’s Golden Age Begins ................ 16
Whitestar’s Emergence ............................. 16
The Dark Symmetry Era ............................ 17
The First Corporate War ........................... 18
The Second Corporate War ...................... 24
Second Dark Legion War .......................... 25
Timeline Secrets (GMs only) ...................... 26
chapter 08
Mental Health .......................................... 140
That Way Lies Madness ........................... 141
Recovering from Mental
Damage and Trauma ............................... 142
Dread....................................................... 143
gainging and
sPending momentum ......................116
Momentum Options ................................ 116
Group Momentum .................................. 116
Scenario Momentum Spends .................. 117
chapter 14
the dark symmetry PooL .............. 144
Starting Dark Symmetry Points ............... 145
Using the Dark Symmetry Pool ............... 146
Dark Symmetry Point Options ................ 147
chapter 04
chapter 09
Core meChaniCs .............................28
Dice Rolls ................................................... 28
The Skill Test ............................................. 28
What are Dark Symmetry Dice?................. 28
Momentum ................................................ 29
Chronicle Points ........................................ 29
Dark Symmetry Points ............................... 30
The Dark Symmetry Economy ................... 30
Example of Play ......................................... 31
ChroniCLe Points ...........................118
Starting Chronicle Points ........................ 118
Using Chronicle Points ............................ 118
Gaining Chronicle Points......................... 119
chapter 15
CorruPtion &
faLLing to darkness .....................150
Corruption Rolls ...................................... 150
The Effects of Corruption........................ 152
chapter 10
Performing aCtions......................120
Types of Actions ...................................... 120
chapter 16
gifts of the dark symmetry .........158
chapter 05
chapter 11
CharaCter LifePaths...................... 34
Character Makeup..................................... 34
Lifepath Character Creation ...................... 34
Decision One, Attributes........................... 35
Decision Two, Birth Faction ...................... 36
ComBat BasiCs .............................. 122
Combat Rounds and Time ...................... 122
Turn Order .............................................. 122
Combat Actions ...................................... 123
Response Actions .................................... 125
Combat Momentum ................................ 127
Powers Bestowed .................................... 158
The Gifts of the Dark Symmetry.............. 158
Using Dark Gifts ...................................... 159
Dark Symmetry Gifts ............................... 160
Gifts of Ilian ............................................. 161
Gifts of Algeroth ..................................... 162
Gifts of Demnogonis ............................... 164
Gifts of Semai .......................................... 165
Gifts of Muawijhe .................................... 166
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