Mutants & Masterminds Defcon 1.pdf

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Cold War Character Pack and Roleplaying Toolkit
Mike Laffert y
© 2007 Mike Lafferty. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
1.Cheesy Fiction Prelude 4
2. Introduction 6
3. How to Use this Book 6
A-Useful Terms 6
B-General Guidelines 7
C-Rewarding Roleplaying 7
Section I - Roleplaying Concepts
1-Definitions 8
2-Roleplaying Techniques 10
A--Roleplaying Scenarios 10
I---Love Interest 10
i----Complication: Wrong Side of the Tracks 11
ii----Complication: Love Triangle 11
iii----Complication: Not in a Million Years 11
II---Buddy Movie 11
i----Complication: You Think You Can Do Better? 12
III---Old and Busted vs. New Hotness 13
i----Complication: All in the Family 14
ii----Complication: So You Think You Can Do Better? 14
IV---Roleplaying Scenarios as Story-arcs 15
i----A Word About Endings (Resolutions) 15
ii-----Resolutions for Love Interest Scenario 16
i(a). Starcrossed 16
i(b). Nothing’s Ever Easy 16
i(c). Happily Ever After 16
iii-----Resolutions for Buddy Movie or Old and Busted Scenarios 16
i(a)------The Camaraderie of Battle 16
i(b)------This Ain’t Over! 16
B--Plot Twists 16
C--Thought Bubble Moment 17
I--New Action Shtick - Slugfests 17
i---The Mook Option 18
ii---The Bench-clearer Option 19
iii---Resolving the Slugfest 19
iv---Reconciliation Moment 20
Sidebar - Stanislav Petrov - A Cold War Hero
Section II - The Characters
1--How the Characters Get Together (the United Nations Meta-Security Force) 22
A--Head of the UNMSF - General Delacroix 23
B--Advisors to the UNMSF 23
I---Admiral Gordievksy 23
II---General Stryker 23
C--UNMSF Equipment 24
I---Headquarters 24
II---Spaceplane 24
2--Soviet Characters 24
A---Suggested Roleplaying Phrases 25
B---Siberian Shadow 26
C---Omega Cosmonaut 28
D---Red Hammer 30
E---Iron Ghost 33
F---Molotov 35
3--Western Characters 36
A---Suggested Roleplaying Phrases 37
B---John Bull 37
C---Old Glory 40
D---New American 43
E---Lone Star 45
F---Memphis Belle 47
G---Carolina Crusader 50
h---The Icemariner 52
Section III - Mini-Adventure
Scene 1 - Introduction 55
Scene 2 - Attack from Above 61
Scene 3 - Space Station Encounter 68
Scene 4 - The Ice Palace 73
Appendix I - Description of the Ice Palace 80
Appendix II - Player Handout - The Ice Palace Artifact Map 83
Lone Star – the cosmic-powered defender of Texas –was flying patrol over Houston.
He fished a pouch of chewing tobacco from his utility belt. It was a mundane patrol. The city was
quiet. Lone Star started thinking about heading back to his apartment, grabbing a six pack and
tackle box and heading out to the Gulf Coast to fish and flirt with coeds for the rest of the week-
The 400 foot tall robot that he spotted rampaging through the Houston financial district yanked
his mind back to the present.
“Damn it. Giant robots. Always messing up
my vacation plans,” Lone Star mumbled. He
slipped a wad of chewing tobacco between his
lip and gum and flew in for a closer look.
The metal behemoth had one large red eye
that shot crackling, crimson laser beams at
skyscrapers and passing news helicopters. A
black and red swastika was emblazoned across
its iron forehead.
“Nazi mad scientists.” He spat a wad of to-
bacco juice onto the sidewalk far below.
“You’d figure they’d all have had the decency
to die by now, wouldn’t ya?”
Lone Star charged up his fists with cosmic en-
ergy and plowed headlong towards the battle-
bot. “This is what happens when you mess
with Texas, Dieter!”
If he’d taken a second to reconnoiter, Lone
Star would have noticed that the metal mon-
ster had a super-charged electrical force field
protecting its torso. As he connected with
the robot, 30,000 volts shocked the hero, scorching his costume, and throwing him aside like a rag
Smoking and with the smell of ozone filling his nostrils, the Texan plummeted a hundred yards to
the unforgiving concrete, landing with a palpable “thunk”.
“That was….unpleasant,” Lone Star growled as his peeled himself off the street.
“No worries, Yankee! We handle it!” yelled a scarlet blur as it sped by and unleashed a fiery blast
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